Bundy - Flee from him

We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Uhmmm Rick Perry is a socialist. A RHINO. Are you just a democrat pretending to be a republican? Or are you just a republican who knows not what you speak?

FYI Greg Abbot is the republican fighting the feds in the Texas Legislature. Perry is just a figure head. Governors don't do much of anything in TX.
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We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

You just said stop standing with people who say stupid things. Which is it?
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Stop standing with people who say stupid things?? You would be very lonely.

People who came to his defense were reacting to the armed force the govt used to collect a bill and the slaughter of cattle. A questionable bill at that.

People digging, and finding, an ugly side to the guy to try to redirect the conversation is lame, don't give them that power. They are two separate issues.
There are three reasons why Rick Perry is a "RHINO". He's got a big nose, he weighs 5,000 pounds, and...... um........ I can't remember the third. Oops.
I'm going to stick with the issue of the land used by Bundy's cattle to graze being targeted as mitigation in the pay to play to pollute the desert scheme of the feds.

That is still the heart of the matter to me.

That aside. I am not going to back down over saying that the Feds outrageous show of force to collect a debt was completely over the top.

It looked like someone in the BLM had hired Janet Reno as their adviser.
Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

Exactly! Like I said from the beginning the right sides with anyone anywhere as long as the other party involved is the govt.

You knew shit about the man yet "action alerts" went out to all the Republican sites and you fuck sticks were just following orders not knowing shit about him.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step

we did not need to know about him PERSONALLY to have an issue with what he was dealing with.

Hmmm...so if you saved the life of a guy who you later found out was a convicted rapist......you would be at fault?


Time to grow up.
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We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Uhmmm Rick Perry is a socialist. A RHINO. Are you just a democrat pretending to be a republican? Or are you just a republican who knows not what you speak?

FYI Greg Abbot is the republican fighting the feds in the Texas Legislature. Perry is just a figure head. Governors don't do much of anything in TX.

So because you are arguing that Rick Perry is a RINO, we shouldn't support him in protecting against land seizures by the Federal Government?
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Uhmmm Rick Perry is a socialist. A RHINO. Are you just a democrat pretending to be a republican? Or are you just a republican who knows not what you speak?

FYI Greg Abbot is the republican fighting the feds in the Texas Legislature. Perry is just a figure head. Governors don't do much of anything in TX.

So because you are arguing that Rick Perry is a RINO, we shouldn't support him in protecting against land seizures by the Federal Government?

No sir. I'm saying the same thing you are saying. Take care what horse to decide to back. Perry is not the horse you are looking for. Further, I'm saying Perry is doing nothing to protect texas against land seizures. That would be Greg Abbott.

More to the point if you must know. Rick Perry tried to take my land and tons of others like me all up and down the state to create a trans texas corridor to mexico mega boondoggle. Ton's of folks were getting their letters to vacate their "ancestral land" to make way for thousands of miles of new roads, new shopping centers, etc. Most of which were not even along the current north/south lanes but rather through the "cheap" lands they would take. He got slapped hard by the people and backed off. That's not the only story.. ask me some time about him trying to force my daughter to take hormone drugs.

Rick even did a stint working for ole blow hard himself Al Gore, before "switching" from the democrat party to republican party. He's like that christie guy from florida.. tells you exactly what he thinks you want him to say. All hat no cattle. Can't trust him.
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We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

No, that's exactly what the left wants you to do and is the reason they are screaming about racism over an observation of the plight in the ghetto's.

There's a a reason the media was asking him those questions, in hopes he would be a rancher and not some slick politician so they could drum up the racism charges and screech from the roof tops.

What Bundy said wasn't racist. It also wasn't polished up like politicians speak. But none of that even matters for the reason to support someone like Bundy. Saying something like he did doesn't mean it's now ok for the government to send a small army to finish the job of ruining his cattle operation and we should ignore it.
Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

Exactly! Like I said from the beginning the right sides with anyone anywhere as long as the other party involved is the govt.

You knew shit about the man yet "action alerts" went out to all the Republican sites and you fuck sticks were just following orders not knowing shit about him.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step
You can't see details, the issue was big government bullying folks. I'll side against it every time. I don't read any Republican sites, no other political ones even and I am not registered as a party member. You really are too stupid to talk to.
Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

Exactly! Like I said from the beginning the right sides with anyone anywhere as long as the other party involved is the govt.

You knew shit about the man yet "action alerts" went out to all the Republican sites and you fuck sticks were just following orders not knowing shit about him.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step


So if it wasn't about the Feds going industrial strength overboard to collect on a debt with 200 armed men and 9 helicopters and snipers, why did they pull back?

The answer is a no brainer. Because you see it was all about the BLM's over the top show of force.

In an election year.


Only reason the BLM pulled back was because every Democrat candidate was calling Reid's office and going Harry what the %^#* are you doing you &$% of a ^%#($.

The optics sucked. And needless to say a Ruby Ridge repeat would set the Republicans base on freaking fire.
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It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Dont' support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

No they haven't. That only exists in your liberal "mind".
Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

Exactly! Like I said from the beginning the right sides with anyone anywhere as long as the other party involved is the govt.

You knew shit about the man yet "action alerts" went out to all the Republican sites and you fuck sticks were just following orders not knowing shit about him.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step

we did not need to know about him PERSONALLY to have an issue with what he was dealing with.

I know all you needed was a command from Repub websites and you blindly follow it

Hmmm...so if you saved the life of a guy who you later found out was a convicted rapist......you would be at fault?


Time to grow up.

Nice try you get an E for effort. Was I told by a republican rag to save the guy and did I just do what they said without thought?
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.
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Exactly! Like I said from the beginning the right sides with anyone anywhere as long as the other party involved is the govt.

You knew shit about the man yet "action alerts" went out to all the Republican sites and you fuck sticks were just following orders not knowing shit about him.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step

we did not need to know about him PERSONALLY to have an issue with what he was dealing with.

I know all you needed was a command from Repub websites and you blindly follow it

Hmmm...so if you saved the life of a guy who you later found out was a convicted rapist......you would be at fault?


Time to grow up.

Nice try you get an E for effort. Was I told by a republican rag to save the guy and did I just do what they said without thought?

the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.
Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

We need to be better than them.

who told you to throw him under the bus? We already know Beck distanced himself.
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we did not need to know about him PERSONALLY to have an issue with what he was dealing with.

I know all you needed was a command from Repub websites and you blindly follow it

Hmmm...so if you saved the life of a guy who you later found out was a convicted rapist......you would be at fault?


Time to grow up.

Nice try you get an E for effort. Was I told by a republican rag to save the guy and did I just do what they said without thought?

the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.

And there are more prudent avenues to fight that issue.
Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

We need to be better than them.

normally i would agree, but weve been patient. The supreme court screws us at every turn.
I dont trust the republicans and certainly not the democrats.
People vote for something and the courts overturn it, its been happening for 60 years, so time is running out
we did not need to know about him PERSONALLY to have an issue with what he was dealing with.

I know all you needed was a command from Repub websites and you blindly follow it

Hmmm...so if you saved the life of a guy who you later found out was a convicted rapist......you would be at fault?


Time to grow up.

Nice try you get an E for effort. Was I told by a republican rag to save the guy and did I just do what they said without thought?

the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.

And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

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