Bundy - Flee from him

Oh I'm fairly disgusted by the trash we have to put up with.

People like fakey, and other left wingers, who pretend to be "main stream right wing" so they can push the country ever further left.
Fakey's been going around today thanking 'rightwingers' and their posts presumably to get them on his side. He better quit while he thinks he's ahead...He's a RAT and he better know that WE are on to him.
Supporting the cause is not the same as supporting the man the wise understand this the idiots never will.

the cause was a farce...

That's your opinion your welcome to it just as others are welcome to believe otherwise.

its not really an opinion when i have the facts of the case.

the fact he stopped paying, the fact he owed 1.1 million, the fact his family threatened violence, the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

i have that on my side....You have conspiracy and it feels good.

You lose.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Uhmmm Rick Perry is a socialist. A RHINO. Are you just a democrat pretending to be a republican? Or are you just a republican who knows not what you speak?

FYI Greg Abbot is the republican fighting the feds in the Texas Legislature. Perry is just a figure head. Governors don't do much of anything in TX.

Don't use terms you don't understand, RMK. That would be like calling you Reactonary RINOs fascists.

No one pays attention to that nonsense.

Abbot has been Perry's creature for many years.

Why did I take you off ignore?
Oh I'm fairly disgusted by the trash we have to put up with.

People like fakey, and other left wingers, who pretend to be "main stream right wing" so they can push the country ever further left.
Fakey's been going around today thanking 'rightwingers' and their posts presumably to get them on his side. He better quit while he thinks he's ahead...He's a RAT and he better know that WE are on to him.

The ONLY people who believe he's a moderate are his extremist leftist friends...you don't believe me, look at who his usmb friends are...
Oh I'm fairly disgusted by the trash we have to put up with.

People like fakey, and other left wingers, who pretend to be "main stream right wing" so they can push the country ever further left.
Fakey's been going around today thanking 'rightwingers' and their posts presumably to get them on his side. He better quit while he thinks he's ahead...He's a RAT and he better know that WE are on to him.

The ONLY people who believe he's a moderate are his extremist leftist friends...you don't believe me, look at who his usmb friends are...
I've noticed. He can't hide it.
Smug superior assholes who don't take up arms in defense of a rich racist who repeatedly lost in court. Damn those dirty liberals.
Which proves you don't even know what it was about.
Please educate me, Neo. Free my mind.
Dang, I'll try the cliff notes version but how could you not know? He was paying grazing fees until they changed the rules and severely limited the number of cattle allowed. That wasn't doable for him and he couldn't get a permit for more. The large fee now is mostly in fines. There was no problem with the tortoises and cattle sharing the space, it was government taking over what the locals used for a long time.

They could have nabbed his ass in town but wanted to make a show at let folks know who's the boss. It was over the top heavy handedness. It isn't about who Bundy is as a man. People didn't know him, that's not why they showed up in support. Whether he's the biggest liar or racist ever doesn't change anything.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Unlike the left and their cult of personality complex, I believe most "supporters" supported his cause more than the man. Who knew anything about him? It was the heavy handedness of the government that went on and goes on that got the natives restless. Bundy was just a catalyst.

i know! how dare the Federal government take the threat of using guns and a loaded shotgun " bundy's words" seriously.
Cops do to but they don't need 200 of them with helos to take care of the situation.

the cause was a farce...

That's your opinion your welcome to it just as others are welcome to believe otherwise.

its not really an opinion when i have the facts of the case.

the fact he stopped paying, the fact he owed 1.1 million, the fact his family threatened violence, the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

i have that on my side....You have conspiracy and it feels good.

You lose.
What did I lose? The feds had to backpeddle, that's a win. For us anyway, not the socialists.

This is what happens when you jump to the side of someone who's doing something you like, just because he appears to be on "your side".

Absolutism can end up biting you right in the patootie.
I don't follow. He wasn't running for Miss America.

Doesn't matter. It's all about image.

Align yourself with someone like that makes you a target when they say something juicy.

Think Reverend Wright.


This is what happens when you jump to the side of someone who's doing something you like, just because he appears to be on "your side".

Absolutism can end up biting you right in the patootie.
I don't follow. He wasn't running for Miss America.

Doesn't matter. It's all about image.

Align yourself with someone like that makes you a target when they say something juicy.

Think Reverend Wright.

It doesn't work that way. Wright had no effect on Obama's popularity. It would not have worked the other way around. I aligned myself with the issues, Bundy is a pawn and the feds feel like they own the chessboard. That's a bigger issue to me than the pawn. and libs don't get to define my principles for me.
if that rw Baser- 4321Avatar says to flee from that deadbeat than you better believe its the right thing to do :thup: She wouldn't say something like that unless she knew it was a lose/lose situation.
Which proves you don't even know what it was about.
Please educate me, Neo. Free my mind.
Dang, I'll try the cliff notes version but how could you not know? He was paying grazing fees until they changed the rules and severely limited the number of cattle allowed. That wasn't doable for him and he couldn't get a permit for more. The large fee now is mostly in fines. There was no problem with the tortoises and cattle sharing the space, it was government taking over what the locals used for a long time.

They could have nabbed his ass in town but wanted to make a show at let folks know who's the boss. It was over the top heavy handedness. It isn't about who Bundy is as a man. People didn't know him, that's not why they showed up in support. Whether he's the biggest liar or racist ever doesn't change anything.

We need to reel the feds in a bit, they are flexing their muscles and the writing is on the wall if we do nothing. It's a story retold all around the world. The outcome was a bit different this time because we are unique in being armed compared to other societies. There will soon be another Bundy in the news and you guys will focus on his personality, as if that was the issue.

Cops do to but they don't need 200 of them with helos to take care of the situation.

That's your opinion your welcome to it just as others are welcome to believe otherwise.

its not really an opinion when i have the facts of the case.

the fact he stopped paying, the fact he owed 1.1 million, the fact his family threatened violence, the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

i have that on my side....You have conspiracy and it feels good.

You lose.
What did I lose? The feds had to backpeddle, that's a win. For us anyway, not the socialists.

They left to avoid bloodshed and will use the courts...
Still lose
the cause was a farce...

That's your opinion your welcome to it just as others are welcome to believe otherwise.

its not really an opinion when i have the facts of the case.

the fact he stopped paying, the fact he owed 1.1 million, the fact his family threatened violence, the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

i have that on my side....You have conspiracy and it feels good.

You lose.
As usual your half right yes he stopped paying yes he owes the money his family did not threaten violence yes he did lose the cases no he did not ignore that all of which has nothing to do with my original post which is you can support his position that they should have to pay the fees to the state not the feds without supporting the way he has gone about this. If that is not clear enough for you I can't help you any more.
The democrat lament. They can't totally control what people think. But they keep trying.

Can't help being wrong, can you? Most Democrats have likely long since reached the conclusion that many people who today call themselves conservatives don't do much of any thinking at all. They just blindly follow some script they hear on AM radio or on some ridiculous blog or website which merely serves to feed their paranoia and their penchant for conspiracy theories while also selling them something in the process. There's no reaching people like that when they're so easily misled by others.

Most Democrats have reached very few conclusions, and less do any real thinking. Otherwise, they wouldn't be Democrats.

Your comments are run of the mill, socialist propaganda, that has been around for years and absorbed without thought by the dim bulbs of society. A socialist is nothing more than a serf in waiting, while entertaining dreams that he/she will somehow be elevated to the castle and get to run things. Dreams of your fathers.
That's your opinion your welcome to it just as others are welcome to believe otherwise.

its not really an opinion when i have the facts of the case.

the fact he stopped paying, the fact he owed 1.1 million, the fact his family threatened violence, the fact he ignored and lost 4 court cases against BLM.

i have that on my side....You have conspiracy and it feels good.

You lose.
As usual your half right yes he stopped paying yes he owes the money his family did not threaten violence yes he did lose the cases no he did not ignore that all of which has nothing to do with my original post which is you can support his position that they should have to pay the fees to the state not the feds without supporting the way he has gone about this. If that is not clear enough for you I can't help you any more.

no i am fully right. yes he did ignore the rulings that he lost. He doesnt feel the Federal government has any power over him. He only adhere's to state and local laws. Yes they did threaten violence, and the wife made a comment she has a shotgun and would use it if needed.
The state doesnt get the money, BLM does. You dont go to Mcdonalds to pay your rent now do you?
No i dont support his position, because his position is wrong period. You back a crazy man. You are trying to rationalize a nutjob because you dont like the federal government.
I just listened to the Bundy clip ... possibly a longer clip than most people have heard.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agXns-W60MI]Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014 - YouTube[/ame]

I don't think he sounds hateful. He says "colored people" and "the Negro" but he sounds caring. He sounds decent. As opposed to the hateful leader of the Senate who called Bundy a hateful racist. :eusa_hand:
So if some guy being pissed on my the libtards isn't Captain America in the flesh, the conservatives should just join in to piss on the guy?

Your gonna not help a guy that's getting his cows shot by your government cause you don't agree with the guy's politics or cause the guy is one of those old farts that still talk about colored folk like they are still slaves?

What if your neighbor's a jew, or a muslim. You gonna sign up to shoot their cows?

If someone in your party is not living by the principles you avow, you should be the FIRST to condemn him. Otherwise, you are a hypocrite who demonstrates you care more about power than your principles.

How about you let those of us who are actually members of the party, determine why, how and who we turn against?


Thou are the woman, the prophet Nathan would have cried, pointing his finger at you.

You folks on the far right have trying, unsuccessfully, to drive those you don't like out of the party, and cry like babies as you have been marginalized the last year
Thou are the woman, the prophet Nathan would have cried, pointing his finger at you.

You folks on the far right have trying, unsuccessfully, to drive those you don't like out of the party, and cry like babies as you have been marginalized the last year
How many drinks motivated that post?

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