Buh-Bye Bachmann, and we hardly knew ya!

Most older gay men I know were married at one time, and have children. My friend's mom is a lesbian, and I had a lesbian friend who had two children.
Bachmann is finished. Let's move on.

Why, of course. Obviously, the left is scared to death of her. You all wish she would go away, but I have a feeling she's made of much stronger stuff. She's a godly woman and has more strength in her than all you lefties put together and you all know it. That's why you all trash good people.
It was Tucker Carlson's right wing site, the Daily Caller, that broke the story on Bachmann's debilitating migraines. The right wing, Karl Rove among them, doesn't want Bachmann.

Daily Caller blows Michele Bachmann migraine story - War Room - Salon.com

Tucker Carlson's website insinuates she is addicted to "pills" and incapacitated by stress
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Most older gay men I know were married at one time, and have children. My friend's mom is a lesbian, and I had a lesbian friend who had two children.

So you agree gays have the right to marry. Thank you for that honest comment.
I thought it didn't matter what someone's sexual orientation was. Isn't that the liberal meme here? Or does that only apply to Democrats?
And what exactly has he done to make it better?

Yeah, that's okay. This isn't my favorite dance. I tell you what he's done, you sneer that either a) it didn't happen, or b) it wasn't enough.



Translation: He hasn't done jack shit to make anything better, even though that's what he was elected to do. He has a record of total failure. But the klowns can't admit that so they deflect.
Rabbi demonizes himself. He needs no help. Obama has done better than Bush, but we all knew that would happen. I will vote for Romney before Perry, but I am willing that Romney takes Perry on as his veep candidate.
Rabbi demonizes himself. He needs no help. Obama has done better than Bush, but we all knew that would happen. I will vote for Romney before Perry, but I am willing that Romney takes Perry on as his veep candidate.

OBAMA has done better than Bush...

just admit it jakey, you know you'll be voting for the Obama AGAIN.:lol:
Rabbi demonizes himself. He needs no help. Obama has done better than Bush, but we all knew that would happen. I will vote for Romney before Perry, but I am willing that Romney takes Perry on as his veep candidate.

Bush inherited a recession and had about 7 years of low unemployment, high job growth, low inflation, and moderate gas prices.
Obama inherited a recovery and has had 3 years of high unemployment, low job growth, increasing inflation and higher gas prices.
Is that what you call better?
Bachmann is finished. Let's move on.

Why, of course. Obviously, the left is scared to death of her. You all wish she would go away, but I have a feeling she's made of much stronger stuff. She's a godly woman and has more strength in her than all you lefties put together and you all know it. That's why you all trash good people.
It was Tucker Carlson's right wing site, the Daily Caller, that broke the story on Bachmann's debilitating migraines. The right wing, Karl Rove among them, doesn't want Bachmann.

Tucker Carlson's website insinuates she is addicted to "pills" and incapacitated by stress
Ignoring that even, she clearly isn't qualified to run this country.
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Rabbi demonizes himself. He needs no help. Obama has done better than Bush, but we all knew that would happen. I will vote for Romney before Perry, but I am willing that Romney takes Perry on as his veep candidate.

Bush inherited a recession and had about 7 years of low unemployment, high job growth, low inflation, and moderate gas prices.
Obama inherited a recovery and has had 3 years of high unemployment, low job growth, increasing inflation and higher gas prices.
Is that what you call better?

That's what I call a pack of lies.
The pres had had a tough time, for sure, and that freak Bush the Younger from Texas was one of the worst presidents we have ever had, though I have found him a cheerful horseshoes-type of chap.

Our current president is the worst one we have ever had.

True, Carter, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Buchanan and Andrew Johnson were probably worse... but time will see how many Obama exceeds in that department when the historical evidence of the damage he's done becomes prevalent.
Most older gay men I know were married at one time, and have children. My friend's mom is a lesbian, and I had a lesbian friend who had two children.

My sister is a lesbian, and she has a son. My mom's best friends were a married-with-three-children couple, and it was very obvious that Dan was gay. However, fundamentalists born in the 1930-40's didn't DO that, so he was married and had three kids.

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