Buoght a gun today.

Springfield XD-40 sub-compact.
XD® Sub Compact .40SW | Top Polymer Pistols for Men & Women
Small, Liight, with plenty of capacity and power.

Naturally, since I bought directly from Springfield, I went thru a background check. Took about 2 minutes once I fuilled out the form.

So, I sit here at home, looking thru the manual the mags, the gun, the accessories, the case, the paperwork -- and I simply cannot find the part of the background check that now prevents me from comitting a crime.

Someone please help me out here. :dunno:

careful bro, you exercising your God-given freedom will probably offend a liberal....on second thought, have at it...:badgrin:




This is how I envision some of you macho assholes.
Says she that has no clue whatsoever.

I have a clue, and its your shitty background checks that allow mass shooters to get their hands on dangerous weapons.

Mass shooters are usually either dead or in police custody by the time they're discovered to be mass shooters.

What we need isn't stronger background checks, it's a complete weapons ban, period. No exceptions.

You want to tell that to the police?
At what point will criminals turn in their weapons?

That policy is a fail. And that's before considerign the 2A and teh Supreme Court's decisions on it.
Libs cannot think beyond Stage One. This is always and everywhere the problem.
I have a clue, and its your shitty background checks that allow mass shooters to get their hands on dangerous weapons.

Mass shooters are usually either dead or in police custody by the time they're discovered to be mass shooters.

What we need isn't stronger background checks, it's a complete weapons ban, period. No exceptions.

Why do you want women to be raped?

It gives her somethng to do on a slow night.
Christ, how old are you? You really sound like some uneducated little kid. You can't really be that dumb, can you?
Funny.. I don't see you telling me how I am wrong - because you know you cannot. To cover for this, you sling insults.

Background checks cannot prevent crime because it is impossible enact a law that prevent people from breaking the law. As such, all of the reactionary cries for more background checks to prevent crimes like Sandyhook, et al, are made from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

As I said -- your failure runs deep - and there's nothing you can do about it.

Please feel free to show me how I am wrong.

No one can show someone like you that you are wrong. Jesus himself couldn't do that. You're a true NRA disciple. You make Wayne LaPierre proud.

Thanks for the compliment.




This is how I envision some of you macho assholes.

tons of freedom in these pictures, something you elitist SOB libs will never understand...so feel free to go back to your group think....

I have a clue, and its your shitty background checks that allow mass shooters to get their hands on dangerous weapons.

Mass shooters are usually either dead or in police custody by the time they're discovered to be mass shooters.

What we need isn't stronger background checks, it's a complete weapons ban, period. No exceptions.

Why do you want women to be raped?

Conservatards never cease to amaze me with how fast they resort to rape threats when confronted with logic and reason by a strong, independent womyn.

To answer your loaded question, I don't want womyn to be raped, nor would a complete weapons ban allow that to happyn.
Christ, how old are you? You really sound like some uneducated little kid. You can't really be that dumb, can you?
Funny.. I don't see you telling me how I am wrong - because you know you cannot. To cover for this, you sling insults.

Background checks cannot prevent crime because it is impossible enact a law that prevent people from breaking the law. As such, all of the reactionary cries for more background checks to prevent crimes like Sandyhook, et al, are made from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

As I said -- your failure runs deep - and there's nothing you can do about it.

Please feel free to show me how I am wrong.

No one can show someone like you that you are wrong. Jesus himself couldn't do that. You're a true NRA disciple. You make Wayne LaPierre proud.
I accept your concession of the point.

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