Bundy is the Real Endangered Species


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent piece on why so many people are sympathizing with Clive Bundy.

One observation: in the U.S., we have an increasingly lawless government which uses the law to reward friends and punish enemies. As Bundy really wants nothing more from the government than to be left alone, he is an enemy. And hence, is very way of life must be eliminated.


...So we are not threatened by the likes of Cliven Bundy. Instead, the scary lawlessness extends to the bureaucracy itself, given that under Obama the government is becoming tainted and an ideological tool of social transformation. After just six years, we shrug that, of course, the IRS is biased. The Justice Department is politicized; ask Dinesh D’Souza or the AP reporters. No need to mention the NSA. The EPA makes laws up as ideologically required. No one believes the State Department that in the weeks before the election a video-caused “riot” led to expert jihadists zeroing in with their GPS-guided mortars on a CIA annex in Benghazi. And so on.

Bundy is just different from what is now America — he looks different, talks differently, and dresses differently. These are the superficial veneers to someone who lives mostly through different premises from those of Pajama Boy nation, the world of Jay Carney and his cute Stalinist posters, the cosmos of Anita Dunn and her Mao gushes, or the metrosexual networking that is the gospel of Silicon Valley or the DC beltway. Few of us rely on human muscle anymore to survive one more day. Fewer of those who do combine that with horse-power, and its world of leather and wood and rope. Bundy is self-employed, without an SEIU union, a PERS pension, or a GS-15 health plan.

Given all that, I suggest Cliven Bundy is far more endangered than is the desert tortoise, and that his kind will be gone shortly in a way the federally protected tarantula and Gila monster or delta smelt will not. He, not they, is in the federal crosshairs. So, yes, I can make some allowances for the nihilism of Cliven Bundy. We could not live in a modern, high-tech world only of Cliven Bundys, but perhaps we cannot live in a world without a few of them now and then to remind us of what we have become.

Almost everything, natural and human, has conspired against these sorts: a hail storm that wrecked the plum crop two days before harvest, or a swaggering psychopathic neighbor who stole the irrigation canal water until stopped, or a no-good who filed a phony workers’ compensation claim for a stubbed toe, or an ancient wobbly grinder that sliced off a finger, or the thieving Packing Company that always sent back slips each year saying “45% cull rate,” whether the fruit was small or big, scarred or smooth, ripe, overripe, or green.

To be a cattleman in the Nevada desert in America of 2014 is to live on Mars, or rather to live among 24/7 enemies, human and animal alike. How a man survives from cattle ranching on leased land in the Nevada badlands I cannot imagine, but I wonder nonetheless and in that amazement wish to see him continue....

Works and Days » Cliven Bundy and The Rural Way
Indeed. And we can certainly count on Harry Reid to continue his toxic rhetoric.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.
It is a goal of this government to purge the nation of all those in rural America. To use force to put people into mega cities where they can easily be controlled.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

It's rather difficult to have private land when the feds own 84% of a state.

If the Obama Administration fairly enforced the law, I'd be tempted to agree with you.

But, they don't. On the day the SWAT team was sent in against Bundy, Obama went to an Al Sharpton event...Sharpton owes $millions in back taxes. Where's the SWAT team to apprehend him?

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The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

Yep. I'm sick of subsidizing welfare ranchers. Let him graze his cattle on private land and if he's gonna graze on public land, he should pay his hugely discounted grazing fees.
Luddly, if you really are against freeloaders, your ire would be better directed at Washington DC.

Just sayin'.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

The issue started when BLM dropped the amount of cattle he could graze on the land below a viable number, due to the tortoise. That's when he made the decision to stop paying, and begin fighting them in court.

The BLM knew they couldn't outright ban the ranchers from using the land, so they did the next best thing, make the regulations so onerous that the ranchers would be forced to quit.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

Yep. I'm sick of subsidizing welfare ranchers. Let him graze his cattle on private land and if he's gonna graze on public land, he should pay his hugely discounted grazing fees.

Freeloaders? How about Al Sharpton having owed 2.6 million in back taxes? Did you pick up the phone and demand that the Feds send 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to seize his property?
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

The issue started when BLM dropped the amount of cattle he could graze on the land below a viable number, due to the tortoise. That's when he made the decision to stop paying, and begin fighting them in court.

The BLM knew they couldn't outright ban the ranchers from using the land, so they did the next best thing, make the regulations so onerous that the ranchers would be forced to quit.

Then pay the fees for the cattle that are grazing while fighting the ruling.

Sorry there's still no pass from me for this guy.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

It's rather difficult to have private land when the feds own 84% of a state.

If the Obama Administration fairly enforced the law, I'd be tempted to agree with you.

But, they don't. On the day the SWAT team was sent in against Bundy, Obama went to an Al Sharpton event...Sharpton owes $millions in back taxes. Where's the SWAT team to apprehend him?

Rev. Al deep in the red | New York Post
Damn war of Mexico vs the usa. How dare the federal government win/buy more land for us to use!

How many threads you guys plan on making for this dead beat criminal?
Freeloaders? How about Al Sharpton having owed 2.6 million in back taxes? Did you pick up the phone and demand that the Feds send 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to seize his property?

yes, freeloaders.... except to gubmint hating brain addled rightwingnuts (although I thought you wackadoodles didn't think political organizations should have to pay money to the IRS... heck... you wackos don't think there should be an IRS)


Since February 2010, the Organization has been in the process of negotiating an offer in compromise to settle all payroll taxes and related interest and penalties owed by the Organization to the Internal Revenue Service," according to the New York fling, which is an audited financial statement dated November 13, 2012. "The Organization feels that the likelihood of a favorable outcome is highly likely."

Al Sharpton can't shake his money problems- MSN Money

now go take a valium and stop whining.
Please shut up about Al Sharpton. If Al Sharpton is a freeloading piece of shit like Cliven Bundy then draw your guns and defend him. He's simply refusing to pay taxes and fees to a corrupt government that he doesn't agree with, right?

Why would you defend Cliven Bundy and not Al Sharpton?
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

Yep. I'm sick of subsidizing welfare ranchers. Let him graze his cattle on private land and if he's gonna graze on public land, he should pay his hugely discounted grazing fees.

Freeloaders? How about Al Sharpton having owed 2.6 million in back taxes? Did you pick up the phone and demand that the Feds send 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to seize his property?

Neither Bundy nor Sharpton's criminal behavior excuses either one.
We should give all our real estate away to folks who inherit wealth the way Clive and his daddy and his daddy before him did. When folks inherit their wealth like that we should should give them rights and deeds of the Kings land and call them Lords. The can be our aristocrats.
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

The issue started when BLM dropped the amount of cattle he could graze on the land below a viable number, due to the tortoise. That's when he made the decision to stop paying, and begin fighting them in court.

The BLM knew they couldn't outright ban the ranchers from using the land, so they did the next best thing, make the regulations so onerous that the ranchers would be forced to quit.

Then pay the fees for the cattle that are grazing while fighting the ruling.

Sorry there's still no pass from me for this guy.

You are focused on the grazing fees, just like your leaders want you to be, while the real issue seems to be passing you by.

This is about federal government agencies and their allies in the environmental movement, teaming up against honest ranchers in an obvious drive to put them out of business. Bundy is the last rancher standing, and he is not going quietly into the night.

Add in a little political corruption in the form of Dirty Harry Reid, his son, and a Chinese solar power company, and you have the makings of a movie script.

As far as the grazing fees go, paying them could put Bundy in the criminal courts. Just where the BLM, Harry Reid, and the environmentalists would like to put him. But, don't take your attention off the grazing fees, reality might pop into view.

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