BSA and Lord Baden-Powell


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Those opposed to Gates' pronouncement about the future of gay Scout leaders may not know everything.

If I ever needed confirmation that ol' Jake was actually a Closet Liberal, masking as a Republican, serving-up this thread would certainly be in-the-running as that confirmation.

But, more to the point...

The presumed goal here is to serve-up a reinforcing lesson, that the Scouts were founded by a Gay, therefore, they should never have taken a path which rejected or discriminated against Gays.

A silly premise.

Robert Baden-Powell started a movement which espoused a variety of admirable principles, designed to guide young people towards adulthood in a moral and courageous and right-thinking fashion.

That he (supposedly, as supported by circumstantial evidence and informed speculation) was secretly Gay has nothing whatsoever to do with the principles that he articulated and codified nor the worldwide movement that he launched.

The REAL point here is that untold millions of young people (and their parents) absorbed and admired that range of principles and that articulation and codification, and joined that movement - one which was (and is) responsible for the betterment and benefit and enjoyment of untold millions of young people, worldwide, who adopted those principles.

Learning, 60 or 70 years after the Founder's death, that he might (or might not) have had a hidden sexual deviant or perverse (homosexual) side to his nature does nothing to negate the value of those principles and their articulation and codification, nor does it diminish the vast and incalculable merit and value that the movement has served-up over a century or more, nor does it serve-up any kind of reinforcing argument that the Scouts should have admitted Gays to their ranks when the very existence of such sexual deviants and perverts is anathema to the movement.

The recent collapse of resistance on the part of the Scouts, due to the extreme pressures applied against it by the Gay Mafia, and their fellow travelers - liberal activist jurists, in large part - is a huge victory for the forces of degeneracy and licentiousness and perversion, and a travesty and a tragedy for decent folk everywhere.

This tragic state of affairs has been brought about by a series of misguided and gutless interpretations of existing law, which, if deficient to hold the line against such perversion, should have been altered while there was still time.

Too late now.

Filthy, unclean, unnatural aberration.

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The boy scouts will go the way of the girl scouts. Meanwhile other institutions will rise to replace them. The ideals won't go away.

The whole key will be what the LDS Church decides about membership in the BSA.

A solid group in the leadership want a LDS version of the Boy Scouts. They have the cash and the volunteers and the enthusiasm to make it happen.
It's amazing that the (alleged) heterosexual left would risk the mental and physical well being of adolescent boys to make a political statement. No woman in her right mind would sanction a heterosexual man to be hired to supervise or be alone with a gaggle of adolescent girls. The temptation is too great. The risk is too great. The same goes for those people who's sexual orientation is directed at the people they supervise. The urge is so powerful that a Catholic Priest would risk damming his immortal soul to molest an Altar Boy so how do you think homosexual accountant or store clerk would behave when surrounded by adolescent boys? It's amazing that the radical left can be so profoundly ignorant or callus when it comes to the lives and mental health of innocent young boys.
Trail Life USA is already replacing the boy and girl scouts. It's what the scouts used to be before it became corrupt.
Only dumbo is insisting that "It's amazing that the (alleged) heterosexual left would risk the mental and physical well being of adolescent boys to make a political statement." The responsible heterosexual right, center, and left are doing nothing of the sort.

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