Brutal police beating after man surrenders: 8 to11 officers kicking in groin and head for 2 minutes

Personally I dont give a rats ass that they beat the crap out of the douche bag.
Funny thing about all these shootings and beatings? Every single time it happens the perp was a fucken crook that resisted arrest in some form or fashion.
dont matter....if the guy is down....he is down.....when he was laying there with his hands behind his back it was over.....what i cant believe is cops doing what these dipshits did....with a fucking news copter hovering above them......are some cops that stupid?....

That was the key to the story to me as well. They go apeshit on a suspect with the freaking copter right above them filming away.

Now I have been pro cop for a long time but I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy these days with the number of over the top actions by and everyone should remember this....PROFESSIONALS.

In all sorts of threads people keep saying "well he shouldn't have ran". This guy stops running and surrenders and they still beat the ever loving shit out of him.

With a film crew above them. Give me a freaking break here.
for some people Emotion is more important than Rule of LAW !! That's a rough road to travel , reminds me of South Africa where they catch a criminal and necklace him on the spot !!
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for some people Emotion is more important than Rule of LAW !! That's a rough road to travel , reminds me of South Africa where the catch a criminal and necklace him on the spot !!

Many a time, on the inside, when cops have been tracking a serial child molester or a serial murderer I've gone "oh just one bullet and save us the trouble", but that's on the inside because I know that we have to no matter what follow the law.

We had a case up here that's beyond the pale. Vincent Li beheaded a young man on a Greyhound Bus and proceeded to eat him.

All the passengers got off. Police arrived but for some strange reason were told they couldn't take him out despite watching him eat Tim McLean. I mean they had this maniac dead to rights.

But they were ordered to do nothing. Vincent Li was found to be insane and only locked up in a psych hospital.

He's now considered "cured" and is able to be out on day passes.

And on the inside, every day, I think to myself.......just one bullet for Li. If only one cop....

*Sigh* On the inside.
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Cops, rackets boys, soldiers....when one attacks they all better attack or they'll regret it.....nobody can snitch that way.
Personally I dont give a rats ass that they beat the crap out of the douche bag.
Funny thing about all these shootings and beatings? Every single time it happens the perp was a fucken crook that resisted arrest in some form or fashion.
Those cops should be fired and go to jail.
At the same time it's very hard to believe that these criminals are that stupid. Resisting arrest will always get ugly. This kind of news are shown all over US and yet we still see these ugly scene regularly. Every time I see it Lordy "Here we go again".
Personally I dont give a rats ass that they beat the crap out of the douche bag.
Funny thing about all these shootings and beatings? Every single time it happens the perp was a fucken crook that resisted arrest in some form or fashion.
Those cops should be fired and go to jail.
At the same time it's very hard to believe that these criminals are that stupid. Resisting arrest will always get ugly. This kind of news are shown all over US and yet we still see these ugly scene regularly. Every time I see it Lordy "Here we go again".

I never said anything about the legality of their actions.
Just that I couldn't care less that the douche bag got an ass whipping,a much deserved one when you consider his record.

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