Buh Bye Obamacare

no one is going to have to pay for other peoples shi
Of course you are, dumbass. Who do you think pays for indigent care?

Duh. Goddamn we are a country full of morons.
Na, I’m self-employed I pay for me and my family… the way it should be...
That's the way it should be for everyone. There should be no employer sponsored medical insurance. Everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way they buy their auto, home, and life insurance.

But the GOP made sure that was never going to happen. Too bad you rubes never caught on to that.

Now, single payer is inevitable.

Thanks a lot! And I mean that sarcastically.
Insurance is not healthcare
Insurance is how you acquire health care. Very, very, very few Americans would be able to afford health care without insurance.

Any more red herrings?
The costs would not be there without frivolous lawsuits… Those are a progressive thing
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though

Trump fully supported single payer before he choose to run as a Repub

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How many people have preexisting conditions that insurance companies were made to cover under the ACA? I bet the number is in the millions. Now the DOJ says that clause of the ACA is null and void, thus they everyone that was covered due to ObamaCare can be dropped.

That's the delusion at the core of ACA. It rots the rest of the law from the inside out.
Only because the mandate was poorly implemented.
Only morons would think that the mandate would work
healthcare is the main concern of voters ..

its absolutely brilliant for Trump and the Retards to allow big insurance to cut peoples coverage ..

Who is paying for that coverage… Times up… People that can’t possibly afford it.
Forcing people to pay for other people shit is moronic and communist
Of course you are, dumbass. Who do you think pays for indigent care?

Duh. Goddamn we are a country full of morons.
Na, I’m self-employed I pay for me and my family… the way it should be...
That's the way it should be for everyone. There should be no employer sponsored medical insurance. Everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way they buy their auto, home, and life insurance.

But the GOP made sure that was never going to happen. Too bad you rubes never caught on to that.

Now, single payer is inevitable.

Thanks a lot! And I mean that sarcastically.
Insurance is not healthcare
Insurance is how you acquire health care. Very, very, very few Americans would be able to afford health care without insurance.

Any more red herrings?
The costs would not be there without frivolous lawsuits… Those are a progressive thing
That's a stupid meme which is total horseshit.

Frivolous lawsuits have very, very little to do with rising health care costs.
healthcare is the main concern of voters ..

its absolutely brilliant for Trump and the Retards to allow big insurance to cut peoples coverage ..

Who is paying for that coverage… Times up… People that can’t possibly afford it.
Forcing people to pay for other people shit is moronic and communist
Trump doesn't think so.
So, the POTUS and the Repubs will no longer enforce the preexisting conditions clause which frees insurance companies from having to cover them, which means they can start to drop all those people.

I am sure that will win votes come Nov.

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cause obammy care got the dems so many wins since it went into affect. dude you make me laugh. :clap2::clap2:
It still tickles me the rubes have still not caught on they were massively hoaxed by the GOP all those years.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. :lol:

There never was.

They left the door wide open for a New York huckster to implement single payer.
Healthcare is not a right… People need to pay for their own shit
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters
It still tickles me the rubes have still not caught on they were massively hoaxed by the GOP all those years.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. :lol:

There never was.

They left the door wide open for a New York huckster to implement single payer.
Healthcare is not a right… People need to pay for their own shit
If all you can do is parrot bumper sticker catchphrases, then I don't have much hope in you ever catching on to Trump's hoaxes.
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters
Trump knows that when he calls for single payer health care, the progressives will fall in love with him and all this impeachment talk will go up in smoke in an instant.

But first, he has to inflict a lot of pain on America's health care system to make UHC more palatable to the rube herd that voted for him.
Na, I’m self-employed I pay for me and my family… the way it should be...
That's the way it should be for everyone. There should be no employer sponsored medical insurance. Everyone should be buying their health insurance the same way they buy their auto, home, and life insurance.

But the GOP made sure that was never going to happen. Too bad you rubes never caught on to that.

Now, single payer is inevitable.

Thanks a lot! And I mean that sarcastically.
Insurance is not healthcare
Insurance is how you acquire health care. Very, very, very few Americans would be able to afford health care without insurance.

Any more red herrings?
The costs would not be there without frivolous lawsuits… Those are a progressive thing
That's a stupid meme which is total horseshit.

Frivolous lawsuits have very, very little to do with rising health care costs.
People not paying for their own shit, so they think the insurance company will just pay for it so they can charge whatever they want just like frivolous lawsuits. Fuck socialized medicine it only works for career politicians… Keeping them in power
Good move right before the 2018 elections

Democrats now have an issue
Most of America wants nothing to do with socialize medicine… Fact

Millions of Americans have pre existing conditions

Crooked Donnie just threw them to the wolves

That adds up if you assume that people only vote out of direct self interest. But, as Democrats love to point out (without actually understanding the phenomenon), Trump voters didn't do themselves any favors by voting for Trump. He's actually worse for the financial well-being of the poor whites who voted for him. But they voted for him anyway. This confuses the hell out of Democrats because they assume that the bottom line is all anyone cares about. Projection? :dunno:
It still tickles me the rubes have still not caught on they were massively hoaxed by the GOP all those years.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. :lol:

There never was.

They left the door wide open for a New York huckster to implement single payer.
Healthcare is not a right… People need to pay for their own shit
If all you can do is parrot bumper sticker catchphrases, then I don't have much hope in you ever catching on to Trump's hoaxes.
The federal not a government needs to stay out of peoples personal lives… There is no such thing as individuality any sort of freedom in socialism

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