Buh Bye Obamacare

Good move right before the 2018 elections

Democrats now have an issue
Most of America wants nothing to do with socialize medicine… Fact

Millions of Americans have pre existing conditions

Crooked Donnie just threw them to the wolves
Trump wants to make health care even more disastrous so the people will cry out for his single payer health care plan.
Everthing the federal government touches turns to shit and piss
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters
Trump knows that when he calls for single payer health care, the progressives will fall in love with him and all this impeachment talk will go up in smoke in an instant.

But first, he has to inflict a lot of pain on America's health care system to make UHC more palatable to the rube herd that voted for him.
No one’s gonna want to pay for other peoples shit, that’s the problem with paying into a pool it’s a bad concept all the way around
It still tickles me the rubes have still not caught on they were massively hoaxed by the GOP all those years.

There is no ObamaCare replacement. :lol:

There never was.
Of course not. Obamacare was a REpublican idea, and it was the very best thing they could come up with for 25 years in response to the public option.

So, let's not all act shocked that those frauds couldn't produce a better plan that the best one they could come up with for 25 years.
Romneycare was a bad idea from start to finish, never was conservative thinking. Just let the government fuck over everybody
Welcome to TrumpCare. Skyrocketing to record high costs in every neighborhood! Making America Bankrupt and Sick Again.

Karma's a bitch.
If you worked and showered occasionally, you wouldn't get so sick or bankrupt

One can be fully employed and still go bankrupt over medical bills.

My son spent 3.5 hours in the ER two weeks ago after an accident and the bill sent by just the ER to our insurance was more then 24 grand. For 3 hours.

Anyone without insurance will just not pay and the hospital will pass the cost on to the insurance companies and anyone with insurance will pay more

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Frivolous lawsuits should be eliminated altogether, and accounting of costs should be first and foremost. If your kid has a sore throat don’t take them to the hospital… Common sense shit like that
Good move right before the 2018 elections

Democrats now have an issue
Most of America wants nothing to do with socialize medicine… Fact

Millions of Americans have pre existing conditions

Crooked Donnie just threw them to the wolves
Trump wants to make health care even more disastrous so the people will cry out for his single payer health care plan.

Two outcomes possible when the mandate disappears

Companies drop coverage on preexisting conditions
Prices rise through the roof

Good for Republicans to run on in 2018
So, the POTUS and the Repubs will no longer enforce the preexisting conditions clause which frees insurance companies from having to cover them, which means they can start to drop all those people.

I am sure that will win votes come Nov.

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cause obammy care got the dems so many wins since it went into affect. dude you make me laugh. :clap2::clap2:

Since Trump has taken over, support for Obamacare has gone up.
Good move right before the 2018 elections

Democrats now have an issue
Most of America wants nothing to do with socialize medicine… Fact

Millions of Americans have pre existing conditions

Crooked Donnie just threw them to the wolves
Trump wants to make health care even more disastrous so the people will cry out for his single payer health care plan.

Two outcomes possible when the mandate disappears

Companies drop coverage on preexisting conditions
Prices rise through the roof

Good for Republicans to run on in 2018
People could not possibly afford the premiums begin with, because of socialize medicine.
How many people have preexisting conditions that insurance companies were made to cover under the ACA? I bet the number is in the millions. Now the DOJ says that clause of the ACA is null and void, thus they everyone that was covered due to ObamaCare can be dropped.

That's the delusion at the core of ACA. It rots the rest of the law from the inside out.
Only because the mandate was poorly implemented.
that's an understatement. it should never have been created. The dems should have sought out bipartisan support and done it right. but noooooooooooooooo all I heard was fk the repubs. and fk em slow. the swamp creatures episode 1000
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LOL, It's telling that your position appears to be that citizens dying prematurely is fine as long as it facilitates achieving your partisan political objectives.
Youre not a very honest person. Clearly my post mad no value judgments. It's a simple statement of fact, and one which will be exacerbated by kicking people off of insurance.

Nice try. kinda fell on yer face, though.
It does not matter insurance is not healthcare
The GOP sold the herd down the river to single payer health care decades ago.

The herd just hasn't caught on yet. All the fake outrage by their leaders was just theater for the rubes.

They never intended to replace ObamaCare. They left the door open for a New York huckster to put into motion the final phases to single payer health care.
Government programs for healthcare are not needed because they’ll just be rampant with waste fraud and abuse
So, the POTUS and the Repubs will no longer enforce the preexisting conditions clause which frees insurance companies from having to cover them, which means they can start to drop all those people.

I am sure that will win votes come Nov.

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Why should people have to pay for other peoples shit, and worse yet the government forces them. No wonder they’re dropping it...

The government forces medical facilities and personnel to provide service to those who cannot pay.

You and I pay for those people one way or another.

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Not really, if we eliminate socialist entitlement programs there is no way for the federal government to force shit like that on us
I wish I could listen in on Hannity's internal dialog when Trump announces single payer health care is going to be his number one domestic agenda item. :lol:
Socialize medicine does not work… Even Trump knows that. Progressives don’t have a clue though
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters

That is all that matters to you. You are one sick dude who needs mental help. IF that is what conservatives are about then it needs to be destroyed.
Trump ditched Hussein's awful Un-American 'Mandate.' That was a YUGE win. I'm good with Trump's effort on ditching 'Obamacare' all-together. Hope he keeps up the fight. :thup:
The mandate originated at the Heritage Foundation.

Donald Trump is the only conservative in the whooooooooooooooole world!
It doesn’t matter where the Mandate came from it’s always been wrong
Good move right before the 2018 elections

Democrats now have an issue
Most of America wants nothing to do with socialize medicine… Fact

Millions of Americans have pre existing conditions

Crooked Donnie just threw them to the wolves
Whether or not they do it does not matter the people that were being forced to pay for other people shit cannot afford it. Wy force something on people that want nothing to do with it?

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