Bundy - Flee from him

I don't follow. He wasn't running for Miss America.

Doesn't matter. It's all about image.

Align yourself with someone like that makes you a target when they say something juicy.

Think Reverend Wright.

It doesn't work that way. Wright had no effect on Obama's popularity. It would not have worked the other way around. I aligned myself with the issues, Bundy is a pawn and the feds feel like they own the chessboard. That's a bigger issue to me than the pawn. and libs don't get to define my principles for me.

Again, it's all about image.

Image doesn't have to have anything to do with reality, it doesn't have to have anything to do with facts. It's about perception, and perception counts at the ballot box. Many vote purely on what they perceive, and the Democrats have long been masters of manipulating perception.

The GOP just doesn't seem to get this.

Doesn't matter. It's all about image.

Align yourself with someone like that makes you a target when they say something juicy.

Think Reverend Wright.

It doesn't work that way. Wright had no effect on Obama's popularity. It would not have worked the other way around. I aligned myself with the issues, Bundy is a pawn and the feds feel like they own the chessboard. That's a bigger issue to me than the pawn. and libs don't get to define my principles for me.

Again, it's all about image.

Image doesn't have to have anything to do with reality, it doesn't have to have anything to do with facts. It's about perception, and perception counts at the ballot box. Many vote purely on what they perceive, and the Democrats have long been masters of manipulating perception.

The GOP just doesn't seem to get this.
I think they are all too familiar with it. Reverend Wright said far worse things and Obama went to his church for 20 years. That's much more significant to me than what a cowboy says in the desert. It got swept under the rug for the most part because that wasn't the kind of image the media wanted associated with their selection.

If the GOP plays the same game then there's really no place to go, it's a matter of which phony you like best. I do think that many are more willing to look beyond the package now, but I'm not talking any bets.
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.
It doesn't work that way. Wright had no effect on Obama's popularity. It would not have worked the other way around. I aligned myself with the issues, Bundy is a pawn and the feds feel like they own the chessboard. That's a bigger issue to me than the pawn. and libs don't get to define my principles for me.

Again, it's all about image.

Image doesn't have to have anything to do with reality, it doesn't have to have anything to do with facts. It's about perception, and perception counts at the ballot box. Many vote purely on what they perceive, and the Democrats have long been masters of manipulating perception.

The GOP just doesn't seem to get this.
I think they are all too familiar with it. Reverend Wright said far worse things and Obama went to his church for 20 years. That's much more significant to me than what a cowboy says in the desert. It got swept under the rug for the most part because that wasn't the kind of image the media wanted associated with their selection.

If the GOP plays the same game then there's really no place to go, it's a matter of which phony you like best. I do think that many are more willing to look beyond the package now, but I'm not talking any bets.

Reverend Wright said far worse things than Bundy's musings about the merits of slavery?

I guess one would have to fundamentally agree with Bundy to come to that conclusion.
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.
That must be why I don't watch Madcow, the other horse wants to own the horse track and make any rules they want when they want. Simple answers for simple minds.
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.
That must be why I don't watch Madcow, the other horse wants to own the horse track and make any rules they want when they want. Simple answers for simple minds.

Hey, if you people want to keep Clive Bundy as the poster boy for conservatism I doubt that any liberal/Democrat would object.
Again, it's all about image.

Image doesn't have to have anything to do with reality, it doesn't have to have anything to do with facts. It's about perception, and perception counts at the ballot box. Many vote purely on what they perceive, and the Democrats have long been masters of manipulating perception.

The GOP just doesn't seem to get this.
I think they are all too familiar with it. Reverend Wright said far worse things and Obama went to his church for 20 years. That's much more significant to me than what a cowboy says in the desert. It got swept under the rug for the most part because that wasn't the kind of image the media wanted associated with their selection.

If the GOP plays the same game then there's really no place to go, it's a matter of which phony you like best. I do think that many are more willing to look beyond the package now, but I'm not talking any bets.

Reverend Wright said far worse things than Bundy's musings about the merits of slavery?

I guess one would have to fundamentally agree with Bundy to come to that conclusion.
Only an idiot would think so. 'Goddamn' America is worse. 'US of KKK A' is worse.

"America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. ... We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional killers. ... We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. ... We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. … We started the AIDS virus. ... We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.”....is worse.
Explain anoutt duck dynasty, fags getting married is a jokethat blew up in the gay rights face, which is about time for those nazis to get whats comming to them.

for clive, he said slavery is better thqn welfare, he wrong, becuase theyre basically the same, although welfare is without the s and m.

i wonder if a black perso does go to a dominatrix, are they considered self loathing?

This is a serious question. Are you drinking right now?

its call humor, look into it. I still see the welfare state as a nicer version of slavery. Ironicqlly controlled by democrats, coincidence?

it is called liquor.
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.
Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

We need to be better than them.

Someone needs to be above the fray, otherwise we've got nothing to say when they call us hypocrites, and the argument becomes a draw, which is really a win for them because the left has 99% of the media sucking them off.

You can stay above the fray, I'm tired of letting progressive statists get away with their bullshit.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

even though the opening part of your post is misguided for a million reasons, props for realizing bundy is an unhinged loon.

now look at where his way of thinking comes from.
Cons do the fastest 180 ever seen with Bundy's slavery wish, and claim the "moral high ground". Amazing, how the cons take voters for total chumps.
We need to be better than them.

Someone needs to be above the fray, otherwise we've got nothing to say when they call us hypocrites, and the argument becomes a draw, which is really a win for them because the left has 99% of the media sucking them off.

You can stay above the fray, I'm tired of letting progressive statists get away with their bullshit.

Bullshit is the operative word. I believe what the op is reacting to was an edited version of the facts. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ing-version-of-bundy-s-truthful-comments.html
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...
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i wonder what bundy must have said to be considered a racist.

if he said he wanted to shoot him some *******, you assholes would defend him by saying he is entitled to voice his opinion and that he is advocating gun rights.

also, obama, lbj, and reid!
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.
Rick Perry was Al Gores Campaign manager years ago. He is a Democrat with a Republican hat on. As for Bundy, I believe Bundy made a mistake in taking this to the people rather than to a courtroom. Whatever the judgment that is what he should accept. It is called obeying the law of the land. That is where he went wrong to begin with. This slandering of his name over false allegations of racism is the open door he gave them. He put himself out there and now they are going to try to take him down with the accusations of racism. According to European news sources his own black employee and others are have given statement that Bundy has never been a racist. That makes sense because if you think about it up until now there was never any mention of a history of racism for Bundy. No KKK affiliation, he had reputable christian friends, etc.. he was never accused until the media twisted his words in this story and now the true nature of people is coming out. The bloodthirsty cannot hide it for too long before giving it away. They will rip him apart with this one.

Slander is something that should not be mentioned once among the believers. We defend the weak. We don't eat them alive. Let the world do that. They are already in overdrive with it..
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No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

Suggests? I need a link, a source.

Not "anyone that suggests" which is big enough for me to drive a Dulie truck through, Hangover!

when a conservative says or does something stupid, other conservatives call him out on it and disassociate themselves from him and his comments

when a liberal says or does something stupid, other liberals either ignore it, lie about it, or promote the person to a higher position.

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