Bud Lighted: Planet Fitness takes $400 million hit after being exposed as anti-woman

. Stop trying to twist my intentions to elevate the discussion of this creepy subject. Was he a tranny?

The lady took a photo which is creepy.

What if there were kids

Well yes, she took the photo of a naked person

Twist you intentions, you are defending a naked forty year old man exposing himself to 10 year old girls in a locker room

shockedcanook, you are the creepy person here, everything I have in my reply, you have stated in this thread. Twist you intentions? What is your intention, to protect a naked man scenario where he is showing his genitals to little girls.
You think it is ok for a 40 year old man to expose his gentials to 10 year old girl in a changing room where the girl could be raped.

What is wrong with you, you are very sick, perverted, really.jel
Then sue them or call the police. What in the hell do you want is to do about it? Go and write your senator or head down to the gym to protest. You sem toi have some ulterior motive, on some peculiar crusade. I share my stories on here about police abuse in Canada but I also reach out to others in government to try and hold.them accountable. So what have you done about this story other than to slander others on this forum?
Twist you intentions, you are defending a naked forty year old man exposing himself to 10 year old girls in a locker room

shockedcanook, you are the creepy person here, everything I have in my reply, you have stated in this thread. Twist you intentions? What is your intention, to protect a naked man scenario where he is showing his genitals to little girls.
I am blocking your creepy ass. You can't answer a single question nor address my other comments after in which i stated that I didnt realize it was a man. You sound like a dirty, creepy,.lying chicken shyte COP. There are policies she must follow also, it is a room full of naked people she is compromising not just one person. i also said I wasnt aware that she had spoken to the front desk already but since you are a fake Columbo you convenitently gloss over that. Go chase another rabbit ya creep.
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So what have you done about this story other than to slander others on this forum?

Well yes, she took the photo of a naked person

What if there were kids
Slander you? With your own words? The naked person in this scenario can only be the 40 year old man. The kids in a women's locker room can only be a 10 year old girl.

Slander? You made up the scenario, where it is creepy to take a picture of a 40 year old man exposing himself to a 10 year old girl. I did not come into this thread, and make this up, you did. That is very creepy, that you are worried about the pic, but not the obvious crime being committed in the scenario you are describing.
The argument is of you don’t follow the rules expect to be punished. If you don’t like a business policy don’t frequent it. At least I am not resorting to words I don’t understand like you have to try and lie in an argument. You should be better
The “rule” currently, and thanks to the Obergfell ruling on same sex marriage, is that adults that are “similarly situated” cannot be denied equal rights.

So you feel all men should have the same right to be in women’s locker rooms, not just cross dressing men? Right?

Rules are rules, right?
Yes, the gym's policy is to allow adult men in the women's/girl's bathing facility. When that policy was made public, the market and the business' customers reacted accordingly. -$400 million. That's called consequences.
It isntheir actual policy? Is this even legal? I cannot believe that if a red blooded man intentionally walked into a fe.ale bathroom that this would not end in an arrest.
I am blocking your creepy ass. You can't answer a single question nor address my other comments after.. You sound like a dirty, creept, lying chicken shyte COP. There are policies she must follow also, it is a room full of naked people not just one person. i also said I wasnt aware that she had spoken to the front desk already but since you are a fake Cokumbo you convenitently gloss over that. Go chase another rabbit ya creep.
I quoted you? There is no lie, you said naked man, you said kids. The naked man is 40 years old? The kids, is a 10 year old girl.

You made up this scenario and you call me creepy?

I answered you question, your question, as I paraphrase accurately, was, what if the naked man was naked with kids,

Well shockedcanook, that would make you the creepy pervert because you are worried that they got evidence of a man exposing his genitals to children.

you made up the scenario, not me, go ahead and block me, I will still see your creepy comments and I will still comment, you just wont have an opportunity to recant and apologize for anything you wrote. Which you seem to refuse to do.

Will you now admit that you changed the story to make it sound like the women was creepy? Or will you stick with it is creepy to take a picture of a crime, a man exposing his genitals to children. Hell, at one point it was against the law for a man to expose himself to women. I guess Canada has come a lot further than the USA and you as the representative of Canada here at usmb are proving that.

Twist your words? I used your words.
lol? The hoops these lefty’s have to jump through to defend the trans person is comical. A woman takes a photo of a man in the women’s restroom and the dems are upset about the photo lol.

Has anyone ever wondered why it is that these “trans bathroom” incidents are always about biological men trying to use the women’s restrooms but you really don’t hear about biological women trying to use the men’s restrooms?
The “rule” currently, and thanks to the Obergfell ruling on same sex marriage, is that adults that are “similarly situated” cannot be denied equal rights.

So you feel all men should have the same right to be in women’s locker rooms, not just cross dressing men? Right?

Rules are rules, right?
What if the rule is illegal though? Some civil disobedience is valid in these instances, Im not sure taking a photo in a changeroom is one of them but she definitely did get coverage for it at lesst for a short while. I go back to this point, "can a company policy be illegal just because it is on private property"? I dont think so. It cant be legal for a man to change in a womans changeroom. This is the part of the story I wasnt aware of. Regardless, I still suggest there is more to this story as I dont see it on Fox News anymore and they usually milk these enraing stories for a long time. They probably realize it is creepy and some dont like to follow such weird stories. Ive never even read it, just seen the headline.
lol? The hoops these lefty’s have to jump through to defend the trans person is comical. A woman takes a photo of a man in the women’s restroom and the dems are upset about the photo lol.

Has anyone ever wondered why it is that these “trans bathroom” incidents are always about biological men trying to use the women’s restrooms but you really don’t hear about biological women trying to use the men’s restrooms?
The Dems are more than upset, they call it creepy?

Men have always been, the creepier of the two sexes, committing way more sexual crimes.

There was a time in the USA this was called flashing, a crime. We had stories of men getting arrested for this kind of criminal activity. I guess if a man puts on a mini skirt they are allowed to be criminal perverts.
What if the rule is illegal though? Some civil disobedience is valid in these instances, Im not sure taking a photo in a changeroom is one of them but she definitely did get coverage for it at lesst for a short while. I go back to this point, "can a company policy be illegal just because it is on private property"? I dont think so. It cant be legal for a man to change in a womans changeroom. This is the part of the story I wasnt aware of. Regardless, I still suggest there is more to this story as I dont see it on Fox News anymore and they usually milk these enraing stories for a long time. They probably realize it is creepy and some dont like to follow such weird stories. Ive never even read it, just seen the headline.

A rule can’t be illegal if the Supreme Court has ruled on it.

In this case, Planet Fitness, in my opinion, would argue it violates no law because a cross dresser is “similarly situated” to the sex they identify with. Yet it creates a problem. Any normal man can then claim they are biologically “similarly situated” to the cross dresser, and to exclude them from the Planet Fitness woman’s locker room is a discriminatory practice and a violation of their Civil Rights.

Did Planet Fitness just open the door to the reversal of same sex marriage?

A rule can’t be illegal if the Supreme Court has ruled on it.

In this case, Planet Fitness, in my opinion, would argue it violates no law because a cross dresser is “similarly situated” to the sex they identify with. Yet it creates a problem. Any normal man can then claim they are biologically “similarly situated” to the cross dresser, and to exclude them from the Planet Fitness woman’s locker room is a discriminatory practice and a violation of their Civil Rights.

Did Planet Fitness just open the door to the reversal of same sex marriage?

I think that unless clearly stated in the lockerroom and in their policies, than yes. For instance, how are the changerooms designated? Does.one say "Mens" and the other "Womans"? Also,.if they truly.believe their.B.S thsn why have separate changerooms at all? Just have one large changeroom for everyone and people can decide to use it or not. Does the womans changeroom have standup urinals? We are regressing as a society when we dont acknoledge clear differences and peoples right to safety and privacy.
I think that unless clearly stated in the lockerroom and in their policies, than yes. For instance, how are the changerooms designated? Does.one say "Mens" and the other "Womans"? Also,.if they truly.believe their.B.S thsn why have separate changerooms at all? Just have one large changeroom for everyone and people can decide to use it or not. Does the womans changeroom have standup urinals? We are regressing as a society when we dont acknoledge clear differences and peoples right to safety and privacy.
I can’t argue with this, but as it stands, it is what it is. You can designate, for safety reasons I suppose, separate rooms, but can you enforce it. In my opinion, the Obergfell ruling makes it nearly impossible.
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I think that unless clearly stated in the lockerroom and in their policies, than yes. For instance, how are the changerooms designated? Does.one say "Mens" and the other "Womans"? Also,.if they truly.believe their.B.S thsn why have separate changerooms at all? Just have one large changeroom for everyone and people can decide to use it or not. Does the womans changeroom have standup urinals? We are regressing as a society when we dont acknoledge clear differences and peoples right to safety and privacy.

Thank you for bringing up the issue of safety. Trans women are NOT SAFE in Men's lockers rooms, which is why they use women's change rooms.

Trans people have a right to safety too.
Thank you for bringing up the issue of safety. Trans women are NOT SAFE in Men's lockers rooms, which is why they use women's change rooms.

Trans people have a right to safety too.

Then, by the same token, biological women are not safe in the locker room with biological men.

Can you make a point without looking hypocritical?
Then, by the same token, biological women are not safe in the locker room with biological men.

Can you make a point without looking hypocritical?

You post makes no logical sense at all. If one trans women is in danger in a men's locker rooms - where they are surrounded by dozens of men, how does it follow that one trans person in a locker room filled with women, represents a danger to the women?

You must think that women are utterly and completely helpless and unable to defend themselves in such a situation.

Keep posting. Your weak ass attempts at "defending women" are laughable. You still haven't answered my question, Norm. Why are you so batshit crazy about trans people? They're no danger to you whatsoever and yet you are so filled with hate for these people.

Why, Norm???? Why are you so frightened of these people?

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