Building the Border Fence - A Public/Private Partnership

Do you really think anyone is going to just walk up to a fence like the one pictured with a pair of wire cutters?


Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
,Canadians have a decent , civilized country and generally aren't looking for a better country to live in Moonglow . Its the third worlders coming over the southern border that are the problem because of the language , culture , lack of good western traditions and values , etc. , etc. . Oh well , go ahead , let the world in , its about 320 million pop. in the USA now so lets make it to 400 million . I grew up in the USA with a pop. of about 200 million , country was way better when I grew up !!

Canadians already live in a better country. Why would they want to go to the U.S.? We have Americans sneaking across the border for the free health care.
Yep , well , I at least I agree that 'Canada' is civilized for the most part 'Dragonlady' . At least you have a pretty small population which is very desirable in a nice large landmass . Course you have 'quebec' and the genetic's that include all those coward 1960s draft dodgers in yer mix plus the fact that you still like 'queens' as your overlords . So yeah , Canada is nice ehh , but kinda full of wusses !!
,Canadians have a decent , civilized country and generally aren't looking for a better country to live in Moonglow . Its the third worlders coming over the southern border that are the problem because of the language , culture , lack of good western traditions and values , etc. , etc. . Oh well , go ahead , let the world in , its about 320 million pop. in the USA now so lets make it to 400 million . I grew up in the USA with a pop. of about 200 million , country was way better when I grew up !!

Canadians already live in a better country. Why would they want to go to the U.S.? We have Americans sneaking across the border for the free health care.
I worked in Toronto for 8 months. None of the Canadians I worked with thought the Canadians system was better than the American system. They paid far more in taxes than we pay, and everything is more expensive in Canada.
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Do you really think anyone is going to just walk up to a fence like the one pictured with a pair of wire cutters?


Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

I believe it is just the right's spend first and finance later policy; but, complain about the left justifying taxes first and then spending appropriated income for transfers.
Nice try once again.
Secede or talk about secession and that state is on their own.
It's people like you that want everything your way and both ways.
Too bad!

Some one is fucking stupid and it seems to be you. LOL

Who wants to guess at how much a 2,000 mile "fence" would cost and how long it would take to build?

I've done the math. Five years and $100Trillion. Then $20T every year to maintain.

Five years?

I think you're being generous.

This is not a cheesy chain link fence they're going to put up in the desert. It would have to be more like a substantial wall with concrete abutments and barbed wire and the like.

So let's say they could do a hundred yards a day (the length of a football field). No, let's give them 200 yards a day. That's 600 feet, but they're very industrious, hard working people. In nine days, they can complete one mile. At that rate, the full 2,000 miles will take somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 years.

You're an imbecile. The entire interstate highway system took less time than that to build. How many miles of interstate highway are there, 30,000 miles?

Your belief that the fence can only be built in one location at a time is pure idiocy. There's a reason you'll never be a construction contractor: You're too fucking stupid.

Turds like you always grossly exaggerate the cost of a fence and the time required to build it. You really don't give a damn about either. You don't want the fence to be built because you want the floodgates to remain open for illegal immigrants. You're a traitor to your country.

Wrong, it's obviously you and the rest of the lying traitors who oppose building the fence.
There is no willful Appeal to Ignorance of our Commerce Clause; why are losing money on Commerce at our borders.

Any questions?
Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
ROFL... dude there is not one species on the planet that can by stopped by fences. WTF are you talking about?
Do you really think anyone is going to just walk up to a fence like the one pictured with a pair of wire cutters?


Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
,Canadians have a decent , civilized country and generally aren't looking for a better country to live in Moonglow . Its the third worlders coming over the southern border that are the problem because of the language , culture , lack of good western traditions and values , etc. , etc. . Oh well , go ahead , let the world in , its about 320 million pop. in the USA now so lets make it to 400 million . I grew up in the USA with a pop. of about 200 million , country was way better when I grew up !!

Canadians already live in a better country. Why would they want to go to the U.S.? We have Americans sneaking across the border for the free health care.
And Canadians sneaking over hear to take advantage of the better healthcare.

It does not take months to get that needed MRI.
Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.
The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.
And you need more people to stop those people from accepting bribes to open the fence gates and let them walk right in.

And most importantly you need a president who is not FORCING his border police to act as bus drivers to AID illegals in entering the country ILLEGALLY.
The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
ROFL... dude there is not one species on the planet that can by stopped by fences. WTF are you talking about?

Then why do men keep building them? Go check out Wyoming. You'll see miles and miles of barbed wire fences all over the state.

You're full of shit, as always.
The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.

Hmmm, yeah, so what? We already have tens of thousands of people at the border.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.
And you need more people to stop those people from accepting bribes to open the fence gates and let them walk right in.

And most importantly you need a president who is not FORCING his border police to act as bus drivers to AID illegals in entering the country ILLEGALLY.

So why bother having anything on the border at all? Can't border guards take bribes without the fence? Fences don't take bribes, and there won't be any gates in it accept at established entry points.
Yes. Is there some reason you think mexicans would refuse to cut wire?

The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
Based on?

You are making bald faced statements without a single shred of logic or evidence to back it up and then claling people 'lying pieces of shit.' That does not make a reasonable argument at all. Simply stating it does not make it fact.

FACT: you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.

Now ask yourself this:if it takes two people to patrol X feet/miles of open terrain with sensor nets telling you exactly where they are, what - PRECISELY - does the fence change? Why can one person now patrol 2X land where the sensor net only allows X?

The answer is, of course, nothing. The fence essentially fills two roles on the border - slows them down while they are cutting through it/climbing over it and places a clear line where they are not supposed to go. You still require the same number of personnel to go and actually apprehend those crossing. Without those personnel, people will cross with little to no hindrance.

We may need to fill in gaps in the sensor network (I do not believe that it is complete) but it would be irrelevant to do so (or build a fence) without the proper personnel manning the fence to apprehend those that are crossing over.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
ROFL... dude there is not one species on the planet that can by stopped by fences. WTF are you talking about?

Then why do men keep building them? Go check out Wyoming. You'll see miles and miles of barbed wire fences all over the state.

You're full of shit, as always.
To mark territory that is under dispute. Barb wire is there to make it harder for dumb ass domestic animals to get out, but without someone there to maintain the fence and watch the cows the cows will tear it down and leave.

Again, the problem with the idea of a fence is that the guards have been told to let the illegals in. The fence is just a dumb ass waste of money.
What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.
And you need more people to stop those people from accepting bribes to open the fence gates and let them walk right in.

And most importantly you need a president who is not FORCING his border police to act as bus drivers to AID illegals in entering the country ILLEGALLY.

So why bother having anything on the border at all? Can't border guards take bribes without the fence? Fences don't take bribes, and there won't be any gates in it accept at established entry points.
Exactly, we would be better off having no one at the border at all than the people we have there who are helping them cross illegally into America. The fence is just an extra expense that is COMPLETELY USELESS. It's like saying we need a fence at a prison while knowing full well that the prison guards have been told to help the prisoners come and go as they please. It's nutz.
What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.
A fence would stop illegal crossings, but not illegal immigration , as 40% of the illegals cross the border through the regular channels with a work visa or a tourist visa.
No, it would not. As already pointed out, you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.
And you need more people to stop those people from accepting bribes to open the fence gates and let them walk right in.

And most importantly you need a president who is not FORCING his border police to act as bus drivers to AID illegals in entering the country ILLEGALLY.

So why bother having anything on the border at all? Can't border guards take bribes without the fence? Fences don't take bribes, and there won't be any gates in it accept at established entry points.
You can't make a fence that, left unguarded, will hold out humans for more than a few seconds. Remember the french Maginot line? The only real purpose for the fence is to make people like you think your government is doing something about the problem.
The presence of a border guard who would immediately arrest him.
Hence all th4e points that have been ignored about the massive cost of such an endeavor. You could essentially accomplish the same without the fence at all but with the guards.

What points were ignored? 10 times as many border guards are required without a fence than with a fence. The fence makes guarding the border cheaper. All those against building a fence are actually against sealing the border. They support illegal immigration.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Why are 10 times as many guards needed?

A fence would have little impact on the number of people required to seal the border.

1/10th the guards are needed. The fence reduces the number of personnel needed to control the border. Only lying pieces of shit would claim otherwise.
Based on?

You are making bald faced statements without a single shred of logic or evidence to back it up and then claling people 'lying pieces of shit.' That does not make a reasonable argument at all. Simply stating it does not make it fact.

FACT: you need people at the fence to stop those climbing over, cutting through or digging under.

Now ask yourself this:if it takes two people to patrol X feet/miles of open terrain with sensor nets telling you exactly where they are, what - PRECISELY - does the fence change? Why can one person now patrol 2X land where the sensor net only allows X?

The answer is, of course, nothing. The fence essentially fills two roles on the border - slows them down while they are cutting through it/climbing over it and places a clear line where they are not supposed to go. You still require the same number of personnel to go and actually apprehend those crossing. Without those personnel, people will cross with little to no hindrance.

We may need to fill in gaps in the sensor network (I do not believe that it is complete) but it would be irrelevant to do so (or build a fence) without the proper personnel manning the fence to apprehend those that are crossing over.
Note: and the orders to do so. Manning the fence is useless when their orders are to help people cross.

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