Bundy - Flee from him

Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Explain anoutt duck dynasty, fags getting married is a jokethat blew up in the gay rights face, which is about time for those nazis to get whats comming to them.

for clive, he said slavery is better thqn welfare, he wrong, becuase theyre basically the same, although welfare is without the s and m.

i wonder if a black perso does go to a dominatrix, are they considered self loathing?

This is a serious question. Are you drinking right now?


What was your first clue?
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

So if some guy being pissed on my the libtards isn't Captain America in the flesh, the conservatives should just join in to piss on the guy?

Your gonna not help a guy that's getting his cows shot by your government cause you don't agree with the guy's politics or cause the guy is one of those old farts that still talk about colored folk like they are still slaves?

What if your neighbor's a jew, or a muslim. You gonna sign up to shoot their cows?
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The democrat lament. They can't totally control what people think. But they keep trying.
The democrat lament. They can't totally control what people think. But they keep trying.

Can't help being wrong, can you? Most Democrats have likely long since reached the conclusion that many people who today call themselves conservatives don't do much of any thinking at all. They just blindly follow some script they hear on AM radio or on some ridiculous blog or website which merely serves to feed their paranoia and their penchant for conspiracy theories while also selling them something in the process. There's no reaching people like that when they're so easily misled by others.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Your insinuation is that we should only support good guys, and let the bad guys go down in flames, regardless of the rightfulness of their situation. That may be good politics, but it is a horrible moral standing.

So, Bundy holds racist beliefs. Does that disqualify him from justice on an entirely unrelated topic? Does that mean that the federal government can ride roughshod over him, and we should do nothing?

I recall a local situation that occurred about fifteen years ago. A local thug, drug dealer, and overall criminal ass, was being sentenced for a drug offense. The judge awarded him three years in prison and probation after that. After the sentencing, the idiot called the judge a few names, and the judge changed the sentence from three years to ten years in prison. This thug was a blight on society, but society came to his aid. When all was said and done, the sentence was returned to three years, with an additional thirty days in jail for disrespect for the court. The judge was removed from office. Seven years in prison for cussing a judge was not justice, and the public recognized that fact. It didn't matter what the character of the thug entailed, he experienced an injustice and that was not acceptable.

Bundy wants to use you, Errand, for his purposes.

He is wrong on the law.

He has not paid his grazing fees forever.

He is wrong on race (this may mean he is sympathetic with the FLDS).

You are morally wrong if you support him.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Uhmmm Rick Perry is a socialist. A RHINO. Are you just a democrat pretending to be a republican? Or are you just a republican who knows not what you speak?

FYI Greg Abbot is the republican fighting the feds in the Texas Legislature. Perry is just a figure head. Governors don't do much of anything in TX.

Don't use terms you don't understand, RMK. That would be like calling you Reactonary RINOs fascists.

No one pays attention to that nonsense.

Abbot has been Perry's creature for many years.
Too late OP, rw'ers have gone all-in. Drudge is prolly to blame since thats where most eXtreme rw'ers have their homepage set-to.
Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

I know all those threads about Bundy popping up on the same day as the action alerts was just a coincidence.

Most of them were started by you guys trying to attack conservatives/libertarians with him. Other than this one which I started, I don't know of a single one started by the right today. I could be wrong (it happens more often than I'd like).

So I guess the more appropriate question is who are you getting your orders from?

you cant have a serious discussion with that empty tshirt.
The left gets that shit, because they cant formulate arguements or understand basic principals
Can't help being wrong, can you? Most Democrats have likely long since reached the conclusion that many people who today call themselves conservatives don't do much of any thinking at all.
They have concluded a lot of things like that because they are smug self righteous superior acting assholes. This board proves it.
Smug superior assholes who don't take up arms in defense of a rich racist who repeatedly lost in court. Damn those dirty liberals.
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

So if some guy being pissed on my the libtards isn't Captain America in the flesh, the conservatives should just join in to piss on the guy?

If someone in your party is not living by the principles you avow, you should be the FIRST to condemn him. Otherwise, you are a hypocrite who demonstrates you care more about power than your principles.
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Don't be so defeatist, Avatar. It doesn't matter that he's a loon. The land grab is on and has been going on for some time..there are plenty of others coming forward.

He's just one of many, many people.
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

So if some guy being pissed on my the libtards isn't Captain America in the flesh, the conservatives should just join in to piss on the guy?

Your gonna not help a guy that's getting his cows shot by your government cause you don't agree with the guy's politics or cause the guy is one of those old farts that still talk about colored folk like they are still slaves?

What if your neighbor's a jew, or a muslim. You gonna sign up to shoot their cows?

If someone in your party is not living by the principles you avow, you should be the FIRST to condemn him. Otherwise, you are a hypocrite who demonstrates you care more about power than your principles.

How about you let those of us who are actually members of the party, determine why, how and who we turn against?

It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Dont' support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

But it wasn't too late when Obama denounced Reverend Wright?

Or when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!
so kg is a card carrying Repub? :eusa_think: Makes sense what w/ all her unbridled hate :thup:

As to the OP, I think the fringe (repub base- types) will continue to side w/ the rw freeloader because they sure don't want to work on actual legislation. That involves paper & pencils & such :rolleyes: Gawd but the Repub pols must cringe knowing that they rely on the basers for their seats :(
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Bundy is a rightwing Mormon kook

Cliven Bundy is a seditious liar, not a patriot
So if some guy being pissed on my the libtards isn't Captain America in the flesh, the conservatives should just join in to piss on the guy?

Your gonna not help a guy that's getting his cows shot by your government cause you don't agree with the guy's politics or cause the guy is one of those old farts that still talk about colored folk like they are still slaves?

What if your neighbor's a jew, or a muslim. You gonna sign up to shoot their cows?

If someone in your party is not living by the principles you avow, you should be the FIRST to condemn him. Otherwise, you are a hypocrite who demonstrates you care more about power than your principles.

How about you let those of us who are actually members of the party, determine why, how and who we turn against?


I am a Republican, sweetie. And that is EXACTLY what I have been doing. Taking the trash to the curb.


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