Bundy - Flee from him

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

freedom is better than slavery even if that freedom makes one the financial slave of the government. Bundy was wrong, his statement was ignorant.

"what difference, at this point, does it make"
No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

Here's a clue... you are lying piece of dog shit.
Thou are the woman, the prophet Nathan would have cried, pointing his finger at you.

You folks on the far right have trying, unsuccessfully, to drive those you don't like out of the party, and cry like babies as you have been marginalized the last year
How many drinks motivated that post?

You don't know your scriptures, simply spout off about stuff the which you know nothing.

You are being hypocritical, par for the course, condemning others for what you also do.
Get some freaking perspective lefties. According to the shooter, a Media Matters anti-Israel rant caused a former KKK member to snap and hunt down and kill three Jews in Kansas City but the radical left is concerned about a racist comment from an old man. The left wing gotcha stuff is becoming desperate and psychotic. Last week lefties were giggling about the phrase "ranch Dividian" indicating that they supported tanks and poison gas and the incineration of 80 men women and children as a lesson to people who have a difference of opinion.
Get some freaking perspective lefties. According to the shooter, a Media Matters anti-Israel rant caused a former KKK member to snap and hunt down and kill three Jews in Kansas City but the radical left is concerned about a racist comment from an old man. The left wing gotcha stuff is becoming desperate and psychotic. Last week lefties were giggling about the phrase "ranch Dividian" indicating that they supported tanks and poison gas and the incineration of 80 men women and children as a lesson to people who have a difference of opinion.

at least you recognize that it was a racist comment.
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

How can that be...if Bundy disparagingly labels a whole race of people as "living off government subsidies" while he's been doing so for the past 20 years...making millions off his cows grazing the federal land without paying the fees all ranchers do since they profit from the land...
He's no "great man"...just a hypocritical and dishonest self serving leech living off the government...with a nasty racist streak.
If u think the land "belongs to all"...and being expected to pay to use it "tyranny"...Karl Marx would be proud of you...

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Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

How can that be...if Bundy disparagingly labels a whole race of people as "living off government subsidies" while he's been doing so for the past 20 years...making millions off his cows grazing the federal land without paying the fees all ranchers do since they profit from the land...
He's no "great man"...just a hypocritical and dishonest self serving leech living off the government...with a nasty racist streak.
If u think the land "belongs to all"...and being expected to pay to use it "tyranny"...Karl Marx would be proud of you...

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so WHAT if the old coot said some 'politically incorrect' things......? Wouldn't you be a little off your rocker after 20 fucking years of the Feds hounding you and your livilihood...? he didn't pay because he couldn't pay and still retain his herds because the Feds wanted to control them.... you lefties are the meanest fucking people i know when you're implementing tyrannical rule...there are too many cases where Americans are being kicked out of their homes and businesses because government simply dictates it...

we need to deal with the real problems here that Bundy symbolizes.....for example how is it the Feds can come in with SWAT force and dictate as if there is no such thing as STATE law.....? where are States rights in this situation...?

Does the state of Nevada no longer exist....?
Rachel Maddow did a great segment last night on why the right and Republican politicians should have been able to see what they were getting into when they got into bed with Clive Bundy.

I would put it in the simplest of terms...

...they put their money on the wrong horse.

No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

How can that be...if Bundy disparagingly labels a whole race of people as "living off government subsidies" while he's been doing so for the past 20 years...making millions off his cows grazing the federal land without paying the fees all ranchers do since they profit from the land...
He's no "great man"...just a hypocritical and dishonest self serving leech living off the government...with a nasty racist streak.
If u think the land "belongs to all"...and being expected to pay to use it "tyranny"...Karl Marx would be proud of you...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Who said Bundy is a "great man" besides you?

Cows eating grass in the desert, is not being a leech on the government, ya fool. The rain is free, the sun is free, the grass should be free as well. The feds did not lift an effin finger to grow that grass. The feds took his tax dollars and spent it on contractors to kill his cows, ya fool.

The government ran all the ranchers out of business by limiting the number of cattle they could have to hobby size. No family could live off the number of cattle the ass hole feds made them cut back to. So most ranchers were run out of business and this one remains. You want him to pay them extra to run him out of business? What are you effing daft?
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Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

Here's a clue... you are lying piece of dog shit.

Nope, the dog shit is all over your face. Na na na na na!!!!!!
Bundy may have "issues" but they are not concerning racism. He isn't a racist. I don't pick that up about him at all. I would not be bothered to listen to these news media con guys. They are too busy on how to misinterpret and twist Bundy's words while ignoring the biggest story to break in the nation - the Bryan Singer - Collins - Rector exposed story -which demanded top priority. The media has no integrity whatsoever. They have no compassion for Collins / Singer rape victims and are eagerly using their voice to lie against normal americans! An embarrassing disgrace. That is what they are. Europeans boast we have to get our news from them now to get the real truth about anything.

Europeans are already commenting this morning that black americans who know Bundy say he was never a racist. Getting our news from Europe... the next trend? I think so...

Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

Here's a clue... you are lying piece of dog shit.

Naw, I have to agree with him. Anyone who suggests that blacks might be better off as slaves IS IS IS a racist. Period.
No one put their money on Bundy. Some of us choose to defend the people against tyranny, others choose to rape the people and let the government fuck their neighbors over for pocket change.

Bundy may have "issues" but he's 100 times the man you'll ever be.

How can that be...if Bundy disparagingly labels a whole race of people as "living off government subsidies" while he's been doing so for the past 20 years...making millions off his cows grazing the federal land without paying the fees all ranchers do since they profit from the land...
He's no "great man"...just a hypocritical and dishonest self serving leech living off the government...with a nasty racist streak.
If u think the land "belongs to all"...and being expected to pay to use it "tyranny"...Karl Marx would be proud of you...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Who said Bundy is a "great man" besides you?

Cows eating grass in the desert, is not being a leech on the government, ya fool. The rain is free, the sun is free, the grass should be free as well. The feds did not lift an effin finger to grow that grass. The feds took his tax dollars and spent it on contractors to kill his cows, ya fool.

The government ran all the ranchers out of business by limiting the number of cattle they could have to hobby size. No family could live off the number of cattle the ass hole feds made them cut back to. So most ranchers were run out of business and this one remains. You want him to pay them extra to run him out of business? What are you effing daft?

Conducting a commercial business on public lands without paying the appropriate fee(s) - yup, that's a leech on the taxpayers. A welfare cowboy. Let him pay for his feed like other ranchers.
Here's a clue....Anyone that suggests that being beaten with whips, raped, and treated worse than a diseased dog IS IS IS a racist.

Here's a clue... you are lying piece of dog shit.

Naw, I have to agree with him. Anyone who suggests that blacks might be better off as slaves IS IS IS a racist. Period.
That's not what he said.

What he said was that being a welfare slave of the government without a job and having no purpose in life other than to sit around and become obese is worse than being a slave with a good job and having a purpose in life. It's not a racist point. It's an anti-government, anti-slavery point. Have we stopped slavery or just traded in one slave master for another? What's the difference if the master is government or some land owner?
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How can that be...if Bundy disparagingly labels a whole race of people as "living off government subsidies" while he's been doing so for the past 20 years...making millions off his cows grazing the federal land without paying the fees all ranchers do since they profit from the land...
He's no "great man"...just a hypocritical and dishonest self serving leech living off the government...with a nasty racist streak.
If u think the land "belongs to all"...and being expected to pay to use it "tyranny"...Karl Marx would be proud of you...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Who said Bundy is a "great man" besides you?

Cows eating grass in the desert, is not being a leech on the government, ya fool. The rain is free, the sun is free, the grass should be free as well. The feds did not lift an effin finger to grow that grass. The feds took his tax dollars and spent it on contractors to kill his cows, ya fool.

The government ran all the ranchers out of business by limiting the number of cattle they could have to hobby size. No family could live off the number of cattle the ass hole feds made them cut back to. So most ranchers were run out of business and this one remains. You want him to pay them extra to run him out of business? What are you effing daft?

Conducting a commercial business on public lands without paying the appropriate fee(s) - yup, that's a leech on the taxpayers. A welfare cowboy. Let him pay for his feed like other ranchers.

What "feed?" Feed is the stuff people harvest and sell. Wild Grass is not feed.

backpedaling as far as the eye can see by 85% of Repub voters. The other 15% are committed oaf keepers, militia wannabe types, and garden variety white supremacists.
Here's the thing. IMO Pelosi is one of the worst human beings on the planet, a marxist racist biggot if there ever was one. But, I'd defend Pelosi from the feds coming to take her families livelihood away by forcing her family to reduce their grape crop to a hobby level number of bushels. Hell I'd even defend the Kerry's from the feds running Heinz out of business with unreasonable regulations. Sometimes it's not about who you are protecting, but rather what you are protecting.
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Here's the thing. IMO Pelosi is one of the worst human beings on the planet, a marxist racist biggot if there ever was one. But, I'd defend Pelosi from the feds coming to take her families livelihood away by forcing her family to reduce their grape crop to a hobby level number of bushels. Hell I'd even defend Kerry's wife from the feds running Heinz out of business with unreasonable regulations. Sometimes it's not about who you are protecting, but rather what you are protecting.

retarded and off-target, but sure sounds like you might become a graphic novel hero.
Here's the thing. IMO Pelosi is one of the worst human beings on the planet, a marxist racist biggot if there ever was one. But, I'd defend Pelosi from the feds coming to take her families livelihood away by forcing her family to reduce their grape crop to a hobby level number of bushels. Hell I'd even defend the Kerry's from the feds running Heinz out of business with unreasonable regulations. Sometimes it's not about who you are protecting, but rather what you are protecting.

Bundy is not the victim being run out of his livelihood. Like every other rancher in his area, and indeed, like every other citizen anywhere in this country, he needs to adapt to the changing times and environment. The little ranches that at one time enabled families to make decent livings in the desert can no longer do so. The property has other more valuable uses. Corporate owned or managed ranches have become so far advanced that raising cattle in the desert in traditional methods belong to a bygone era. The 160 to 640 acre ranches with access to water of the type in this area can and will survive to support those ranchers that are willing to adapt and advance into a new era. Allowing a few cattle that bring minimum income and revenue to the area to destroy large tracts of land that are in the middle of a growing tourist area are not going to be part of the future.

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