Bubonic plague likely already present in Los Angeles Dr.Drew says

If there were a vaccine to prevent Black Death Californians would march in protest against it.
1. Make Hillary President of Los Angeles
2. Move all Illegals there
3. Build Our Wall around Los Angeles
For more than a century has had the legal right to stop this kind of crap. Who's the wus that's asleep at the wheel in that office?
Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says
The city, with a population topping four million and a broader metropolitan area with many millions more, is awash in massive problems — overcrowding, lack of housing, and high demand for free services among them. But other far more serious problems are lurking, Dr. Drew Pinksy said on Thursday.

If only we can hear the leftist losers chanting ' WE WERE WRONG" DON'T LET THEM IN!! WE WERE WRONG DON'T LET THEM IN!!

See what you stupid fks brought now you can pay for it in spades ur kids and all.........lol
It is common knowledge that crowded conditions open the door to illness and crime. So standby Friso, La...

check it out -------shit map usa ehehe


Maps | Open the Books
Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says
The city, with a population topping four million and a broader metropolitan area with many millions more, is awash in massive problems — overcrowding, lack of housing, and high demand for free services among them. But other far more serious problems are lurking, Dr. Drew Pinksy said on Thursday.

If only we can hear the leftist losers chanting ' WE WERE WRONG" DON'T LET THEM IN!! WE WERE WRONG DON'T LET THEM IN!!

See what you stupid fks brought now you can pay for it in spades ur kids and all.........lol
/----/ Mother Nature cleans LA the old fashioned way -- PLAGUE

It will take this image right in front of them. ( the image you posted)
While plague is more famous about the only major killers that have not yet shown up in LA county stats as infecting the population so far is Cholera, small pox, malaria and plague.
Mezko should create a yard-a pult and toss them over the wall they paid for !
Worldwide, dengue is going bananas.
Dengue is not spread by humanoids.Mexican chicks who don't shave the cookie may carry a skeeter or six.
Maybe Gillette needs to get involved with border suckyertitty ?
Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says
The city, with a population topping four million and a broader metropolitan area with many millions more, is awash in massive problems — overcrowding, lack of housing, and high demand for free services among them. But other far more serious problems are lurking, Dr. Drew Pinksy said on Thursday.

If only we can hear the leftist losers chanting ' WE WERE WRONG" DON'T LET THEM IN!! WE WERE WRONG DON'T LET THEM IN!!

See what you stupid fks brought now you can pay for it in spades ur kids and all.........lol
And several police officers that work around the homeless population have been treated for typhoid fever.

Illegals bring chronic disease with them over the border. Whooping cough, measles, small pox.

Last month our hospital treated one for malaria.
While plague is more famous about the only major killers that have not yet shown up in LA county stats as infecting the population so far is Cholera, small pox, malaria and plague.
We had an illegal in NM recently with malaria. So I’m sure it’s in LA too.
#32: Human vectors of dengue are not the issue. Both dengue and yellow fever are flaviviruses, and on the north-south axis for example, yellow fever at Philadelphia, 1793, means that it moves northward according to temperature and season. Dengue has been reported from Veracruz, Chiapas, Jalisco, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and lower half of Baja, California. Cases occurring in California proper are not out of the question, the vector is Aedes aegypti.

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