Bud Lights New Ad: Buy Our Beer You Idiot White Trailer Trash Hicks

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You see, when you’re trying to get back in your customers’ good graces, a charming way to do that is to make gentle fun of yourselves. Instead, Bud Light chose to make gentle fun of their customers.

I dare say they know their customer base better than you do. After all, they’ve even grooming the Republican Party for years with massive donations.
I dare say they know their customer base better than you do. After all, they’ve even grooming the Republican Party for years with massive donations.
No doubt you think AB using mentally disabled perverts to sell their products is a good move!
I dare say they know their customer base better than you do. After all, they’ve even grooming the Republican Party for years with massive donations.
I dare say the corporations know how the banks could make them suffer even more if they do not back the agenda. We are dealing with extortionists and thugs at very high levels in government and society.
Your typical mentally ill Leftard who demands you submit and wants your kids. Note the self inflicted wounds on her arm.
At least 20 millions of those votes were illegal. Probably more. Also if he got that many votes how could he possibly lose re-election?
I've heard that claim before, but nobody has ever presented proof that it was anything more than another MAGA conspiracy theory. What are you waiting on?
You see, when you’re trying to get back in your customers’ good graces, a charming way to do that is to make gentle fun of yourselves. Instead, Bud Light chose to make gentle fun of their customers.

Geez, and they used a stupid old Disco tune....Yuck.
What kind of person uses a moniker like BULLSHIT?

You really believe that lying, impotent, listless frump Biden got more voters than Barry Obumma the Great Orator and sweetheart of the Left, cupcake?
That's what the election results said. You don't have to agree. You are free to continue whining like a little kid in Walmart that didn't get the toy he wanted.
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