Bud Lighted: Planet Fitness takes $400 million hit after being exposed as anti-woman

There are no “little girls” at gyms. We’re all adults.

I am a woman. Trans people don’t frighten me.

You haven’t answered MY question. Why does this bother YOU so much?
It bothers me that men are undressing in front of women who do not agree to it.

You dense?
I don’t hate women. I don’t hate other people Norm.

But I have a little use for assholes like you who pretend you care about women. Hating on trans people for no good reason at all

And then you say you’d “kick his ass”. You get your ass arrested if you even tried.

Keyboard commando’s. Real tough guys sitting in mom’s basement.

I don’t hate cross dressers, just want them out of locker rooms for women.

So, should all men, who in key biological ways, are “similarly situated” to cross dressing men, be given free access to women’s lockers?

If not, why not?
Lord-Ridiculous has no argument I see.
The argument is of you don’t follow the rules expect to be punished. If you don’t like a business policy don’t frequent it. At least I am not resorting to words I don’t understand like you have to try and lie in an argument. You should be better
Whatever Lord Fungus

Men have absolutely no business in female locker rooms or restrooms. If you think otherwise we have nothing to discuss
I’ve never claimed they did. However that doesn’t give someone the excuse to violate an establishments rules without punishment. PF can set their locker room policies as long as they are legal. If you don’t like them dont join
You are missing the point, I don';t think I am.

The gym should have done something about it. If they are allowing it to occur it is their business at risk. I believed she had taken the photo and then shown it to the gym front desk instead of reaching out to them first. This particular story is creepy to me and not one I read on and was interested in.

The entire trans world doesn't interest me either. Best of luck to them, but there should be specific rules in place to protect vulnerable patrons that's for sure.
the creepy part is how you take out all the facts and then make false claims

I like how you made up the scenario that young little girls could of been caught in the picture of the nude man and that would of been bad for their privacy.

Never mind that in your made up scenario a 40 year old naked man is in a women's locker room exposing himself to children, which is illegal, and you are worried about the picture, not the naked man.

Creepy is how you make it sound like a woman is going around taking pictures of random naked men, which is about as far from the truth as possible.
That is someone dumbass
that someone is a who the ShockedCanook described as a naked man in a women's locker room, shockedcanook was worried that 10 year old girls could of been in the photo with the naked man?

Under the scenario you are defending and calling me a dumbass, a 10 year old girl is being flashed, exposed to a man's genitals, that is what shockedcanook said, now you defend that statement?

more like, Lord-Dumbass
the creepy part is how you take out all the facts and then make false claims

I like how you made up the scenario that young little girls could of been caught in the picture of the nude man and that would of been bad for their privacy.

Never mind that in your made up scenario a 40 year old naked man is in a women's locker room exposing himself to children, which is illegal, and you are worried about the picture, not the naked man.

Creepy is how you make it sound like a woman is going around taking pictures of random naked men, which is about as far from the truth as possible.
I stated that I didnt realize this was a guy nor that she had already spoken with the front desk. Stop trying to twist my intentions to elevate the discussion of this creepy subject. Was he a tranny? What it their policy on trannies and were other members aware?. Why havent they been sued by women placed in harms way if so? Of course this situation is messed up but I dont read stories like this. You are foaming at the mouth like some wrtifically contrived McCarthyism campaign to try and slander some of us. Ive been the victim more than once of abuse as a child, no man should be in the womans changeroom. I didnt read the story, nor followed it. All I knew was a woman took a photo of a naked tranny in her changeroom. If this is your cup of tea have at it. I dont like stories about creeps and the story seems to have disappeared fro .Fox News so maybe there is more to it than you presume.
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But a guy in a woman’s locker room is somehow not creepy?

This is loony toons
yes, and the shockedcanook described him as naked in a women's locker room and what if the photo had little girls in it? What about their privacy? shockedcanook did not think it was creepy to have a 40 year old naked man exposing himself to 10 year old girls, shockedcanook was worried about privacy!

shockedcanook is either a pervert, or simply real stupid

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