Bundy - Flee from him

Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming.


How did that pan out with Obama and the great Reverend Wright?

Oh yeah...he was elected President of the United States.....TWICE.
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  • #42
Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

We need to be better than them.

who told you to throw him under the bus? We already know Beck distanced himself.

Yeah, Beck distanced himself last week after talking with the guy and looking at the facts.

But no one told me to do anything. I figured it out for myself. There has been a reason I haven't been out there leading the charge on this one. The situation has always felt off.
I know all you needed was a command from Repub websites and you blindly follow it

Nice try you get an E for effort. Was I told by a republican rag to save the guy and did I just do what they said without thought?

the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.

And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

We need to be better than them.

normally i would agree, but weve been patient. The supreme court screws us at every turn.
I dont trust the republicans and certainly not the democrats.
People vote for something and the courts overturn it, its been happening for 60 years, so time is running out

All the more reason to be better than them. Superior ideas will win out as long as you don't make a total ass of yourself. Always seek the truth, even if it does not always favor your side. Always TELL the truth, even if it does not always favor your side.

Stick to your principles. If someone on your side violates those principles, such as a married man sleeping with another woman not his wife, excoriate the living fuck out of him and take him out with the trash.

Integrity is the most important principle to maintain, and way too many people around here toss theirs away for the dumbest reasons.

No one gives liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths any creedence. Especially when they never put any ideas on the table and just toss out bumper sticker philosophy.
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Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Explain anoutt duck dynasty, fags getting married is a jokethat blew up in the gay rights face, which is about time for those nazis to get whats comming to them.

for clive, he said slavery is better thqn welfare, he wrong, becuase theyre basically the same, although welfare is without the s and m.

i wonder if a black perso does go to a dominatrix, are they considered self loathing?
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  • #46
the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.

And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Isn't it amusing that we are supposedly following orders because we don't blindly support the politicians and bureaucrats they are following?
We need to be better than them.

normally i would agree, but weve been patient. The supreme court screws us at every turn.
I dont trust the republicans and certainly not the democrats.
People vote for something and the courts overturn it, its been happening for 60 years, so time is running out

All the more reason to be better than them. Superior ideas will win out as long as you don't make a total ass of yourself. Always seek the truth, even if it does not always favor your side. Always TELL the truth, even if it does not always favor your side.

Stick to your principles. If someone on your side violates those principles, such as a married man sleeping with another woman not his wife, excoriate the living fuck out of him and take him out with the trash.

Integrity is the most important principle to maintain, and way too many people around here toss theirs away for the dumbest reasons.

No one gives liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths any credence. Especially when they never put any ideas on the table and just toss out bumper sticker philosophy.

Now there is the road that will lead the GOP back!
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  • #48
No one gives liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths any creedence. Especially when they never put any ideas on the table and just toss out bumper sticker philosophy.

Not sure about that one. Obama is still rather popular.
the issue was state rights vs. big government.

Bundy was simply in the middle.

If you cant get that concept, try getting an education.

And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

I know all those threads about Bundy popping up on the same day as the action alerts was just a coincidence.
It's too late for that. The Teabaggers and Fox-watching white trash have already sided with him against the United States of America.

PS. "Dont' support stupid people. Support Rick Perry instead." is an oxymoron. I stress the 'moron' part.

It's almost funny. But while it's not funny, it IS comical! If conservatives had any sense, they wouldn't latch on to Bundy because, given his well-known background and his public statements, he's a PR disaster in waiting. Just give him a chance, and he's gonna say and do a lot of things that will only hurt his case AND the reputations of anyone who's stupid enough to hitch their political wagon to Bundy's causes. Yet conservatives have embraced Bundy like a child holds on to his favorite Teddy Bear.

In my humble opinion, this can only end one way for conservatives. They'll be tarred with the same brush that Bundy has used on his own reputation for the last twenty plus years. Regardless, I say let the chips fall where they may. I just don't want to hear any conservatives whining about it after it happens although I know that's exactly what's going to happen as conservatives will probably look to blame liberals for their own poor judgement like a wife-beater blames his wife for making him mad enough to strike her.
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Bundy is a simple rancher and Robertson is a very wealthy and well educated gentleman who just turned his knack for hunting into a multi million dollar business with the help of his sons.

No one votes for them.


On the other hand liberals vote for crazy on a consistent basis and actually put them in power.

Like this guy.

Alabama lawmaker under fire for racist comments claiming white people don't want to adopt black babies

Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes last month said 'whites would force daughter to abort baby if father is black'
He said 'not one in 100,000' would allow child to have a mixed-race baby

From the article:

Adoptive parents in Alabama have hit back at state Rep. Alvin Holmes' racist comments that white Republicans would force their child to have an abortion if the father was black.

The Democrat sensationally declared during an anti-abortion bill last month that he would mortgage his house and give legislators $100,000 if they showed him 'a whole bunch of whites that adopted blacks in Alabama'.

Holmes may need to head to the bank after 'a whole bunch' of parents who've adopted children from other races turned up outside the Alabama State House for a rally yesterday.

'We will never move forward away from racism as long as we have leaders holding on to the past and turning everything into a race issue,' Beverly Owings, who has adopted four children with her husband, including a biracial daughter, said at the rally.

Alabama lawmaker Alvin Holmes under fire for racist comments | Mail Online
Supporting the cause is not the same as supporting the man the wise understand this the idiots never will.

What "cause"? You cheered for the USAPATRIOT Act in 2001. Republicans called anyone who questioned it 'traitors', 'Muslim-lovers', 'terrorist sympathizers', 'Communists', and everything else that you could think of. Republicans were just as responsible as Democrats for bringing the big government on us, so you don't get to bear arms against a black President. Your reasons for fighting the government are wrong, and that's why you need to sit down, listen and learn.

We tried to change the system with the vote. That's why Obama was elected, remember? Because George W. Bush was such an unbelievable failure in every possible way. But Obama turned out to be another corporate tool, so we tried to change things peacefully with Occupy which quickly became a clusterfuck, but where were the Republicans with their guns during Occupy? Clutching their Bibles and watching corporate FOX News mock the People for demanding justice. According to corporate billionaire FOX News, banks and bankers are "too big to fail" and this is why the economy took a nosedive and then only recovered for the banks and bankers.

Nixon started the drug war after the Shafer Commission told him to legalize weed and you have cheered on the creeping police state ever since. Republicans loved the big government until a black man was elected. That is the hard brutal truth of it. Everyone knows it so stop denying it. Please accept it, learn from your mistakes, and progress with the rest of society.

If you want to fight the government then learn why you're supposed to be fighting the government. Pressure your legislators to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act, repeal the AUMF, repeal the NDAA, end the war of terror, end the drug war, and end the police state. Please don't stand behind Cliven Bundy. Cliven Bundy is never going to stand behind you. We've been saying that since all of this started.
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And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

I know all those threads about Bundy popping up on the same day as the action alerts was just a coincidence.


That's what you've got?

Sorry son. I don't have the time to deal with you and your paranoia's anymore.

We need to be better than them.

who told you to throw him under the bus? We already know Beck distanced himself.

Yeah, Beck distanced himself last week after talking with the guy and looking at the facts.

But no one told me to do anything. I figured it out for myself. There has been a reason I haven't been out there leading the charge on this one. The situation has always felt off.

Bunch of nonsense. Bundy's not running for political office. Bundy was asked to make a statement and he responded "‘Here’s what I’m told to say: The government needs to be disarmed." IOW someone gave Bundy a bunch of things to say in response to Becks questions.

Sounds like a bunch of shenanigans going on.

Then Beck goes off on a rant quoting Bundy:

I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.

IOW Bundy's a real old fart who's not to smart, who saw some folks sitting on a porch one day, and thought that made him experienced about blacks. LOL In response Beck freaks out cause Beck thinks you have to "coddle" the black man. But not the old fart cowboy, it's ok to belittle him cause he's white.

Folks like bundy that speak plainly will always be ridiculed by the PC police.

If you're expecting all ranchers to be brilliant Americans who dispense sage advice with a silver tongue like Reagan.. yeah not gonna happen.
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Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Explain anoutt duck dynasty, fags getting married is a jokethat blew up in the gay rights face, which is about time for those nazis to get whats comming to them.

for clive, he said slavery is better thqn welfare, he wrong, becuase theyre basically the same, although welfare is without the s and m.

i wonder if a black perso does go to a dominatrix, are they considered self loathing?

This is a serious question. Are you drinking right now?
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  • #56
And you following orders like fucking retarded Lemming:lol:

Following orders?

Lol.......I realize an issue of state rights and big government is kind of deep for someone like you to understand...but I don't need orders to decide that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

I know all those threads about Bundy popping up on the same day as the action alerts was just a coincidence.

Most of them were started by you guys trying to attack conservatives/libertarians with him. Other than this one which I started, I don't know of a single one started by the right today. I could be wrong (it happens more often than I'd like).

So I guess the more appropriate question is who are you getting your orders from?
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Explain anoutt duck dynasty, fags getting married is a jokethat blew up in the gay rights face, which is about time for those nazis to get whats comming to them.

for clive, he said slavery is better thqn welfare, he wrong, becuase theyre basically the same, although welfare is without the s and m.

i wonder if a black perso does go to a dominatrix, are they considered self loathing?

This is a serious question. Are you drinking right now?

its call humor, look into it. I still see the welfare state as a nicer version of slavery. Ironicqlly controlled by democrats, coincidence?
Let's hope that after the Duck Dynasty guy and Clive Bundy blew up in their faces that people will begin to recognize there is a certain bigoted mindset to some people that is highly probable way before they shoot off their mouths and remove all doubt. When you come up against an extremist, they are going to say some really stupid shit sooner or later, making you look like an idiot for encouraging them and giving them a platform.

You should have seen this coming. Since many of you didn't, don't go all goldfish and forget when the next maniacal "hero" comes along.

Bundy is a simple rancher and Robertson is a very wealthy and well educated gentleman who just turned his knack for hunting into a multi million dollar business with the help of his sons.

No one votes for them.


On the other hand liberals vote for crazy on a consistent basis and actually put them in power.

Like this guy.

Alabama lawmaker under fire for racist comments claiming white people don't want to adopt black babies

Democrat Rep. Alvin Holmes last month said 'whites would force daughter to abort baby if father is black'
He said 'not one in 100,000' would allow child to have a mixed-race baby

From the article:

Adoptive parents in Alabama have hit back at state Rep. Alvin Holmes' racist comments that white Republicans would force their child to have an abortion if the father was black.

The Democrat sensationally declared during an anti-abortion bill last month that he would mortgage his house and give legislators $100,000 if they showed him 'a whole bunch of whites that adopted blacks in Alabama'.

Holmes may need to head to the bank after 'a whole bunch' of parents who've adopted children from other races turned up outside the Alabama State House for a rally yesterday.

'We will never move forward away from racism as long as we have leaders holding on to the past and turning everything into a race issue,' Beverly Owings, who has adopted four children with her husband, including a biracial daughter, said at the rally.

Alabama lawmaker Alvin Holmes under fire for racist comments | Mail Online

There was a topic about Holmes and I believe I was the first person to post in that topic after the OP. I plainly stated Holmes owed someone $100,000.

What I said about attaching your wagon to extremists applies to either end of the political spectrum. And what I said about integrity also applies to both ends of the political spectrum.

But this brings up another thing. The most common logical fallacy one sees on this and most political forums: the tu quoque fallacy. Whenever someone starts a topic about some idiotic or cruel or vicious thing some public figure has done, at least half a dozen other people have to bring up a similar idiotic, cruel, or vicious thing a public figure of the opposite party did. People are still dining out on the Clinton and Lewinsky tu quoque fallacy. I guess you will be keeping Holmes in your back pocket for a while.

This is exactly how integrity gets destroyed. Instead of your first instinct being to admit your guy fucked up big time and should be ejected, people instead rush to his or her defense with a wall of tu quoque fallacies.

I learned at a very young age two wrongs don't make a right! Don't mothers teach their children that any more?
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Now Now, we haven't used him long enough for our purposes, even if he is a bit off.

Lets follow what the left does. They used Cindy Sheehan for years as a poster-girl before casting her off as excess baggage when Obama got Elected, and she was/is a bit off as well.

That's kinda of what happens to people that lose their kids. They grieve and sometimes become emotionally unstable.

Good on you to catch that. How dare she get upset that her son died fighting for America.

Right Marty?
We need to stop the Federal Government from controlling all the land in the west that they have. But we need to do it the lawful way. We need to do it by obeying the law. We need to take the issue up with our legislators.

The man is revealing himself to be a bit unhinged. Don't associate with him. There are better cases we can fight. This whole pick up your gun and fight is just ridiculous. We are not going to be better off by killing one another. We are going to be better off by peacefully standing for what's right.

Also, stop standing with people who say stupid things.

Want to stop the Federal Government, supporting Rick Perry might be a better option on this issue.

Rick Perry is a first class idiot and crook. He is only a "conservative" because that is which way the wind was blowing in Texas. He supported Al Gore. Now he is a right winger? Also, you might want to read up on how crooked he has been as far as accepting campaign contributions in exchange for favors.

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