Buch-Chaney Iraq War started by lies is the cause of all our trouble.


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The tile of this post is pure chum for the Loonists. It, and "Your're a Racist?" are the sum of Left-Wing Inspiration at least as far back as that blow job Bill Clinton got in the White House from a young girl who was then in his employment.

Here's the way I remember it:

1) Like Obama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein was one of the most dangerous lunatics....psychosis obvious...of the last 100 years.

2) Bush the first had a chance to take out Hussein the first time he showed he was a lunatic by invading Kuwait, but Bush didn't do it because Iraq would likely come apart. And two things happened:

A) The Loonist Press absolutely gave Bush Hell for leaving such a man in power, and hounded him out of office with that gross failure.

B) Bill Clinton let Bin Laden walk right through his hands---he had him---several times, but a blow job was more important than blowing up bin Laden. And the Loonist Press said not a word.

3) 9/11 comes along...and it brings a new kind of war...one with a stateless enemy...a war in which mistakes will necessarily be made... because it is a new kind of war...and George Bush made some mistakes while we figured out how to fight this new war.

4) Bush does just exactly opposite from his father---he took out the really dangerous lunatic--the one who had the whole power of Iraq behind him--who had already used WMPs on his own people.

5) And the Loonist press cussed and vilified him just as mercilessly as they did his father years earlier...for doing exactly the opposite thing.

6) And, then, it becomes settled fact that Bush-Cheney lied like dogs when they said Hussein had WMPs and thus got us in to a wrongful war, never mind it took out the most dangerous lunatic alive, the very lunatic the Loonist Press wanted taken out earlier when it suited the Democrats claim to want it.

7) And, so then Kerry is trying to start a war with Syria...to try to back up his dumbass community organizer's RED LINE...this is just last falll...and he testifies as follows to both the House and Senate...I listened to both:

"There are only two men who ever used WMDs own their own people and they are Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein". That's Fall 2013.

And, yet Bush and Chaney are yet condemned liars for claiming the Saddam Hussein had WMD's!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a single Loon on this board can sniff out an inconsistently in all of this.
The tile of this post is pure chum for the Loonists. It, and "Your're a Racist?" are the sum of Left-Wing Inspiration at least as far back as that blow job Bill Clinton got in the White House from a young girl who was then in his employment.

Here's the way I remember it:

1) Like Obama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein was one of the most dangerous lunatics....psychosis obvious...of the last 100 years.

2) Bush the first had a chance to take out Hussein the first time he showed he was a lunatic by invading Kuwait, but Bush didn't do it because Iraq would likely come apart. And two things happened:

A) The Loonist Press absolutely gave Bush Hell for leaving such a man in power, and hounded him out of office with that gross failure.

B) Bill Clinton let Bin Laden walk right through his hands---he had him---several times, but a blow job was more important than blowing up bin Laden. And the Loonist Press said not a word.

3) 9/11 comes along...and it brings a new kind of war...one with a stateless enemy...a war in which mistakes will necessarily be made... because it is a new kind of war...and George Bush made some mistakes while we figured out how to fight this new war.

4) Bush does just exactly opposite from his father---he took out the really dangerous lunatic--the one who had the whole power of Iraq behind him--who had already used WMPs on his own people.

5) And the Loonist press cussed and vilified him just as mercilessly as they did his father years earlier...for doing exactly the opposite thing.

6) And, then, it becomes settled fact that Bush-Cheney lied like dogs when they said Hussein had WMPs and thus got us in to a wrongful war, never mind it took out the most dangerous lunatic alive, the very lunatic the Loonist Press wanted taken out earlier when it suited the Democrats claim to want it.

7) And, so then Kerry is trying to start a war with Syria...to try to back up his dumbass community organizer's RED LINE...this is just last falll...and he testifies as follows to both the House and Senate...I listened to both:

"There are only two men who ever used WMDs own their own people and they are Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein". That's Fall 2013.

And, yet Bush and Chaney are yet condemned liars for claiming the Saddam Hussein had WMD's!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a single Loon on this board can sniff out an inconsistently in all of this.

Incorret on many points; see Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Amin, and many others.
speaking of lies

now they're back to blaming Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
speaking of lies

now they're back to blaming Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

Don't worry. We don't just blame Bush. It was also following failed Republican policies. Look at Red States. 150 years of conservative policies and they are disasters. And so stupid. You have Texas begging California and New York for educated workers. They just don't grow 'em good in Red States.
Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.

"The CBO estimated that of the $2.4 trillion long-term price tag for the war, about $1.9 trillion of that would be spent on Iraq, or $6,300 per U.S. citizen.[9][10]

"Joseph Stiglitz, former chief economist of the World Bank and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and Linda Bilmes of Harvard University, have stated the total costs of the Iraq War on the US economy will be three trillion dollars in a moderate scenario, described in their book The Three Trillion Dollar War and possibly more in the most recent published study, published in March 2008.[11]

"Stiglitz has stated: 'The figure we arrive at is more than $3 trillion. Our calculations are based on conservative assumptions...Needless to say, this number represents the cost only to the United States.

"It does not reflect the enormous cost to the rest of the world, or to Iraq.'"

The lies that launched the Iraq War are currently enriching western oil companies, and that looting is just getting started.
Bush was too lenient with the libs. He went along with Clinton's CIA advisors too much. He made some decisions I did not agree with.

However, he tried to be presidential, patriotic, and honest. He was far superior to the lying scumbucket we have now! Get ready, there may be another "President Bush!"
If there were WMD in Iraq that were shipped to Syria just before the invasion then George W. Bush is even more of a fuck up than previously shown.

Do you understand what you're saying? The entire Bush administration, the fucking CIA, the FBI, the IAEA, the UN, MI6, the ISI, every fucking single intelligence agency on the planet was outwitted by Saddam Hussein. This is the theory that you support?
If there were WMD in Iraq that were shipped to Syria just before the invasion then George W. Bush is even more of a fuck up than previously shown.

Do you understand what you're saying? The entire Bush administration, the fucking CIA, the FBI, the IAEA, the UN, MI6, the ISI, every fucking single intelligence agency on the planet was outwitted by Saddam Hussein. This is the theory that you support?

Sure, domino effect. Perhaps they WANTED to believe Clinton's people?

There were other contributing factors also such as UN Resolutions that were ignored etc.
Type the words "Curveball lied" into any search engine. Bush and Cheney lied. They lied and they should be stripped of every dollar until their families are begging for scraps, and then they should be imprisoned alone in a small room until they die. Their deaths should be announced to the world as a good thing.

War criminals deserve to hang but Americans don't have the stomach for that anymore. "Out of sight, out of mind", so to speak. Americans are fine with going after other countries' war criminals, but never our own "because we're the good guys." It might be funny if so many people weren't dying needlessly as a result of "American exceptionalism".
Type the words "Curveball lied" into any search engine. Bush and Cheney lied. They lied and they should be stripped of every dollar until their families are begging for scraps, and then they should be imprisoned alone in a small room until they die. Their deaths should be announced to the world as a good thing.

War criminals deserve to hang but Americans don't have the stomach for that anymore. "Out of sight, out of mind", so to speak. Americans are fine with going after other countries' war criminals, but never our own "because we're the good guys." It might be funny if so many people weren't dying needlessly as a result of "American exceptionalism".

Quote: Originally Posted by KNB
And the coward American Taliban are hiding behind human shields. That's your idea of patriotism.

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some RACIST ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.

Thank you for finally confirming that you are a subversive, in the style of the ones McCarthy warned America about, that cares nothing about America, just as long as your fellow subversives can plunder the citizens of the country. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Type the words "Curveball lied" into any search engine. Bush and Cheney lied. They lied and they should be stripped of every dollar until their families are begging for scraps, and then they should be imprisoned alone in a small room until they die. Their deaths should be announced to the world as a good thing.

War criminals deserve to hang but Americans don't have the stomach for that anymore. "Out of sight, out of mind", so to speak. Americans are fine with going after other countries' war criminals, but never our own "because we're the good guys." It might be funny if so many people weren't dying needlessly as a result of "American exceptionalism".



I don't mean to get personal, but sometimes message boards posts talking the Truth cannot help but be personal. I thought of you as the second worst Loon on this board, until PaintMyHouse got banned, and now....well, you move up as time passes, a promotion, don't you think?

Please explain, if you can, why I have to punch in Code Word "Curveball" to find out about things about Bush and Cheney....that, presumably have not already been published over and over in the New York Times?
Bush is a war criminal. Torture is a war crime. The Bush administration was torturing POWs in secret prisons dubbed "black sites". The Bush administration had a habit of doing something and then giving their actions a pleasant twist. They justified torturing POWs in secret prisons by not calling it torture, as if water boarding was the most heinous act committed. They also did not call them "prisoners of war" even though those people were taken prisoner during war. They called them "enemy combatants", as if that somehow made the Geneva accords and international human rights laws null and void.

The Bush administration was torturing POWs taken prisoner in a war that the Bush administration lied to start. The Bush administration are war criminals.
The Torture Archive
Please explain, if you can, why I have to punch in Code Word "Curveball" to find out about things about Bush and Cheney....that, presumably have not already been published over and over in the New York Times?
Because Bush and Cheney's lies were based on those told by Rafid Ahmed al-Janabi, an Iraqi defector code-named Curveball by the CIA.

Curveball lied to the CIA, the CIA gave the Bush administration the information that they wanted to hear, the Bush administration told Colon Powell to repeat those lies to the UN and the UN still wasn't convinced, so the Bush administration gathered a "coalition of the willing" to preemptively invade Iraq over al-Janabi's and the Bush administrations' lies.

You should care about your government lying to you and costing you trillions of dollars and torturing POWs to death in secret prisons.

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