Buffet Bill on the table = a flat tax to raise taxes to the middle class level


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Whitehouse told reporters today that he plans to introduce the bill Wednesday, after it is scored by the Joint Committee on Taxation. As Sargent noted, Senate Republicans are likely to rule out the proposal unanimously.

Republicans have, indeed, gone a long way to protect the low tax rates of the wealthiest Americans. They insisted on a one-year extension of the budget-busting high-end Bush tax cuts in December 2010 and their intransigence on taxes repeatedly took the government to the brink of shutdown and default in 2011, even costing the U.S. its first credit downgrade.

Sen. Whitehouse To Introduce 'Buffett Rule' Bill To Raise Taxes On Millionaires | ThinkProgress
The secretary of the treasury is an admitted tax cheat. The administration is starting to act like idiocracy.
See Obama and Dems didn't pass a budget in three years and blew annual $1.3 trillion holes in the budget but the Tea Party got us downgraded....follow me so far?
Sorry I didn't see you had already posted this.

Certainly not unreasonable but the pubs will filibuster it to death.

They really have no choice ... They're owned by the 1%. If they want to get re-elected - and they do - they'll do as their owners tell them.

The Grand Old Party is gone, probably never to be seen again. Now its about who has the most money. That's why Mittens will be the candidate. He has enough to buy the presidency.
Anyone sensible should stand against a bill that puts unequal % burden on any class or group of people...

As much as the idiot lefties try and say the REPs are ruled by the rich, the DEMs work to rule through class warfare
Do you realize how bad that "class warfare" phrase makes the GOP look? The warfare is the rich against the middle class, not the other way around. It's not the middle class that outsourced all the jobs, it's not the middle class that foreclosed on all the homes, it's not the middle class that crashed banks and got golden parachutes...

The 1% are playing you hard.

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