Bundy - Flee from him

At least I understand the difference between contextual and literal, dipshit. :thup:

Mani whenever the news picks what they air and edits like mediamatter and CNN did, to make the man sound like a racist, when he isn't, is just down right dishonest reporting.
They did not want their viewers to hear what Bundy was talking about, which was that welfare has done much harm to Blacks.
And they never wanted them to hear what he said about the good things he talked about Mexicans either.
He was talking about Families and the Family unit and it was twisted into racism.
True that he did not say it very well at all, but cutting out his words to twist it into something that it wasn't, is not right either.

Mediamatters cut out 3 minutes and 13 seconds of what he said and aired 1 minute and 29 seconds.

Oh, come now... Even Shawn Hannity has publically denounced Bundy's racist rant.
Surely he and other right wing luminaries have more viable resources than you do.
You are the most ignorant turd ever to post in USMB.

You and the white christian party are running scared

We can once again look with pride and a lesson from one of the greatest generals who ever fought for America

"My aim then was to whip the rebels (now the white christian party) , to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us".


I don't run peon.

No, you just walk fast and stay in the shadows!
You are the most ignorant turd ever to post in USMB.

You and the white christian party are running scared

We can once again look with pride and a lesson from one of the greatest generals who ever fought for America

"My aim then was to whip the rebels (now the white christian party) , to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us".


I don't run peon.

Sure you do. Just on this topic you have been asked on numerous occasions to back up your delusional nonsense and instead of answering you vanish and return much later and take up your nonsense like nothing ever happened and you were never called out. You don't answer the challenges or admit you may have made a mistake. That is the same as running. You just double down on your stupidity and pretend like you haven't gotten caught being a jackass.
What Bundy said was offensive, ignorant, and prejudiced..but it wasn't said to be hateful obviously once you hear or read what he said in it's entirety. I wouldve advised Bundy to tell the reporter who asked him about race to tell that reporter that race has nothing to do with this situation, because it doesn't. That question was asked for the same reasons they tried to link him to the sovereign citizens movement(which he didn't even have a clue what it was). To demonize Bundy so that people will cheer on the next Waco when it is unleashed upon Bundy and whoever else is there at the ranch when the Feds come to exact revenge. It worked, Hannity threw him under the bus immediately, everyone is scared to stand up for his cause now because of some off topic bullshit that never shouldve been brought up. It's not entirely the media's fault though, he shouldve stopped giving interviews the day the BLM left. I still stand with Bundy...and I am black.
You and the white christian party are running scared

We can once again look with pride and a lesson from one of the greatest generals who ever fought for America

"My aim then was to whip the rebels (now the white christian party) , to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us".


I don't run peon.

Sure you do. Just on this topic you have been asked on numerous occasions to back up your delusional nonsense and instead of answering you vanish and return much later and take up your nonsense like nothing ever happened and you were never called out. You don't answer the challenges or admit you may have made a mistake. That is the same as running. You just double down on your stupidity and pretend like you haven't gotten caught being a jackass.

Pull your fingers out of your ears retard.
You and the white christian party are running scared

We can once again look with pride and a lesson from one of the greatest generals who ever fought for America

"My aim then was to whip the rebels (now the white christian party) , to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us".


I don't run peon.

Sure you do. Just on this topic you have been asked on numerous occasions to back up your delusional nonsense and instead of answering you vanish and return much later and take up your nonsense like nothing ever happened and you were never called out. You don't answer the challenges or admit you may have made a mistake. That is the same as running. You just double down on your stupidity and pretend like you haven't gotten caught being a jackass.


Looks like you've got him pegged.

Don't forget to vote here.
At least I understand the difference between contextual and literal, dipshit. :thup:

Mani whenever the news picks what they air and edits like mediamatter and CNN did, to make the man sound like a racist, when he isn't, is just down right dishonest reporting.
They did not want their viewers to hear what Bundy was talking about, which was that welfare has done much harm to Blacks.
And they never wanted them to hear what he said about the good things he talked about Mexicans either.
He was talking about Families and the Family unit and it was twisted into racism.
True that he did not say it very well at all, but cutting out his words to twist it into something that it wasn't, is not right either.

Mediamatters cut out 3 minutes and 13 seconds of what he said and aired 1 minute and 29 seconds.

Oh, come now... Even Shawn Hannity has publically denounced Bundy's racist rant.
Surely he and other right wing luminaries have more viable resources than you do.

Well you go ahead and listen to the full video JQ.

And then listen to Mediamatters video

Then judge.
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peach174 said:
Well you go ahead and listen to the full video JQ.

I did. After reviewing both unexpurgated versions of the video I have come to the conclusion that the old coot is not a virulent racist, he is merely an Archie Bunker type bigot. Someone ought to tell him that millions of middle classed blacks are living the American Dream; something that would never have been possible if they were slaves or sharecroppers.
You are just a hopeless wind bag full of hot air. We are talking about ranchers grazing on federal land no matter what state they are in. The same rules/laws apply.

STFU if you can't back up your wild ass assertions. Only an idiot would read the link and assume the author meant 16000 Nevada ranchers. I did not assume that but YOU did!
Keep making a fool of yourself... you are sounding more like Bundy with every post.

No, dumb ass. The same rules do not apply everywhere. You really think all ranches in the US only have a couple hundred head? WTF is wrong with you shit heads. Yeah I remember you, you were the flunky in the back row back in HS picking his nose every day.

You illiterate scumbag. Federal laws usually are the same for everyone..i.e...drug laws. rangeland laws, grazing laws, tax laws etc. etc... since you are too much of a bahs-turd to link to your dubious sources, the sensible people here have to assume you are just hallucinating.

Not hallucinating. Just doubtful that honest folk would believe the MSM without looking into the facts, listening to a few eye witnesses accounts.

"Usually" yes. But not in this case. The BLM have different rules & regs per region.


"The Gold Butte ACEC is preliminarily recommended as the best recipient location for regional mitigation from the Dry Lake SEZ. This ACEC is located 32 miles (51 km) east of the Dry Lake SEZ."

"The resource values found in the Gold Butte ACEC are threatened by: unauthorized activities, including off-road vehicle use, illegal dumping, and trespass livestock grazing; wildfire; and weed infestation."

Rancher in land dispute is a bully, not a hero - Las Vegas Sun News

I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.

You see? To this libtard who was in charge of the region in dispute at the time, Bundy was the bad guy cause he did not want to give up ranching for turtle watching. Bundy being the archie bunker type then decided to go to legal battle with the feds and ignore them. It had nothing to do with the AUM cost. The issue was the 150 ish number the BLM tried to whittle the rancher down to. A number that any rancher would tell you is to small to be the main source of income of a ranch.
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Alan O’Neill said:
I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.
So he's dishonest, go figure. The BLM euthanized a number of them when they decided not to fund the rescue center. Endangered species my ass. For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.
Alan O’Neill said:
I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.
So he's dishonest, go figure. The BLM euthanized a number of them when they decided not to fund the rescue center. Endangered species my ass. For the libs the thing that matters most is Bundy's mindset, while big government does what it wants to do. A truly backwards philosophy and much more dangerous than what the Bundys in the world think.

AYUP! Feds killing turtles, feds killing cows, feds destroying water tanks, feds... we're supposed to just trust that they have our best interests at heart. Mr. Bundy it's for your own good that we are running you out of business. But yeah cause he's an Archie Bunker we have to throw him under the bus.
AYUP! Feds killing turtles, feds killing cows, feds destroying water tanks, feds... we're supposed to just trust that they have our best interests at heart. Mr. Bundy it's for your own good that we are running you out of business. But yeah cause he's an Archie Bunker we have to throw him under the bus.
I think the Archie Bunkers need to get on the endangered species list. Just gotta find the right pockets to line in DC. :D
peach174 said:
Well you go ahead and listen to the full video JQ.

I did. After reviewing both unexpurgated versions of the video I have come to the conclusion that the old coot is not a virulent racist, he is merely an Archie Bunker type bigot. Someone ought to tell him that millions of middle classed blacks are living the American Dream; something that would never have been possible if they were slaves or sharecroppers.

That's fine.
I happen to disagree with you some what. I think that he is a product of his time and how he was raised.
Some people think Archie was a bigot others thought he was ignorant.
I think that it's the area where Bundy lives. He also said Spanish instead of Mexicans or Latinos.
I don't think that he is a bigot which means he is intolerant of different races.
He has been around Mexicans, but I don't think that he has been around Blacks.

But mainly the point is how our media right or left that is trying to form our opinions, who made him look like virulent racist.
By listing to the entire thing we now have a totally different discussion on the issue.
CNN said that they thought the Negro word was too controversial and edited that out.
I think that our news should not treat us like 12 year old children.
Our newspapers do the same thing by using 6th grade reading levels.
We are not children and our media treats us like children.
No, dumb ass. The same rules do not apply everywhere. You really think all ranches in the US only have a couple hundred head? WTF is wrong with you shit heads. Yeah I remember you, you were the flunky in the back row back in HS picking his nose every day.

You illiterate scumbag. Federal laws usually are the same for everyone..i.e...drug laws. rangeland laws, grazing laws, tax laws etc. etc... since you are too much of a bahs-turd to link to your dubious sources, the sensible people here have to assume you are just hallucinating.

Not hallucinating. Just doubtful that honest folk would believe the MSM without looking into the facts, listening to a few eye witnesses accounts.

"Usually" yes. But not in this case. The BLM have different rules & regs per region.


"The Gold Butte ACEC is preliminarily recommended as the best recipient location for regional mitigation from the Dry Lake SEZ. This ACEC is located 32 miles (51 km) east of the Dry Lake SEZ."

"The resource values found in the Gold Butte ACEC are threatened by: unauthorized activities, including off-road vehicle use, illegal dumping, and trespass livestock grazing; wildfire; and weed infestation."

Rancher in land dispute is a bully, not a hero - Las Vegas Sun News

Alan O’Neill said:
I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.

You see? To this libtard who was in charge of the region in dispute at the time, Bundy was the bad guy because he did not want to give up ranching for turtle watching. Bundy being the archie bunker type then decided to go to legal battle with the feds and ignore them. It had nothing to do with the AUM cost. The issue was the 150 ish number the BLM tried to whittle the rancher down to. A number that any rancher would tell you is to small to be the main source of income of a ranch.

Thanks for the links. You will find me far more affable and responsive when you present your case like you did above: sans all the foul pejoratives.
Central to this issue is the leasing agreement. Evidently the Bundy family has one that, according to some sources, predates Nevada statehood. Other sources cite water rights and grazing rights were granted by an agreement with the state rather than the Federal government. The entire affair is far more complex than I thought. So, without knowing what the agreement entails, no one here is in a position to do anything more than speculate. Perhaps one of our more enterprising posters will petition the government under the Freedom of Information Act and solicit a copy of that original document.
peach174 said:
Well you go ahead and listen to the full video JQ.

I did. After reviewing both unexpurgated versions of the video I have come to the conclusion that the old coot is not a virulent racist, he is merely an Archie Bunker type bigot. Someone ought to tell him that millions of middle classed blacks are living the American Dream; something that would never have been possible if they were slaves or sharecroppers.

That's fine.
I happen to disagree with you some what. I think that he is a product of his time and how he was raised.
Some people think Archie was a bigot others thought he was ignorant.
I think that it's the area where Bundy lives. He also said Spanish instead of Mexicans or Latinos.
I don't think that he is a bigot which means he is intolerant of different races.
He has been around Mexicans, but I don't think that he has been around Blacks.

Here is a definition of bigotry: 2.someone who is bigoted has opinions that most people think are unreasonable, especially about politics, race, or religion, and refuses to consider other people’s opinionsBundy certainly was unreasonable in his projections of black folk; so that does place him in the bigot’s category. However, I cannot say that he would refuse to consider other people’s opinion on the matter since no one challenged his view during the interview. I do suspect that he is set in his ways and would be a hard sell.
But mainly the point is how our media right or left that is trying to form our opinions, who made him look like virulent racist.
Obviously one news agency showed the entire interview while another snipped or edited it. I don’t know which version prompted a right wing exodus from Bundy’s cause but either version could have done it because he still came across as an ignorant bigot.
but apparently the original news agency showed the full story so let’s not condemn them all.
By listing to the entire thing we now have a totally different discussion on the issue.
CNN said that they thought the Negro word was too controversial and edited that out.
The discussion is not all that different. Although I don’t see Bundy as a hateful white supremacist, his opinion of blacks is biased.
I think that our news should not treat us like 12 year old children.
Our newspapers do the same thing by using 6th grade reading levels.
We are not children and our media treats us like children.

There are myriad sources to gather your news including foreign and international media. Thanks to the INTERNET more mature renditions are just a click away if your local newspaper is too dumbed down!!
peach174 said:
Well you go ahead and listen to the full video JQ.

I did. After reviewing both unexpurgated versions of the video I have come to the conclusion that the old coot is not a virulent racist, he is merely an Archie Bunker type bigot. Someone ought to tell him that millions of middle classed blacks are living the American Dream; something that would never have been possible if they were slaves or sharecroppers.

That's fine.
I happen to disagree with you some what. I think that he is a product of his time and how he was raised.
Some people think Archie was a bigot others thought he was ignorant.
I think that it's the area where Bundy lives. He also said Spanish instead of Mexicans or Latinos.
I don't think that he is a bigot which means he is intolerant of different races.
He has been around Mexicans, but I don't think that he has been around Blacks.

But mainly the point is how our media right or left that is trying to form our opinions, who made him look like virulent racist.
By listing to the entire thing we now have a totally different discussion on the issue.
CNN said that they thought the Negro word was too controversial and edited that out.
I think that our news should not treat us like 12 year old children.
Our newspapers do the same thing by using 6th grade reading levels.
We are not children and our media treats us like children.

You're welcome to disagree. Doesn't mean you're right.
You illiterate scumbag. Federal laws usually are the same for everyone..i.e...drug laws. rangeland laws, grazing laws, tax laws etc. etc... since you are too much of a bahs-turd to link to your dubious sources, the sensible people here have to assume you are just hallucinating.

Not hallucinating. Just doubtful that honest folk would believe the MSM without looking into the facts, listening to a few eye witnesses accounts.

"Usually" yes. But not in this case. The BLM have different rules & regs per region.


Rancher in land dispute is a bully, not a hero - Las Vegas Sun News

I am familiar with the situation, as I served as superintendent of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area for the National Park Service from 1987 to 2000. In 1993, we reduced the number of cows that could be grazed on the Bunkerville allotment to 150 because of the emergency listing of the desert tortoise as an endangered species.

Because Bundy refused to remove his cattle to meet the 150 level and ignored repeated requests to do so, his permit was canceled in 1994 and the allotment was closed to grazing.

You see? To this libtard who was in charge of the region in dispute at the time, Bundy was the bad guy because he did not want to give up ranching for turtle watching. Bundy being the archie bunker type then decided to go to legal battle with the feds and ignore them. It had nothing to do with the AUM cost. The issue was the 150 ish number the BLM tried to whittle the rancher down to. A number that any rancher would tell you is to small to be the main source of income of a ranch.

Thanks for the links. You will find me far more affable and responsive when you present your case like you did above: sans all the foul pejoratives.
Central to this issue is the leasing agreement. Evidently the Bundy family has one that, according to some sources, predates Nevada statehood. Other sources cite water rights and grazing rights were granted by an agreement with the state rather than the Federal government. The entire affair is far more complex than I thought. So, without knowing what the agreement entails, no one here is in a position to do anything more than speculate. Perhaps one of our more enterprising posters will petition the government under the Freedom of Information Act and solicit a copy of that original document.

From a purely legal standpoint, I agree. More facts pls.

From a liberty loving American standpoint, I don't really care much whether the law has basis for screwing this rancher over. IMO liberty is not the liberty to crush ranchers to mitigate turtle habitats. IMO justice is not served by picking and choosing which citizens are winners and losers based merely on what amounts to political pandering.

This sort of political justice makes me angry to say the least. Apologies for assuming you were just piling on.
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Not hallucinating. Just doubtful that honest folk would believe the MSM without looking into the facts, listening to a few eye witnesses accounts.

"Usually" yes. But not in this case. The BLM have different rules & regs per region.


Rancher in land dispute is a bully, not a hero - Las Vegas Sun News

You see? To this libtard who was in charge of the region in dispute at the time, Bundy was the bad guy because he did not want to give up ranching for turtle watching. Bundy being the archie bunker type then decided to go to legal battle with the feds and ignore them. It had nothing to do with the AUM cost. The issue was the 150 ish number the BLM tried to whittle the rancher down to. A number that any rancher would tell you is to small to be the main source of income of a ranch.

Thanks for the links. You will find me far more affable and responsive when you present your case like you did above: sans all the foul pejoratives.
Central to this issue is the leasing agreement. Evidently the Bundy family has one that, according to some sources, predates Nevada statehood. Other sources cite water rights and grazing rights were granted by an agreement with the state rather than the Federal government. The entire affair is far more complex than I thought. So, without knowing what the agreement entails, no one here is in a position to do anything more than speculate. Perhaps one of our more enterprising posters will petition the government under the Freedom of Information Act and solicit a copy of that original document.

From a purely legal standpoint, I agree. More facts pls.

From a liberty loving American standpoint, I don't really care much whether the law has basis for screwing this rancher over. IMO liberty is not the liberty to crush ranchers to mitigate turtle habitats. IMO justice is not served by picking and choosing which citizens are winners and losers based merely on what amounts to political pandering.

This sort of political justice makes me angry to say the least. Apologies for assuming you were just piling on.
But are we not a nation of laws? If one man and his small group of supporters challenges that law with the threat of deadly force, the government must prevail; otherwise a dangerous precedent is set.
The only viable course for Bundy is through the courts. Should he lose, however, he should abandon any thoughts of violence and pay the fees owed. Perhaps if he had paid them in the first place the “turtle” issue may never have materialized.
Thanks for the links. You will find me far more affable and responsive when you present your case like you did above: sans all the foul pejoratives.
Central to this issue is the leasing agreement. Evidently the Bundy family has one that, according to some sources, predates Nevada statehood. Other sources cite water rights and grazing rights were granted by an agreement with the state rather than the Federal government. The entire affair is far more complex than I thought. So, without knowing what the agreement entails, no one here is in a position to do anything more than speculate. Perhaps one of our more enterprising posters will petition the government under the Freedom of Information Act and solicit a copy of that original document.

From a purely legal standpoint, I agree. More facts pls.

From a liberty loving American standpoint, I don't really care much whether the law has basis for screwing this rancher over. IMO liberty is not the liberty to crush ranchers to mitigate turtle habitats. IMO justice is not served by picking and choosing which citizens are winners and losers based merely on what amounts to political pandering.

This sort of political justice makes me angry to say the least. Apologies for assuming you were just piling on.
But are we not a nation of laws? If one man and his small group of supporters challenges that law with the threat of deadly force, the government must prevail; otherwise a dangerous precedent is set.
The only viable course for Bundy is through the courts. Should he lose, however, he should abandon any thoughts of violence and pay the fees owed. Perhaps if he had paid them in the first place the “turtle” issue may never have materialized.

He paid the fees right up to the point they tried to force him out of business by limiting his herd to 150 head.

There are many types of laws. What Bundy is doing by letting his cows graze, is not a crime. For example, if you get a parking ticket you are not a criminal.

At worst, if a judge so orders, Bundy might be placed in contempt of court for refusing to obey court orders. You'll note that there have been no arrest warrants. You'll further note that the fed contractors far exceeded their authorization. They were not authorized to kill and bury the man's herd and destroy the man's water tanks.

When the laws are unjust, the law makers are the criminals not the law's victims.

What is more dangerous, setting the precedent that the feds can run ranchers out of business with arbitrary regulatory decisions made by un-elected bureaucrats that cow ranchers are less important than the possibility of creating a turtle habitat ( in the desert ), or setting the precedent that the people will push back with non violent protests against said un-elected bureaucrats?

As to your question about the precedent of violence. The only violence thus far has been the fed contractors killing the mans cows, bulls, and destroying his water tanks. But yes eventually non violent protesters can turn into angry mobs, esp. when they feel they are being abused and are in the right.

The feds have been pushing to hard. To hard on our health care. To hard on our livelihood. To hard on our privacy. To hard on just about every aspect of our lives. The dam just might break soon. Free people don't like it when tyrants come to push them around. The liberal attempt to make us all compliant may have worked in some areas, but not where we value liberty.
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Bundy should sue them for a couple million dollars for coming onto his land and killing his bulls, destroying his property, tazing his son. The BLM would be better served to drop this, IMO. I really don't think they will get a favorable ruling at this point. Not after what they did. The combination of the prior RICO case against them in Nevada and the destruction of property, now? Yeah my guess is they are in for a world of shit. Heads are gonna roll and it's not gonna be Bundy.
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