Bundy - Flee from him

We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Bundy is a rightwing Mormon kook

Cliven Bundy is a seditious liar, not a patriot

Oh I'm fairly disgusted by the trash we have to put up with.

People like fakey, and other left wingers, who pretend to be "main stream right wing" so they can push the country ever further left.
They are the new occupy wallstreet except they want to protect....cows. Priorities!

Haha should have listened

They never do until they look like complete idiots :lol:

Id prefer people who listen later when they look like complete idiots than those like yourself who refuse to listen despite looking like complete idiots.

did rather listen to what they say and go off the facts then what feels good.
Bundy wasnt hard to figure out. You could inter change him with a few posters on here and their would be no difference.

The man thinks he is outside federal laws. You guys are so reactionary that you will take anything and anyone in so long they promote your bias. Dont worry the left does it as well, There just isnt a market for it like on the right.
Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

i know! how dare the Federal government take the threat of using guns and a loaded shotgun " bundy's words" seriously.
It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Don't support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

We side against the Obama regime, not our beloved country.
Bundy didn't threaten anybody with guns.

Yet another lie perpetrated by the left. The feds came in with weapons.
It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Don't support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

Why is it that every liberal knew what tea bagging was from the first mention of it?
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Stop standing with people who say stupid things?? You would be very lonely.

People who came to his defense were reacting to the armed force the govt used to collect a bill and the slaughter of cattle. A questionable bill at that.

People digging, and finding, an ugly side to the guy to try to redirect the conversation is lame, don't give them that power. They are two separate issues.

they came armed because he was threatening them.

Nevada Rancher Threatens Range War Against Feds - ABC News

"I've got to protect my property," Bundy said as Arden steered several cattle inside an elongated pen. "If people come to monkey with what's mine, I'll call the county sheriff. If that don't work, I'll gather my friends and kids and we'll try to stop it. I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws."Bundy's wife Carol told the Sun that she owns a shotgun and is prepared to use it:

Fox Champions Bundy Supporters Who Threatened Violence Against Federal Agents | Research | Media Matters for America
Supporting the cause is not the same as supporting the man the wise understand this the idiots never will.

What "cause"? You cheered for the USAPATRIOT Act in 2001. Republicans called anyone who questioned it 'traitors', 'Muslim-lovers', 'terrorist sympathizers', 'Communists', and everything else that you could think of. Republicans were just as responsible as Democrats for bringing the big government on us, so you don't get to bear arms against a black President. Your reasons for fighting the government are wrong, and that's why you need to sit down, listen and learn.

We tried to change the system with the vote. That's why Obama was elected, remember? Because George W. Bush was such an unbelievable failure in every possible way. But Obama turned out to be another corporate tool, so we tried to change things peacefully with Occupy which quickly became a clusterfuck, but where were the Republicans with their guns during Occupy? Clutching their Bibles and watching corporate FOX News mock the People for demanding justice. According to corporate billionaire FOX News, banks and bankers are "too big to fail" and this is why the economy took a nosedive and then only recovered for the banks and bankers.

Nixon started the drug war after the Shafer Commission told him to legalize weed and you have cheered on the creeping police state ever since. Republicans loved the big government until a black man was elected. That is the hard brutal truth of it. Everyone knows it so stop denying it. Please accept it, learn from your mistakes, and progress with the rest of society.

If you want to fight the government then learn why you're supposed to be fighting the government. Pressure your legislators to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, repeal the AUMF, repeal the NDAA, end the war of terror, end the drug war, and end the police state. Please don't stand behind Cliven Bundy. Cliven Bundy is never going to stand behind you. We've been saying that since all of this started.
I do love it when people prove my point.
Bundy didn't threaten anybody with guns.

Yet another lie perpetrated by the left. The feds came in with weapons.
200 of them to take his land. Regardless of what Bundy may have stated doesn't detract from what the BLM was attempting to do. WE must stay focused on this out of control government in the midst of land grabs...and crimes against it's own people.
Bundy didn't threaten anybody with guns.

Yet another lie perpetrated by the left. The feds came in with weapons.

"I've got to protect my property," Bundy said as Arden steered several cattle inside an elongated pen. "If people come to monkey with what's mine, I'll call the county sheriff. If that don't work, I'll gather my friends and kids and we'll try to stop it. I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero federal laws."Bundy's wife Carol told the Sun that she owns a shotgun and is prepared to use it:

Lone rancher is prepared to fight feds for land - Las Vegas Sun News
I’ve got a shotgun,” she said. “It’s loaded and I know how to use it. We’re ready to do what we have to do, but we’d rather win this in the court of public opinion.”
Well yes they did....

too easy
Bundy didn't threaten anybody with guns.

Yet another lie perpetrated by the left. The feds came in with weapons.
200 of them to take his land. Regardless of what Bundy may have stated doesn't detract from what the BLM was attempting to do. WE must stay focused on this out of control government in the midst of land grabs...and crimes against it's own people.

there was no land grab you retard. You wont be doing anything but type furiously at your computer like a pussy
I'm going to stick with the issue of the land used by Bundy's cattle to graze being targeted as mitigation in the pay to play to pollute the desert scheme of the feds.

That is still the heart of the matter to me.

That aside. I am not going to back down over saying that the Feds outrageous show of force to collect a debt was completely over the top.

It looked like someone in the BLM had hired Janet Reno as their adviser.

so you are sticking with the retard conspiracy shocking. Not the fact he stopped paying, not the fact he owed 1.1 million, not the fact his family threatened violence, not the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

No it was a land grab.....:cuckoo:
g5000 is something in short-supply as of late a "thinking" Repub. Too bad there aren't more like him.

Too bad the Republican party was hi jacked by biblethumping kooks and other assorted nut balls , Eisenhower is spinning in his grave
It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Don't support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

We side against the Obama regime, not our beloved country.

Indeed. WE pledge allegiance to this Nation and the Constitution...and most importantly...GOD...NOT this government.

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