Build the wall!


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2015
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
The attacks by Mexican flag waving terrorists on January 20th underscore the importance of building a security wall on the southern border.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
The only reason the stupid Moon Bats support not enforcing the immigration laws of this country is that they perceive the illegal shitheads to be potential future Democrat voters. You know, because they are Mexico's exportation of poverty and come here for the welfare. Like the ones that ruined Catalonia.

Of course as we saw with the Kenyan Catastrophe's curtailment of the Cuban exemption open immigration doesn't apply to groups that may be more lkely to vote Republican in the future.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Illegal immigration is now free trade. Damn that's kooky.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
You got me all wrong bud. I am a liberal just like you, I want a society that offers opportunities and jobs for all. It is just that I have always believed this and understood the problems inherent in free trade ideology.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Link to free trade?
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Lindsay graham now doesn't want to tariff imports because of Corona. I think we can live without that watered down beer. Bud lights better
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Pretty fucking funny that Trump won the election and is going to bring jobs back with better trade deals (as much as you don't want that to happen).
Sure we do. Let us know when it happens.

And are you now prepared to pay more and buy American? I am.

Glad you're a liberal now
The only reason the stupid Moon Bats support not enforcing the immigration laws of this country is that they perceive the illegal shitheads to be potential future Democrat voters.
I cannot agree with you that it's the only reason; however, it certainly seems to be one of the primary reasons.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Link to free trade?

Texas industries rake in nearly a hundred billion annually exporting mostly manufactured goods to Mexico while providing nearly half a million jobs in the state of Texas alone. Add another half million jobs on top of that outside of Texas.

And trump wants to destroy all that.

Clearly this is a case of repubs voting against their own best interest.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Illegal immigration is now free trade. Damn that's kooky.
Yes, free trade ideology destabilized our society, it's only natural it would do the same to Mexico. Comparatively speaking we still maintained the advantage in opportunity of employment so they come here looking for work (pun intended).
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Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Illegal immigration is now free trade. Damn that's kooky.
Yes, free trade ideology undermined our society, it's only natural it would do the same to Mexico. Comparatively speaking we still maintained the advantage in opportunity of employment so they come here looking for work (pun intended).
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.
Illegal immigration is now free trade. Damn that's kooky.
Yes, free trade ideology undermined our society, it's only natural it would do the same to Mexico. Comparatively speaking we still maintained the advantage in opportunity of employment so they come here looking for work (pun intended).
You idiots freed capital to seek maximum advantage, now you are begging for a wall to protect you. If you want I will break out the crayons.
A 20% tax on Mexican imports is going to bring back jobs and a better standard of living?

Not really, guys.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.

The wall will protect free trade ideology from voters of anti-free market coercion based ideology, duh.
Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.

It would be better if we just shut down all welfare to illegals, taxed their pay checks, outlawed anchor babies. Then if they have a job fine, if they dont, well that's their free trade problem to solve themselves.

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Pretty fucking funny (stupid) that conservatives are demanding that a wall be built to protect them from the ravages of free trade ideology that they once championed unquestioningly. Just sit back and laugh and watch the circus, the clowns never seem to tire.

It would be better if we just shut down all welfare to illegals, taxed their pay checks, outlawed anchor babies. Then if they have a job fine, if they dont, well that's their free trade problem to solve themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What we need to do is address the root cause of the problem, that is, what caused them to leave their homes in the first place. In that way we can start having an honest dialogue about the problems we face here.

The root cause being the desire of capital to seek the cheapest labor.
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