Bundy - Flee from him

Ya, I know. The buffalo and venison I purchase are both corn fed. I don't know where the heck you would get any free range cattle or buff unless you shot it in the field or got it from someone who did.
Bundy is not the victim being run out of his livelihood. Like every other rancher in his area, and indeed, like every other citizen anywhere in this country, he needs to adapt to the changing times and environment. The little ranches that at one time enabled families to make decent livings in the desert can no longer do so. The property has other more valuable uses. Corporate owned or managed ranches have become so far advanced that raising cattle in the desert in traditional methods belong to a bygone era. The 160 to 640 acre ranches with access to water of the type in this area can and will survive to support those ranchers that are willing to adapt and advance into a new era. Allowing a few cattle that bring minimum income and revenue to the area to destroy large tracts of land that are in the middle of a growing tourist area are not going to be part of the future.
Oh I see, so the feds are doing him a favor.

No sir, the Fed's are not doing him a favor. Other ranchers are in, or have been in the same predicament as Bundy. My point is that Bundy has to adapt and adjust like those other ranchers.

Those ranchers "adjusted" by going out of business. It's how all business' adapt to political whims. They get large enough to satisfy the party in charge's donation thirst or they go bankrupt.

If Bundy had just donated 20k to the Reid campaign we wouldn't even be discussing this. Hell he probably would have got more land to graze on.
I'll stop defending the right to free graze cattle in this country the day you pull my gun from my cold dead fingers.

The guy had his day in court.

He lost.

That's how it works, and I'll keep defending that even after I pull the gun from your hand.

Really? He lost? Why isn't he in jail? Why is he still walking around like a free man? Why is he still ranching cattle? Why haven't you killed him yet?

not all court cases have the end result of jail dipshit
Oh I see, so the feds are doing him a favor.

No sir, the Fed's are not doing him a favor. Other ranchers are in, or have been in the same predicament as Bundy. My point is that Bundy has to adapt and adjust like those other ranchers.

Those ranchers "adjusted" by going out of business. It's how all business' adapt to political whims. They get large enough to satisfy the party in charge's donation thirst or they go bankrupt.

If Bundy had just donated 20k to the Reid campaign we wouldn't even be discussing this. Hell he probably would have got more land to graze on.


You might have a point there.
It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Don't support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

And I suppose you would be the expert on being a moron, now wouldn't you? Funny, you call the man down (rightfully so) for making outrageously racist remarks, yet you resort to making outrageously racist remarks of your own.

"White Trash?" Really now? See, I feel sorry for those who thanked this post. Perhaps they should have been reading more carefully. Because as I see it, you're on the same level as Bundy is. You're racist.
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Precisely what the Progressives in power are doing. THEY have launched a WAR against the people. 100 Years in the making.

Of course, CNN doctored the video of Bundy, apparently trying to show him as a racist when he wasn't. And it's working. Even conservatives who have seen only CNN's version, are blasting the guy. And if I had seen only what CNN carefully showed, I'd be blasting him too.

But in the full video, Bundy talks for several minutes about how black people were hard workers, decent people with strong families, etc. Even back in the slave days, when they were making useful contributions despite the horrible oppression they were enduring ("picking cotton"), they showed fine qualities and had nothing to be ashamed of. Bundy said the same was true for Mexican people, too.

But today, when the government is giving them tons of free stuff in the guise of "helping" them, Bundy said you can find black people sitting around doing nothing, winding up in jail, etc. - a major contrast to when they had to fight for their own interests under dreadful conditions and displayed stellar character.

CNN cut off the first part and showed only the second, in an apparent attempt to pretend Cliven Bundy was a racist when he clearly wasn't. It was a typical liberal response for which CNN has perfected the technique: If you can't refute what a man is saying, doctor it and try to smear him personally, instead.

The hoax has since been revealed, but the liberals, true to form, keep forwarding the lie as hard and fast as they can... joined by the usual liars and smear artists in this thread. The truth doesn't suit their agenda, so they shun it.

See the real, original video here, along with CNN's carefully doctored version:

HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy?s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes? Deceptively Edited Version « Pat Dollard

If Cliven Bundy were the least bit racist, he could have used the most common perjorative of them all, the N-word. Then CNN wouldn't have had to go to the effort to doctor his video. But he never touched it. So they went to Plan B instead and tried to alter what he said, and smear him.
The guy had his day in court.

He lost.

That's how it works, and I'll keep defending that even after I pull the gun from your hand.

Really? He lost? Why isn't he in jail? Why is he still walking around like a free man? Why is he still ranching cattle? Why haven't you killed him yet?

not all court cases have the end result of jail dipshit

Nor, do civil lawsuits usually end up with 200 well armed government agents descending on a Ranch to enforce the court judgment at gunpoint. It cost the BLM more in their futile attempt to seize Bundy's cattle than the amount of their claim against him. Yet, none of this creats an inkling of doubt in your pea picking little mind? That should concern you.
Bundy is not the victim being run out of his livelihood. Like every other rancher in his area, and indeed, like every other citizen anywhere in this country, he needs to adapt to the changing times and environment. The little ranches that at one time enabled families to make decent livings in the desert can no longer do so. The property has other more valuable uses. Corporate owned or managed ranches have become so far advanced that raising cattle in the desert in traditional methods belong to a bygone era. The 160 to 640 acre ranches with access to water of the type in this area can and will survive to support those ranchers that are willing to adapt and advance into a new era. Allowing a few cattle that bring minimum income and revenue to the area to destroy large tracts of land that are in the middle of a growing tourist area are not going to be part of the future.
Oh I see, so the feds are doing him a favor.

No sir, the Fed's are not doing him a favor. Other ranchers are in, or have been in the same predicament as Bundy. My point is that Bundy has to adapt and adjust like those other ranchers.

So, when the feds show up at your door and seize property, you will just adapt and adjust like all the other little sheeple? After all, it is for your own good.
Several threads exist on Bundy and race.

That is not the point at all: I person has a right of private association to be a racist.

The point is this: the fool thinks the federal land is his.
No sir, the Fed's are not doing him a favor. Other ranchers are in, or have been in the same predicament as Bundy. My point is that Bundy has to adapt and adjust like those other ranchers.

Those ranchers "adjusted" by going out of business. It's how all business' adapt to political whims. They get large enough to satisfy the party in charge's donation thirst or they go bankrupt.

If Bundy had just donated 20k to the Reid campaign we wouldn't even be discussing this. Hell he probably would have got more land to graze on.


You might have a point there.

Of course, I always have a point. :D

This is why I'm not jumping on the racist distraction and why I actually support Bundy in the base cause of what he is doing.

The easiest thing to do when the feds come after you with a million dollar bill that was actually only 200k and coming at you with guns pointed at your family is go to the guy causing the problem and work out a deal.

Bundy didn't need to deal with the BLM when he has Reid standing there. BTW, a guy at least as racist as Bundy is being called. Do you really think Reid cares about race after his remarks about obie? Reid's clean articulate negro vs Bundy's negro's in the welfare trap. Not much difference there.

The only difference is Bundy didn't cave to the Reid donation's for protection scheme. And for that I still support him.
Really? He lost? Why isn't he in jail? Why is he still walking around like a free man? Why is he still ranching cattle? Why haven't you killed him yet?

not all court cases have the end result of jail dipshit

Nor, do civil lawsuits usually end up with 200 well armed government agents descending on a Ranch to enforce the court judgment at gunpoint. It cost the BLM more in their futile attempt to seize Bundy's cattle than the amount of their claim against him. Yet, none of this creats an inkling of doubt in your pea picking little mind? That should concern you.

Indeed...an imperial Government that has NO regard for personal property rights as cited by the Founders in the Constitution.

Government thinks ALL belongs to THEM. THEY are quite wrong, and WE as citizens had better be prepared to stave them off by whatever means to accentuate the point. THAT is what the Second Amendment was designed for.
Racial comments diversion aside. The real issue with the trumping up of Bundy's comments is because what happened scared the powers that be. They are scared. They attempted to quell the citizens on a disputed issue and were met with arms, mounted horsemen and a militia who refused to stand down...who were essentially ready to die to fight for what they believe are their rights.

In short, the flabby, unprepared "government" got their first taste of what the aristocracy of Revolutionary France surely came up against: pissed off people who they had crossed an invisible line with.
Racial comments diversion aside. The real issue with the trumping up of Bundy's comments is because what happened scared the powers that be. They are scared. They attempted to quell the citizens on a disputed issue and were met with arms, mounted horsemen and a militia who refused to stand down...who were essentially ready to die to fight for what they believe are their rights.

In short, the flabby, unprepared "government" got their first taste of what the aristocracy of Revolutionary France surely came up against: pissed off people who they had crossed an invisible line with.

I give you some rep and a like. the only thing wrong with you is the french comparision.

We do not want a french revolution here at all. We need to stick with what worked and that's the USA of about 1780. No french, fuck those people. They did it wrong.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Your insinuation is that we should only support good guys, and let the bad guys go down in flames, regardless of the rightfulness of their situation. That may be good politics, but it is a horrible moral standing.

So, Bundy holds racist beliefs. Does that disqualify him from justice on an entirely unrelated topic? Does that mean that the federal government can ride roughshod over him, and we should do nothing?

I recall a local situation that occurred about fifteen years ago. A local thug, drug dealer, and overall criminal ass, was being sentenced for a drug offense. The judge awarded him three years in prison and probation after that. After the sentencing, the idiot called the judge a few names, and the judge changed the sentence from three years to ten years in prison. This thug was a blight on society, but society came to his aid. When all was said and done, the sentence was returned to three years, with an additional thirty days in jail for disrespect for the court. The judge was removed from office. Seven years in prison for cussing a judge was not justice, and the public recognized that fact. It didn't matter what the character of the thug entailed, he experienced an injustice and that was not acceptable.

The thug still paid for his original crime. Bundy is breaking the law too when he insists on not paying the government for use of public land to graze his cattle. Other ranchers are paying; so, what makes Bundy so special? To use a modification of a tired, worn right wing cliché: I don’t want my tax paid land to be used to supplement criminal income; especially when one is using it for free… Now that we know he is cheating the government out of a fee, he is a criminal.
Precisely what the Progressives in power are doing. THEY have launched a WAR against the people. 100 Years in the making.

Of course, CNN doctored the video of Bundy, apparently trying to show him as a racist when he wasn't. And it's working. Even conservatives who have seen only CNN's version, are blasting the guy. And if I had seen only what CNN carefully showed, I'd be blasting him too.

But in the full video, Bundy talks for several minutes about how black people were hard workers, decent people with strong families, etc. Even back in the slave days, when they were making useful contributions despite the horrible oppression they were enduring ("picking cotton"), they showed fine qualities and had nothing to be ashamed of. Bundy said the same was true for Mexican people, too.

But today, when the government is giving them tons of free stuff in the guise of "helping" them, Bundy said you can find black people sitting around doing nothing, winding up in jail, etc. - a major contrast to when they had to fight for their own interests under dreadful conditions and displayed stellar character.

CNN cut off the first part and showed only the second, in an apparent attempt to pretend Cliven Bundy was a racist when he clearly wasn't. It was a typical liberal response for which CNN has perfected the technique: If you can't refute what a man is saying, doctor it and try to smear him personally, instead.

The hoax has since been revealed, but the liberals, true to form, keep forwarding the lie as hard and fast as they can... joined by the usual liars and smear artists in this thread. The truth doesn't suit their agenda, so they shun it.

See the real, original video here, along with CNN's carefully doctored version:

HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy?s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes? Deceptively Edited Version « Pat Dollard

If Cliven Bundy were the least bit racist, he could have used the most common perjorative of them all, the N-word. Then CNN wouldn't have had to go to the effort to doctor his video. But he never touched it. So they went to Plan B instead and tried to alter what he said, and smear him.

WOW!! Editing and changing a good man's words to make him out to be a racist? Now why would they do that? What possible reason would our two headed snake we call the democrat/republican party running DC have to make liberty loving people look down on each other? For what possible reason would they want to push this race war? Why would they want to divide us up? Why would they want us disarmed? Why would they want to build internment camps all around the country? Why would they pass a patriot bill that is unpatriotic? Why would Obama defend Putin and tell him they can do what they want after the election? Why would we elect a man that said he's gonna destroy our ability to use coal? Why would we let Obama unilaterally disarm this country? Why would we let them get away with killing our ambassador? Why would we let him kill Americans without Trial?

Back to sleep all is well.
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Your insinuation is that we should only support good guys, and let the bad guys go down in flames, regardless of the rightfulness of their situation. That may be good politics, but it is a horrible moral standing.

So, Bundy holds racist beliefs. Does that disqualify him from justice on an entirely unrelated topic? Does that mean that the federal government can ride roughshod over him, and we should do nothing?

I recall a local situation that occurred about fifteen years ago. A local thug, drug dealer, and overall criminal ass, was being sentenced for a drug offense. The judge awarded him three years in prison and probation after that. After the sentencing, the idiot called the judge a few names, and the judge changed the sentence from three years to ten years in prison. This thug was a blight on society, but society came to his aid. When all was said and done, the sentence was returned to three years, with an additional thirty days in jail for disrespect for the court. The judge was removed from office. Seven years in prison for cussing a judge was not justice, and the public recognized that fact. It didn't matter what the character of the thug entailed, he experienced an injustice and that was not acceptable.

The thug still paid for his original crime. Bundy is breaking the law too when he insists on not paying the government for use of public land to graze his cattle. Other ranchers are paying; so, what makes Bundy so special? To use a modification of a tired, worn right wing cliché: I don’t want my tax paid land to be used to supplement criminal income; especially when one is using it for free… Now that we know he is cheating the government out of a fee, he is a criminal.

RKMBrown said:

OH, REALLY? Well, lets just see who is the LIAR, fool! Here is MY link, where is yours?

By The Daily Sentinel
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

“Bundy, 67, is a [wealthy] Nevada rancher who has been illegally grazing his cattle on federal lands for 20 years” – and is therefore a hypocritical “free-loader”.
“He stopped paying grazing fees in 1993” – while 16,000 other fellow-citizen- ranchers grazing cattle on public lands have been routinely paying their annual grazing fees.
Nevada grazing standoff reignites a festering feud | GJSentinel.com
Oh I see, so the feds are doing him a favor.

No sir, the Fed's are not doing him a favor. Other ranchers are in, or have been in the same predicament as Bundy. My point is that Bundy has to adapt and adjust like those other ranchers.

Those ranchers "adjusted" by going out of business. It's how all business' adapt to political whims. They get large enough to satisfy the party in charge's donation thirst or they go bankrupt.

If Bundy had just donated 20k to the Reid campaign we wouldn't even be discussing this. Hell he probably would have got more land to graze on.

BS, the fee is so minimal as to be laughable. Ranchers are not going out of business because of paying grazing fees. BTW, many are paying those fees and still making a handsome profit.

Now, on to your remark about bribing Reid. You damn draconian right wing retards are good at casting aspersions at someone without a shred of evidence to back up your spurious illusions.

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