Bryan Fischer: "No More Mosques, Period"

Its amazing how little some care for the freedoms the founders designed into our system.

What's wrong with Freedom of Religion?
some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

so the only way to protect freedom of religion is to deny freedom of religion to non-christian religions?

some conservatives do not understand that the same principles of religious freedom that THEY enjoy would disappear if fundamentalist christans get what THEY want
What's wrong with Freedom of Religion?
some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

so the only way to protect freedom of religion is to deny freedom of religion to non-christian religions?

some conservatives do not understand that the same principles of religious freedom that THEY enjoy would disappear if fundamentalist christans get what THEY want

Did you know that there are some Muslims that do not want the proposed mosque in New York to be built. So it's not just Christians.
Its amazing how little some care for the freedoms the founders designed into our system.


ooooooo scary Muslim man with a nasty sign.

It will take more that that stupidity to make me give up on the constitution.

You see I believe the ideas of the founders are stronger than the ideas of ANY religion and will win in the end.

You seem to think the muslim religions ideas will win the day.
What's wrong with Freedom of Religion?
some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

Not necessarily. If one can properly prove that Islam is a threat to the US Government and that its followers wish to overthrow said Government then the 1st Amendment does not apply.

The Constitution is not a death pact. An accepted religion can not knowingly violate the laws of the land, it can not advocate in the religion the overthrow of the Government nor the murder of its citizens.

Did I miss where the 1st Amendment protects a religion that believes in Human sacrifice? Or ritual murder? Same with the advocacy of the destruction of our form of Government. Same with the advocacy of the murder of US Citizens.


This whole argument is getting silly. Really. What are we fighting about? Whether Muslims are evil? What's the best way to honor 9/11? Who should have freedom of religion, speech and assembly and who shouldn't? Whether we like grape or strawberry jelly with our peanut butter? What's the issue here?

Murder, death and the over throw of Democratic principles. Islam teaches that ONLY Islam should be allowed as the religion and the Government. It teaches that it is acceptable to murder unbelievers. That it is acceptable to lie to unbelievers to gain a foothold.

Has your church slayed, and covered up, any massacres lately, you ironic fucking fool?

Really? How many MURDERS have been done in the name of Christianity? I'll give you Tiller. That's one.

Never mind. Every time there's a discussion about Islamic terrorism, the spin doctors change the subject. Boring.

Eric Rudolph probably wanted to end abortions because of something he read in Nietzsche..


fucking fool.
well, chalk him up for willing to shred the 1st amendment

According to the First Amendment, RABID folks have a "right to life."

We'll send those folks to YOUR house, eh?

You don't give a shit about your children getting infected, or being mauled, so

Howdy! My Muslim BROS ~ Meet DiveCon! He LURVES y'all and is willing to OPEN HIS HOME to you!

BILLS??? No way! HE pays 'em!

He'll FEED you ~ whatever you'd like, whatever YOUR religion says you can eat, and Never Mind the COST of lamb chops...

Fuck that,

and Fuck You.

maybe you need to lay off the caffeine, you fucking dick puppet.
mcveigh claimed to be a christian.

McVeigh did not blow up the building in the name of Christianity bones.

Yes there are more Christians than Muslims living in America, hence they will commit more crimes. But terrorism is not just a crime. I think that's where there is a huge split between left and right. Clinton made a mistake in the first WTC bombing by treating it as a police matter, and has admitted as such. We should not make the same mistake again.

...right right... it's ALWAYS "different" somehow when christians do it.



What's wrong with Freedom of Religion?
some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

Not necessarily. If one can properly prove that Islam is a threat to the US Government and that its followers wish to overthrow said Government then the 1st Amendment does not apply.

The Constitution is not a death pact. An accepted religion can not knowingly violate the laws of the land, it can not advocate in the religion the overthrow of the Government nor the murder of its citizens.

Did I miss where the 1st Amendment protects a religion that believes in Human sacrifice? Or ritual murder? Same with the advocacy of the destruction of our form of Government. Same with the advocacy of the murder of US Citizens.

The rally cry of those who want to throw the Constitution in the ash guys should put it on a flag or something.
Its amazing how little some care for the freedoms the founders designed into our system.


ooooooo scary Muslim man with a nasty sign.

It will take more that that stupidity to make me give up on the constitution.

You see I believe the ideas of the founders are stronger than the ideas of ANY religion and will win in the end.

You seem to think the muslim religions ideas will win the day

I agree with this in part. If the entire reason behind all this chest thumping isn't fear, why are y'all so afraid the Muslims will "win"?

I don't agree we're in a fight, war or any other win-lose conflict with the entire religion of Islam though. Or at least we shouldn't be. Call me silly, but it seems to me the folks responsible for the crimes against us and whom we should be worried about are a small and separate group within that religion. Kind of like the militant extremist factions are a small and separate group within Christianity. Should we stop allowing churches to be built because a small handful of idiots blew stuff up and shot people? That would be insane.'s what the bad guys want us to feel. Congratulations people, you're handing them exactly what they wanted. :thup:
well, chalk him up for willing to shred the 1st amendment

According to the First Amendment, RABID folks have a "right to life."

We'll send those folks to YOUR house, eh?

You don't give a shit about your children getting infected, or being mauled, so

Howdy! My Muslim BROS ~ Meet DiveCon! He LURVES y'all and is willing to OPEN HIS HOME to you!

BILLS??? No way! HE pays 'em!

He'll FEED you ~ whatever you'd like, whatever YOUR religion says you can eat, and Never Mind the COST of lamb chops...

Fuck that,

and Fuck You.

Do you consider yourself a Good American Citizen?
some people seem to not understand that the same principles of religious freedom they enjoy would disappear if they got what they wanted on this

Not necessarily. If one can properly prove that Islam is a threat to the US Government and that its followers wish to overthrow said Government then the 1st Amendment does not apply.

The Constitution is not a death pact. An accepted religion can not knowingly violate the laws of the land, it can not advocate in the religion the overthrow of the Government nor the murder of its citizens.

Did I miss where the 1st Amendment protects a religion that believes in Human sacrifice? Or ritual murder? Same with the advocacy of the destruction of our form of Government. Same with the advocacy of the murder of US Citizens.



not to nitpick, but there's only one m in moron.
So is your argument that the First shouldn't apply to them in general?

If so, what behavior removes them from its protection? And how do you get around the 5th and the takings issue in regards to their property rights?

Already explained it. Islam demands it followers work to eradicate by force if needed all other religions. That murder is acceptable to enforce Islamic views and faith. It teaches that while weaker then other religions the Muslim may lie to work to gain a position of power from which to operate.

The "religion" teaches that murder is acceptable, that slavery is acceptable, that only Islam is acceptable. The goal of the religion is the world wide wipe out of all other religions and that every person must eventually be a Muslim. And that to obtain this goal Muslims may use and murder non Muslims to gain this desired result.

Islam is opposed to democracy as well. Only Islam is allowed as the Government. Islamic law and Islamic clergy as the Heads of Government.

Fear, more fear and broad generalities you could say about the Christian religion too if you want to start cherry picking the OT don't meet any of the etablished criteria, RGS.

To remove the entire religion of Islam from free speech protection, for example, you would have to meet Brandenburg. How do you propose to do that?

Get to that point and we'll work on the other two freedoms implicated here. ;)

Remember, you are taking the affirmative here and a radical affirmative position at that - you have the burden of proof.

I DID get to the point.


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