Bud Lights New Ad: Buy Our Beer You Idiot White Trailer Trash Hicks

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At least 20 millions of those votes were illegal. Probably more. Also if he got that many votes how could he possibly lose re-election?
President Biden will be reelected. 20 million illegal votes, culminating in none found is amazing!
...and you stupid uneducated bat shit crazy Moon Bats were the ones that they thought would be influnced by a sicko tranny.
Well, I think Dylan set a fine example for bulldog that he could prance about without any breast augmentation while retaining that tiny penis and still have people refer to him as a she.
Placing all of the ''strategery'' aside, it's just nasty beer in general. I'd drink the beast before I'd drink that stuff. And I don't even drink beer any more.
My Dad always said why drink light beer people who drink beer do not worry about getting fat. Drink the good stuff. He drank the original bud wiser in the brown glass bottles. I am not sure if they still make that type.
That is only because at a fundamental level, AB has no respect for their customers and only market them for their money. That is why the whole Dunlavy thing happened in the first place. They only pulled that back because it didn't sell. Their new ad just shows how they really feel about the customer base they have lost and now want back.
It’s because all Leftists live in bubble worlds, void of any reality. They live within a tiny circle of people and they think everybody is just like them.

Aren’t White Trailer Trash Hicks Bud Lights target audience anyway?

Bud Light had a very diversified consumer base. That is diversified within the beer drinking community.

However, after the Bud marketing staff thought it would be great to have a sicko tranny "influncer" be the face of the beer they lost a good portion of their market base.

Go woke, go broke!
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