Zone1 Racial Distancing

Here's the thing. Asians are no longer really being protected by AA. In fact, they are being passed over in some cases.

Where Asians see a glass ceiling is in reaching executive levels. They may go to top universities and graduate at the top of their class but classmates who did much worse in school rise to CEO while Asians level off at mid management.
Where Asians see a glass ceiling is in reaching executive levels. They may go to top universities and graduate at the top of their class but classmates who did much worse in school rise to CEO while Asians level off at mid management.

I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the dress code at a restaurant I couldn't afford to eat at, and I don't worry about a level of corporate governance most of us will never reach.
On April 29, 2021, Senator Tim Scott was given the honor by the Republican Party to give the Republican response to President Bidens State of the Union Address. At this moment, Scott had the opportunity to invoke the spirit of legendary black republicans. Senator Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he had admitted on the senate floor that exists, but somehow in prime time, he could not summon up the internal strength necessary for the moment.

Senator Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man; instead, he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, and he had the opportunity to make blacks look seriously at the republican party. Senator Scott had the chance to become a legend, but he couldn’t do it. This failure to present our case once right-wing blacks have standing and power because they are more concerned with a political career is a reason why blacks like Scott are called sellouts.

What Scott and many black republicans do is called racial distancing. It is something white politicians aren't required to do. Unless it's to avoid issues affecting communities of color. Black Democrats have done it too, but we have seen the most effective use of this by leading black "conservative voices.

How politicians practice ‘racial distancing’ with communities of color​

They tailor speech to be supportive without alienating white voters, professor says​

Many politicians find themselves walking a fine line when it comes to talking about the African American community, LaFleur Stephens-Dougan, Princeton University assistant professor of politics, says. They want to simultaneously voice their support for policies, positions, and attitudes widely held by African American voters without alienating white supporters, a rhetorical strategy she refers to as “racial distancing.”

“the phenomenon whereby politicians convey to racially moderate and to racially conservative whites that they will not disrupt the racial status quo.”

This technique is evidence of how pervasive white racism still is in America. White politicians can run explicitly arguing for the concerns of the white community, but black politicians or politicians of any non white population must shape their rhetoric into more generic terms to insure whites how their concerns are included.
Scott does not see the world the same way you do

And maybe you are wrong and he is right
I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the dress code at a restaurant I couldn't afford to eat at, and I don't worry about a level of corporate governance most of us will never reach.

Maybe not

But you would expect top graduates of major universities to rise higher in corporate America

Asians don’t
I agree with everything except Democrats having pity for Blacks. They don't give a roadkill rat's ass for Black people, they just continually lie and pander to them to keep their 90% voting bloc in tact.

You sure are jaded.
Scott does not see the world the same way you do

And maybe you are wrong and he is right
Since 90 percent of the blacks in this country see AMERICA like I do, and most of the blacks in his own home state won't vote for him, it's safe to say that I am right.
The problem is that the playing field is already tilted in favor of white people.

All AA does is even it out just a little bit.
There are laws on the books about equal employment. Preferential treatment just creates hostility at this point. AA failed.
Since 90 percent of the blacks in this country see AMERICA like I do, and most of the blacks in his own home state won't vote for him, it's safe to say that I am right.
Scott is a successful person

Most blacks are not
Scott is not sucessful. Selling your soul to be used by racists is not success,
You have as part of your signature the line from Malcom X that “our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.”

LISTEN to what the man you quoted said. Stop telling whites to “solve racism.” It’s up to blacks to solve their own problems - inner-city poverty, high crime, poor educational attainment, single-mother homes. Do that, and you’d see racism drop substantially.
There are laws on the books about equal employment. Preferential treatment just creates hostility at this point. AA failed.

Did you know there are laws against Drugs? Yet, all sorts of people I grew up with smoked pot.
There are laws against prostitution, but there are a bunch of happy-ending massage parlors, strip joints, and escort services out there.

There's no preferential treatment in AA. Just a statement that if you have two equally qualified candidate, you better be picking some who are minority and women.

The biggest beneficiaries of AA have been white women. Fact.
You have as part of your signature the line from Malcom X that “our problems will never be solved by the white man, liberal or conservative.”

LISTEN to what the man you quoted said. Stop telling whites to “solve racism.” It’s up to blacks to solve their own problems - inner-city poverty, high crime, poor educational attainment, single-mother homes. Do that, and you’d see racism drop substantially.

Malcolm X was a violent separatist who wanted blacks to have their own country... I don't think he's a good model to listen to.
Malcolm X was a violent separatist who wanted blacks to have their own country... I don't think he's a good model to listen to.
Not to venture off topic, but I recall Malcolm X very well and do not remember him being an advocate of unprovoked violence, however he did believe in reciprocating instead of being passive if attacked.
In speaking about Malcolm X, I suggest that whites who have used all manner of violence to maintain their advantage, stop denigrating his justified stand on black self defense and to stay on topic.

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