Buffalo= racial proxy war

*looks at NY subway shooter*

*looks at Wisc driver attack*

*looks at black churches*


What no one wants to admit is if you started shutting down white nationalist movements you'd have to shut down black nationalist movements....
You over estimate things in your desire to smooch white sphincters.

Why do black nationalists exist? Can you honestly answer that?
They do but if the majority want one, well that is their choice..

Does it bother you those people live amongst those like you?
Why shouldn't it? Again, you can talk stupid today, but in the years to come whites are going to be a minority. And whites have pissed off every other group. You need to think about that a humble yourself son.
Because of racists on the White side…

( Now watch you just drop your jaw )

Does that mean Black Nationalists are justified in their bigotry, racism and hate?
What it means is that's why I say whites need to end the racism in their community. Now what is bigotry? Because is it bigotry, racism or hate to be angry at people who continue treating you like shit? And given the record of racism by whites, how are we to know who is racist and who is not. Whites aren't running around wearing badges saying they are racist or wearing clothing with a scarlet r on it. Yet based on a 245 year record of consistent racism by whites, blacks who don't trust whites are called racists and bigots.
Why shouldn't it? Again, you can talk stupid today, but in the years to come whites are going to be a minority. And whites have pissed off every other group. You need to think about that a humble yourself son.
1. I am as old as you or nearly the same age, so do not use the son again.

2. Until then you are the minority and even when Whites are the minority you will still be the minority, so understand that and you will not have any say with what Asians and Hispanics do…
What it means is that's why I say whites need to end the racism in their community. Now what is bigotry? Because is it bigotry, racism or hate to be angry at people who continue treating you like shit? And given the record of racism by whites, how are we to know who is racist and who is not. Whites aren't running around wearing badges saying they are racist or wearing clothing with a scarlet r on it. Yet based on a 245 year record of consistent racism by whites, blacks who don't trust whites are called racists and bigots.
All whites are racist and yet I have not denied it, but you are defending your hate and bigotry while not leading by example…
The OP by Tom is ridiculous on its face. Ascribing the beliefs of an insane leftard racist maniac to any group is an example of Tom’s slovenly “thinking.”
Black nationalists are a very small number. I'm not going to argue with a person who has no serious contact with blacks and is a person who is classified as a sellout. I am telling you what's what. You have white nationalists running states.

Black nationalism as in some bastardized form of Islam is rarer now, yes

But black nationalism (as the equivalent to white nationalism) is in black churches all over urban America.

Jeremiah Wright is a black nationalist, we elected a guy who went to his church as president. You know this. Don't confuse the issue. I live just outside a major urban center. I assure you I know what you fucking retards are up to."

Can hear this same shit from the vast majority of black celebrities. The Boule or whatever you call them. Narcissistic idiots have all these ridiculous ideas. I listen, i know.
You over estimate things in your desire to smooch white sphincters.

Why do black nationalists exist? Can you honestly answer that?

No I'm not, and white nationalism gets almost no elite buy in. At least didn't until very recently.

We elected Obama president. Who attended a black nationalist church.

The whites don't' pay attention. I do. In black America you get more racist as education increases. Obscenely uppity.
It's self evident. Conservatives push division and hate, vote for and support people he push division and hate, like Tucker, Crowder, Peterson, Douglas Murray, etc.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with self defense. So to characterize what I'm saying as "violence" just reinforces my OP. But to your point, violence is absolutely a solution employed by society. You as a white only exist in this hemisphere because of violence perpetrated by your white ancestors. You and the white collective preserve that predominance through violence and the threat of violence. So you yourself are complicit despite what you say. Every policy, law, etc is backed up by the threat of violence. Even the smallest of things. If I disagree with sleeping in public, goons show up to either kill me or throw me in jail. Might does in fact make right.
I have Native American blood in my veins. Try again, but this time, don't assume every person you SEE is what you think they are.
Blacks don''t commit over 60 percent of any crime. As for violent crimes whites are over 60 percent of the arrests.

Your post is a lie.
Bullshit. Whites are arrested more often simply because they make up a larger segment of the population....but Blacks commit 60% of the violent crimes, gun violence, burglary, arson, assaults, armed and unarmed robberies. 9 out of 10 times a black will rob a liquor store or a convenience store.
Whites make up most of the arrests like moving violations, DUIs, white-color crimes, and drug offenses.
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Black nationalists are a very small number. I'm not going to argue with a person who has no serious contact with blacks and is a person who is classified as a sellout. I am telling you what's what. You have white nationalists running states.
There are fewer members of the KKK than there are NAACP or the New Black Panthers.
It's no different than how USA funds radicals in middle eastern countries to meet political goals. Instead of guns and cash, White American Conservatives fund and wage war on non whites and other opposition through white identity politics, and are directly responsible for racial grievances across the country, including Buffalo. The police are also an arm of this ideology. It's so seductive because they need not lift a gun let alone a finger, to push their agenda. And while most white Conservatives wouldn't do the dirty work themselves (at least for now), they relish and enjoy the terror to keep their political adversaries in line.

Blacks must realize they are in a war and have been for the last 500 years, and start fighting back. All black people must practice their second amendment, buy tons of guns, and learn how to use them. Some white guy tried to shoot up a grocery store, the entire facility mag dumps on em. Go towards the gunfire.
I disagree with everything in your post EXCEPT the last three sentences. Although I'd personally delete the word WHITE from the second one.
Bullshit. Whites are arrested more often simply because they make up a larger segment of the population....but Blacks commit 60% of the violent crimes, gun violence, burglary, arson, assaults, armed and unarmed robberies. 9 out of 10 times a black will rob a liquor store or a convenience store.
Whites make up most of the arrests like moving violations, DUIs, white-color crimes, and drug offenses.
There's no stat you can point to that shows that 60% of blacks commit violent crimes. I'm willing to bet your life on it.
I have Native American blood in my veins. Try again, but this time, don't assume every person you SEE is what you think they are.
Literally no one said anything concerning you or the .000001% native blood in your toe, Pochahontis. Conservatives are very good at following the logical thread of conversation, are they?
There's no stat you can point to that shows that 60% of blacks commit violent crimes. I'm willing to bet your life on it.
Where did you learn to read?

60% of all violent crime in America was committed by Blacks.
Do you understand the difference?

Many of the blacks that commit violent crime in cities like Chicago and NYC are repeat-offenders that theIR DA refuses to prosecute.
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You just said the same thing and it's still wrong.
No I didn't.

Stupid idiot.

Edited to Zone1 rules.

You said that I said 60% of blacks commit violent crimes.
I said that 60% of all violent crimes were committed by blacks.

Try to figure out the fucking difference, retard!!!
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It's no different than how USA funds radicals in middle eastern countries to meet political goals. Instead of guns and cash, White American Conservatives fund and wage war on non whites and other opposition through white identity politics, and are directly responsible for racial grievances across the country, including Buffalo.

It's a LOT different than a proxy war in the Middle East. THERE -- entire FACTIONS are encouraged and funded to conduct Arab on Arab wars. And we generally have sucky foreign policy in the M.E. that chooses one faction over others in the HOPES that it will stabilize a region or at least be FRIENDLY.

Define "white identity politics". Generally, when a revolutionary minded black activist defines it -- it means they DONT VOTE DEMOCRAT. As simple as that. Whites are in NO WAY organized and United. See the religious and political differences that divide white people for example. We DO NOT have this honor code to support each other and group think as whites. And by "WE" -- i mean every white person who isn't a CERTIFIED CARD CARRYING VIRULENT racist.

Politcally radicalized Blacks who lean as far left as Marxism tho -- will literally REVOKE the blackness of ANYONE in their tribe that DOES NOT "group think". It's the difference between "individualism" and the very CORE of identity politics of ANY POC.

The shooter in Buffalo was a loony bird LONE nutcase with NO EVIDENCE of financing or support from ANY "white identity" politics --- other than the fact he was radicalized in the sewage of the internet by ACTUAL CERTIFIED RACISTS. And we KNOW and call-out OUR racists. Politically radicalized blacks never seem to do that. Unless its of course its Herschel Walker or Larry Elder. Candace Owens or Thomas Sowell -- your hero and avie. But in that case, you're KILLING the meaning of the word racist over political divisions - much like THIS thread is really more about POLITICAL differences than race.

Know what I think? I think the story of your opinion goes more like --- "Never let a race war go to waste" when you can POLITICIZE a criminal/mental event.

I love seeing well trained and disciplined black militias marching armed like they did in 2020 at Stone Mtn Ga. That whole place has always been a GOVT Funded relic of the 60s. And the symbolism works and IS effective for black to assert their issues.

But if you want an ARMED and effective citizenry -- they have to learn how to shoot. Not like the gang-bangers, who have 1000 times WORSE record of killing innocent children than all of the NATIONAL police forces - but in DEFENSE and legal issues and how to react at a scene of public violence.
Black nationalists are a very small number. I'm not going to argue with a person who has no serious contact with blacks and is a person who is classified as a sellout. I am telling you what's what. You have white nationalists running states.

"White Supremacists" Certified ADVERTISING ones are a MINISCULE portion of the Amer. white population. The word "nationalist" is misplaced for either color. For whites - it means something akin to "America First" and for black nationalists -- it means SEPARATE govt and SEGREGATION.

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