Bundy is the Real Endangered Species

When did Reagan's term end and how many Presidents have we had since then? (Here's a clue, there were two Bushes; they're not the same guy).

And I don't recall that Reagan's executive order included language to send in SWAT teams to collect a fine. Please link to that.


How did he treat his Air Traffic Controllers?

It is a violation of federal law for federal government employees to strike. The Air Traffic Controllers went out on strike. They violated the law.

Reagan gave them warning that if they didn't return to work, they would be fired for violating the law.

The ones that did not return to work were fired. Just like the law required.

End of story.

That's what leaders do.
Cliven Bundy needs no further proof that he is a patriot than being called a "domestic terrorist" by Harry Reid.
I agree, and that is what makes me an American hero - being called an anti American and anti veteran by neocons...
The guy owes a million dollars in fees.

No sympathy from me.

I pay taxes and fees I don't agree with. Who the fuck does he think he and why should he get a free ride on what everyone would agree are very very low grazing fees?

As far as I'm concerned he is free to graze his cattle on someone's private land. Let's see how long he can do that and not pay.

Yep. I'm sick of subsidizing welfare ranchers. Let him graze his cattle on private land and if he's gonna graze on public land, he should pay his hugely discounted grazing fees.

Freeloaders? How about Al Sharpton having owed 2.6 million in back taxes? Did you pick up the phone and demand that the Feds send 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to seize his property?
As a matter of course? NO. Sharpton is excused because Sharpton speaks his language...and projects the LEFT and their intent. Divide and conquer...by ANY MEANS.
Wanna GIVE IT BACK? And that MEANS YOU...genius.
I doubt there are any posters here who think they have any uninfringable right to pollute water, and/or air, whether, or not, it passes through their land.

Whenever government agencies make rules that put people out of business, they better have a damn good reason for doing so. Is that concept unreasonable?

I'd disagree as to the beliefs of some fringe folks here, but whatever. To the larger issue, I agree, that when the fed govt, or state, changes a regulatory framework that makes it harder on a guy in a private market, there has to be a good reason.

That was really my point. In California, some farmers will not make it through the drought with reductions in irrigation from rivers and dams. The govt probably will anger sportsmen and environmentalists by allowing the farmers to get more water than the sportsmen and enviros like to see.

The BLM is charged with managing the land so as to protect it while also using it for the most economically benefical use. If I can raise cattle on private land in a feed lot cheaper that Bundy can raise on a free range, he has no right to expect me to subsidize him when there are other uses for the public land that can bring in more revenue.

If cattle could be raised in a feed lot cheaper than Bundy can raise them on public range, there would be no cattle grazing on public lands, they would all be raised in feed lots.

Cattle grazing on public land does not hinder any other use of the land. The public can still use that land for any legitimate purpose, as long as they don't harm the cattle. The public can hike across it. They can camp on it. They can hunt and fish on it, and they can watch birds and wildlife on it. The cattle don't care.

The only ones who care are the extemist environmentalists who want to lock up the public lands, and allow no public use, and crooks who want to steal the public lands. Both are involved in this conflict.
And that includes the so-called endangered tortises. The Cattle and those reptiles have been living in harmony.

WHAT did they DO when the Buffalo were VAST in numbers...? Anyone??
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Freeloaders? How about Al Sharpton having owed 2.6 million in back taxes? Did you pick up the phone and demand that the Feds send 200 armed agents and 9 helicopters to seize his property?

Neither Bundy nor Sharpton's criminal behavior excuses either one.

I agree. I have only been pointing out the heavy handed Ruby Ridge method of going after Bundy was over the freaking top.

Of course that was going to evoke a reaction. Hell's bells I'd be worried if it didn't. And you can bet dollars to donuts every Dem candidate for the mid terms was screaming at Reid for the "optics" of this situation.
REID is suspect in this...and it will haunt him for his comments.
We should give all our real estate away to folks who inherit wealth the way Clive and his daddy and his daddy before him did. When folks inherit their wealth like that we should should give them rights and deeds of the Kings land and call them Lords. The can be our aristocrats.

How about we just sell our real estate to a Chinese company for pennies on the dollar, just to benefit a few special interests, including Harry Reid and son? The solar power plan may be on hold, but I seriously doubt they have returned the public lands back to the public.

And, who beyond the wealth envy club, give a tinker's damn that Bundy inherited his land from his daddy. Most ranchers and farmers inherit their land. The question is not about how Bundy got his land, but is about the government mismanagement of the public lands.
How about we sell it to them to appease them for the TRILLIONS we've borrowed from them?:eusa_whistle:
When did Reagan's term end and how many Presidents have we had since then? (Here's a clue, there were two Bushes; they're not the same guy).

And I don't recall that Reagan's executive order included language to send in SWAT teams to collect a fine. Please link to that.


How did he treat his Air Traffic Controllers?

It is a violation of federal law for federal government employees to strike. The Air Traffic Controllers went out on strike. They violated the law.

Reagan gave them warning that if they didn't return to work, they would be fired for violating the law.

The ones that did not return to work were fired. Just like the law required.

End of story.

They lost their jobs, because of their own choices. They had no right to complain. They had been warned. They pushed their luck and lost.
How did he treat his Air Traffic Controllers?

It is a violation of federal law for federal government employees to strike. The Air Traffic Controllers went out on strike. They violated the law.

Reagan gave them warning that if they didn't return to work, they would be fired for violating the law.

The ones that did not return to work were fired. Just like the law required.

End of story.

They lost their jobs, because of their own choices. They had no right to complain. They had been warned. They pushed their luck and lost.
And WE need to see more of it. They think just because they work for the government...their jobs are safe. Quite frankly? THAT is a fable.
It is a violation of federal law for federal government employees to strike. The Air Traffic Controllers went out on strike. They violated the law.

Reagan gave them warning that if they didn't return to work, they would be fired for violating the law.

The ones that did not return to work were fired. Just like the law required.

End of story.

They lost their jobs, because of their own choices. They had no right to complain. They had been warned. They pushed their luck and lost.
And WE need to see more of it. They think just because they work for the government...their jobs are safe. Quite frankly? THAT is a fable.
Jesus nipple-twisting Christ, people. Look at yourselves.

Now the rule of law is sacrosanct, and those air traffic controllers got what they deserved for scoffing at the law. Reagan was just obeying the law. He couldn't cave in to those employees' demands, rights? That's weakness. Those air traffic controllers had to obey the law or else.

But Obama and the BLM are Marxist tyrants for whatever. Fuck you guys. Seriously.
When did Reagan's term end and how many Presidents have we had since then? (Here's a clue, there were two Bushes; they're not the same guy).

And I don't recall that Reagan's executive order included language to send in SWAT teams to collect a fine. Please link to that.


How did he treat his Air Traffic Controllers?

It is a violation of federal law for federal government employees to strike. The Air Traffic Controllers went out on strike. They violated the law.

Reagan gave them warning that if they didn't return to work, they would be fired for violating the law.

The ones that did not return to work were fired. Just like the law required.

End of story.

There, see? Federal law is the supreme law of the land, and if you violate that law, you rightfully suffer the consequences.

Hear that, Bundy?
Did a regulatory bureaucrat who worked for Reagan change the law after the Air Controllers had been on the job for years and years and years so that they were not allowed to strike?

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