Buffalo= racial proxy war

Try to follow along. The definition I gave for Black Nationalists is NOT fundamentally DIFFERENT from how YOU defined it in Post #42

I just added a bit more effort in comparing to the really inaccurate idea of "white nationalism". This latter phrase is AMBIGUOUS and useless to FIND the REAL GENUINE white supremacists.
It is way different. Black nationalists are first and foremost for controlling the social, economic, political, legal, and education in black communities. This means they want equal representation in these matters. Their claim for separation is basd on the reality of the continuing white racism you pretend is not there. And flacaltenn stop trying to tell me about black issues, I have worked with black nationalists most of my life. Malcolm X even said that if white American cannot get along with the negro then we must separate.

All the things you guys call black racism stems from our treatment, which means we are judging White America by the content of it's character.

What makes you pretend that white nationalism is inaccurate? You need to understand that we know Jim Crow style overt racism does not exist. You know that yourself and as the late great Hank Aaron said, white supremacists aren't wearing capes and hoods anymore. They wear suits and ties. And as Dr. Carol Anderson wrote (paraphrasing) white racism now takes place in city councils, school boards, state legislatures, the houses of congress and in our court system. There are no more no blacks signs, there are voter "integrity" measures that target black communities, stop and frisk, stand your ground, "entitlement" reform and now the lie about CRT used to ban anything that makes whites look bad while whites are teaching their children about the great replacement, black interracial attacks on whites that rarely happen, and white genocide.

So understand that blacks today know how white supremacy operates and stop trying to insult our intelligence by pretending that because we don't see whites wearing hoods, or that because a white person isn't standing behind a megaphone yelling racial slurs that white supremacists don't exist or that there are only 3-4. Then understand that a white supremacist is a white nationalist.
Keep screaming wrong all you want....but you're the one that's wrong.
No I really am not. Dictatorships are not communism and the west is responsible for putting some of those dictators in power.
What is white identity politics? You completely ignore that black men have also gone on shooting rampages.

Politics and rhetoric regarding the interests and community of white people. Actually, you're doing it now by bringing up Frank James, only because he is black. I see no evidence of Frank James being a black supremacist, and even agree with some of the things he said. He was homeless and even was a counselor for people-its clear he struggled with mental illness and demons.
No I really am not. Dictatorships are not communism and the west is responsible for putting some of those dictators in power.
The only difference between a dictator and communism is who is in power.
Communism gains power thru starvation and murder.
Russia killed 25 million of it's own people to gain power. That's equal to the entire Canadian population.
China caused over 200,000 of it's own people to commit suicide in the early days of the communist movement.
They're pretty similar when it comes to murdering their own people....the only difference being communists cause abject poverty while fascists tend to improve the lives of people who go along with their criminal acts. They're both socialists.

Democrats set up the conditions that makes mass-shootings easy.....and they use mass-shootings to move toward taking our guns. But why do they want to take our guns? Because they want to treat us like Australia and Canada. They want to lock us in our homes and starve us without getting shot in the process.
Actually, by saying "blacks" you're denoting that 100% of blacks have ownership over the 0.01 that do homicide, which is actually way much more racist of a statement. Thank you for clarifying. And there's no statistic that says that. Well if you think collective black guilt is permissible, so is collective white guilt, by your own logic.

Do you see how implicit racism is now? CRT is true.
Politics and rhetoric regarding the interests and community of white people. Actually, you're doing it now by bringing up Frank James, only because he is black. I see no evidence of Frank James being a black supremacist, and even agree with some of the things he said. He was homeless and even was a counselor for people-its clear he struggled with mental illness and demons.
There you go, making excuses for a black criminal. Anyone who commits these kind of crimes has mental issues. You bring up white criminals, but how dare I reply showing you that there are mass killings by black people. Total bullshit on your politics and rhetoric. Where is the interest shown for only white people? Perhaps you are confusing wealth with race. And Frank James did complain about race, so that was a factor in his decision to shoot people. You don’t think hating someone because of their skin color is racism?
Ok, so when you conservatives start talking about specifically mentioning "Radical Islamic Terror", are we supposed to not do that and mention every single group as well? I don't think so. If we can specifically point to a certain group-islam in that case-then you have absolutely no argument when we talk specifically about white people. White people are the majority; white people have the power. It makes absolute sense to center this conversation around whites. What you're advocating for is Woke Conservative-Marxist political correctness. Everything you've said, including the assumption that I must necessarily be a hate filled black Nazi, is the exact same talking points that you guys accuse the woke of. I hope you realize it. In truth you're both the same, just a different side of the coin.
So many wrong assumptions in your reply, really! Not every person is a conservative and not everyone that is white has power. You claim I think you are a hate filled black Nazi - you couldn't be more wrong on that. Saying 'you guys accuse the woke of' - I'm not one of 'them'. Keep spinning what people say in this thread all you want.

Extremists/terrorists are all over this planet - they aren't exclusive to one race, one country, one religion, etc. Some act alone and others are part of a group. Some target specific people, religions, races, or groups of people. This is a problem for ALL PEOPLE, not just one select race, religion, group, etc. I don't believe most white people are funding these groups. If that were the case, don't you think there'd be government tracking of the donations (since things like that do get reported in one way or other), more arrests, which would lead to disbandment of those groups? To help solve the problem, those with knowledge of what is being planned by the extremists/terrorists MUST alert authorities that are able to take immediate action.
So many wrong assumptions in your reply, really! Not every person is a conservative and not everyone that is white has power. You claim I think you are a hate filled black Nazi - you couldn't be more wrong on that. Saying 'you guys accuse the woke of' - I'm not one of 'them'. Keep spinning what people say in this thread all you want.

Extremists/terrorists are all over this planet - they aren't exclusive to one race, one country, one religion, etc. Some act alone and others are part of a group. Some target specific people, religions, races, or groups of people. This is a problem for ALL PEOPLE, not just one select race, religion, group, etc. I don't believe most white people are funding these groups. If that were the case, don't you think there'd be government tracking of the donations (since things like that do get reported in one way or other), more arrests, which would lead to disbandment of those groups? To help solve the problem, those with knowledge of what is being planned by the extremists/terrorists MUST alert authorities that are able to take immediate action.
Not everyone white has power but you see a bunch of powerless racists here spewing white racist attitudes. So instead of arguing with a black person who has experienced that racism teach your powerless racist whites about the white elites who keep playing them.
There you go, making excuses for a black criminal. Anyone who commits these kind of crimes has mental issues. You bring up white criminals, but how dare I reply showing you that there are mass killings by black people. Total bullshit on your politics and rhetoric. Where is the interest shown for only white people? Perhaps you are confusing wealth with race. And Frank James did complain about race, so that was a factor in his decision to shoot people. You don’t think hating someone because of their skin color is racism?
He was a mental health counselor and struggled with mental health himself and was homeless. No making excuses, but that's a fact. What he said in his video that I saw, I didn't see anything in it that would make him a black supremacist. But It's not that I don't care about Frank James, it's that Im not gonna put up with YOU making this about race, when you yourself rebuke such actions when the left does so with white male mass shooter #379459478. That's why what you're saying is nonsense. It's pure projection in the sense that you want to have you cake and eat it too. You want to feign outrage over black criminals and islamic terrorists, but that energy is gone when it concerns right wing, white terrorists. Keep da same energy.
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So many wrong assumptions in your reply, really! Not every person is a conservative and not everyone that is white has power. You claim I think you are a hate filled black Nazi - you couldn't be more wrong on that. Saying 'you guys accuse the woke of' - I'm not one of 'them'. Keep spinning what people say in this thread all you want.

Extremists/terrorists are all over this planet - they aren't exclusive to one race, one country, one religion, etc. Some act alone and others are part of a group. Some target specific people, religions, races, or groups of people. This is a problem for ALL PEOPLE, not just one select race, religion, group, etc. I don't believe most white people are funding these groups. If that were the case, don't you think there'd be government tracking of the donations (since things like that do get reported in one way or other), more arrests, which would lead to disbandment of those groups? To help solve the problem, those with knowledge of what is being planned by the extremists/terrorists MUST alert authorities that are able to take immediate action.
You literally started the conversation accusing me of perpetuating violence. But I don't really care about your objections that I'm generalizing. What i'm saying is true for the majority of Conservatives, anecdotally and scientifically. You have no problem collectivizing groups, but don't want me to do the same when it comes to white conservative grievances hahahah. I don't think so, bud. The only place white privilege doesn't exist is in my house. I will continue to point the the grievances of the white race, just like you and your team do for Muslims blacks, the woke, LGBTQ, etc. Whataboutisms won't change that.
He was a mental health counselor and struggled with mental health himself and was homeless. No making excuses, but that's a fact. What he said in his video that I saw, I didn't see anything in it that would make him a black supremacist. But It's not that I don't care about Frank James, it's that Im not gonna put up with YOU making this about race, when you yourself rebuke such actions when the left does so with white male mass shooter #379459478. That's why what you're saying is nonsense. It's pure projection in the sense that you want to have you cake and eat it too. You want to feign outrage over black criminals and islamic terrorists, but that energy is gone when it concerns right wing, white terrorists. Keep da same energy.
Extremely dumb whites don't understand is the mental toll white racism takes on people. You have to be strong so as to not go off and go off on a mass shooting spree. James was broken by racism. His circumstances, (ie:homelessness) probably contributed to his breakdown. Until whites like Molly are intelligent enough to understand the psychological trauma caused by racism, you are going to read stupidity.
Molly is ignorant. She thinks white women aren't part of affirmative action even after she was shown they are. Only dumb whites use the term black supremacist as if it comes from the same place white supremacy comes from. People like Molly are consistently looking for excuses instead of looking inward at their personal problems with non white people.
Yes, that's why the solution will have to be one that doesn't involve them. 2020 if you will.
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Not everyone white has power but you see a bunch of powerless racists here spewing white racist attitudes. So instead of arguing with a black person who has experienced that racism teach your powerless racist whites about the white elites who keep playing them.
What I see in this area of the forum including this thread is a variety of "powerless racists" spewing hate with no agenda outlined in the threads as to what they wish to discuss. The word "discuss" being used very loosely since most threads in this area are started by people wanting to argue instead of actually discuss the topic at hand. That in itself is a tragedy. Many have asked what can be done to end racism. Until all parties can DISCUSS the issues in a civil manner, NOTHING can be done. It shouldn't be one party against the other. People have to find common ground/opinions and start from there.
You literally started the conversation accusing me of perpetuating violence. But I don't really care about your objections that I'm generalizing. What i'm saying is true for the majority of Conservatives, anecdotally and scientifically. You have no problem collectivizing groups, but don't want me to do the same when it comes to white conservative grievances hahahah. I don't think so, bud. The only place white privilege doesn't exist is in my house. I will continue to point the the grievances of the white race, just like you and your team do for Muslims blacks, the woke, LGBTQ, etc. Whataboutisms won't change that.
Deflection noted.
What I see in this area of the forum including this thread is a variety of "powerless racists" spewing hate with no agenda outlined in the threads as to what they wish to discuss. The word "discuss" being used very loosely since most threads in this area are started by people wanting to argue instead of actually discuss the topic at hand. That in itself is a tragedy. Many have asked what can be done to end racism. Until all parties can DISCUSS the issues in a civil manner, NOTHING can be done. It shouldn't be one party against the other. People have to find common ground/opinions and start from there.
Yeah? Who are these racists? Because if you are calling blacks racists, then you are incapable of being in a discussion. The thing is, whites don't listen. We've been trying since 1776. But whites know more about being black than we do, so they tell us we are always wrong based on their experience of being black.
The thing is, whites don't listen. We've been trying since 1776. But whites know more about being black than we do, so they tell us we are always wrong based on their experience of being black.

And you keep voting for them. Why?
How about applying rules equally to every one?
1. I am as old as you or nearly the same age, so do not use the son again.

2. Until then you are the minority and even when Whites are the minority you will still be the minority, so understand that and you will not have any say with what Asians and Hispanics do…
The sound like a grown man with some sense. Because the constitution says we have a say. And we will have a say until the constitution is amended saying differently. We were a minority in 1964 and 1965, but we got civil rights and voting rights. So humble yourself son, because things just aren't going to be as you think/

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