Bureau of Land Management vs Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, and the US Constitution


Isn't it time the federal government took a hard look at the hundred years of federal confiscation of land? You can get arrested for trespassing on any one of thousands of (not so) secret federal military installations even when there are no secrets left to protect. Thanks to the passage of time and the effort of traitors and idiots like Hillary, not to mention giveaway programs like Clinton's nuclear deal with North Korea and ICBM deal with China and Hussein's deal with Iran and negligence by "intelligence" agencies and even cyber attack there are no secrets left. We spend time and manpower and money to protect remnants of 20th century cold war junk that we end up dumping but the feds won't give it up. We have learned recently that the federal agency responsible for monitoring water quality failed in it's mission in Flint Mich. so what makes us think the BLM still has a logical mission? The dirty little secret is that the federal government contains thousands of little kingdoms or bureaucracies and the unstated mission of every federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding and become more powerful even if it doesn't make any sense.

Robert "LaVoy" Finicum had no way of resolving the issue peacefully since Article III Courts have been abolished.

He could have 'resolved' it peacefully by not committing criminal trespass in the first place.

Or he could have actually surrendered when stopped- rather than attempting to flee.
Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader.
When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The continuous criminal enterprise continues to slaughter Americans , perpetrate treason against the Constitution while the narcotized populace pick their collective noses and propel and avowed socialist to the Whitehouse.

For shame

What land have they grabbed?

You do realize that the land where that sanctuary is was BOUGHT over 100 years ago by the US federal government don't you?

Ever hear of a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt?

He was president a the beginning of the 20th century.

He had the federal government BUY that land from those who owned it which is what the constitution requires.

So there is no land grab.

Stop lying.

Article I, section 8:

"and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings"

Where are the forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings in Oregon?
Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader.
When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The continuous criminal enterprise continues to slaughter Americans , perpetrate treason against the Constitution while the narcotized populace pick their collective noses and propel and avowed socialist to the Whitehouse.

For shame

What land have they grabbed?

You do realize that the land where that sanctuary is was BOUGHT over 100 years ago by the US federal government don't you?

Ever hear of a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt?

He was president a the beginning of the 20th century.

He had the federal government BUY that land from those who owned it which is what the constitution requires.

So there is no land grab.

Stop lying.

Article I, section 8:

"and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings"

Where are the forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings in Oregon?
That is not the Article and section that that is relevant. The land in question was was not and is not land purchased by a state legislature for forts, magazines, dockyards, etc.
The relevant Article is Article 4 Section 3 Claus 2. How could you be so ill informed not to know this? It has been in the news for almost a month. Do you only read propagandized radical traitor rebel crap or what?
no no no... you don't get to claim there's tyranny and then duck out from naming it.

what tyranny do you believe i am not seeing?

You are one of Comrade Bernard guys - you thrive when a bureaucrat has his digits up your nostrils.

You're the boy that cried tyranny. just try, chicken-little, to explain what you mean by tyranny

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
you are one stupid motherfucker.

does it bother you even a little that you can get so worked up over 'tyranny' but can't even explain what you mean by it?



wow. you can't even define the tyranny you're so riled up about and you still have the gall to call me stupid. now you want to bring your ill-conceived notions of the constitution into play.

let me just ask once more - what tyranny do you believe you see that i do not?
Slow the shooting video down in speed and zoom in................watch for the puffs from the officer on the right.....and the impacts from that side causing him to shudder...........he was getting hit which caused him to lower arms..................At that point they were gonna kill him anyway..........
Let's say it's not fed land . Where do the ranchers get the right to treat it as if they own it?

I can't just wander onto state land and set up a pumkin farm.

Well.....you can see the dead man's last interview here.........from a source I'd normally never use..........but they interviewed them...........enjoy.
Bunch of treasonist mormans! Not the first time they've tried to overthrow the gov.

And we are worried about Muslims !?
Bunch of treasonist mormans! Not the first time they've tried to overthrow the gov.

And we are worried about Muslims !?
As you ignore the post after post of the feds taking land..........crushing people's lives..............and go OH WELL.............GOV'T GOOD PEOPLE BAD...............

Typical Liberal.....................Where you happy when they shot the guy......................or depressed that they all aren't dead now..............

Have an nice day.
Oregon Standoff: Federal Land Grab vs. the Sagebrush Rebellion

The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader.
When you read the litany of federal abuse of ranching families, you will better understand why some ranchers are staging an armed resistance. I also give some suggestions on how this can be resolved peacefully.

The continuous criminal enterprise continues to slaughter Americans , perpetrate treason against the Constitution while the narcotized populace pick their collective noses and propel and avowed socialist to the Whitehouse.

For shame

What land have they grabbed?

You do realize that the land where that sanctuary is was BOUGHT over 100 years ago by the US federal government don't you?

Ever hear of a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt?

He was president a the beginning of the 20th century.

He had the federal government BUY that land from those who owned it which is what the constitution requires.

So there is no land grab.

Stop lying.

Article I, section 8:

"and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings"

Where are the forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings in Oregon?
That is not the Article and section that that is relevant. The land in question was was not and is not land purchased by a state legislature for forts, magazines, dockyards, etc.
The relevant Article is Article 4 Section 3 Claus 2. How could you be so ill informed not to know this? It has been in the news for almost a month. Do you only read propagandized radical traitor rebel crap or what?

A sovereign state is not a territory.
The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

That is why we have courts instead of vigilantes

Yeah right , we have "courts" populated and controlled by the fascist/socialist faction.
Too funny
Bunch of treasonist mormans! Not the first time they've tried to overthrow the gov.

And we are worried about Muslims !?
As you ignore the post after post of the feds taking land..........crushing people's lives..............and go OH WELL.............GOV'T GOOD PEOPLE BAD...............

Typical Liberal.....................Where you happy when they shot the guy......................or depressed that they all aren't dead now..............

Have an nice day.

You fucking right wing hypocrites! Cops shoot unarmed black guys in the street and u are all for it .

Armed white hillbillies go down after taking over fed property, it's the greatest injustice ever !!!
Bunch of treasonist mormans! Not the first time they've tried to overthrow the gov.

And we are worried about Muslims !?
As you ignore the post after post of the feds taking land..........crushing people's lives..............and go OH WELL.............GOV'T GOOD PEOPLE BAD...............

Typical Liberal.....................Where you happy when they shot the guy......................or depressed that they all aren't dead now..............

Have an nice day.

You fucking right wing hypocrites! Cops shoot unarmed black guys in the street and u are all for it .

Armed white hillbillies go down after taking over fed property, it's the greatest injustice ever !!!
In several of the Black Lives Matter cases the ones killed were proven thugs............One brow beat the owner of a small store and then went on to go after the police.............Then the people started saying Hands up don't shoot..........but the autopsy showed and eye witnesses were proven right................And in the riots that went on, the very danged store that the owner got brow beat was ROBBED by the looters..........They burned businesses down that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ANY OF IT.....................Natta.........NOTHING......................

In the Zimmerman case...........evidence showed that the guy was beating his head into the ground..........later in case after case Zimmerman was a wack..........but it never changed the fact that it was SELF DEFENSE.............

In the case of the professor............the police just wanted a VALID ID.............remember the STINK ON THAT ONE...........and later they all had a BEER WITH OBAMA.......

You see only what you want to see.................I have provided MANY CASES of ABUSE by the BLM and the EPA.............your side basically is CHEERING AT THE DEATH OF THE RANCHER................

None of this was a problem at all until the Feds moved in and tried to force them out............Most of the Ranchers just left from the onset..............some stayed and said HELL NO WE WILL NOT GO...........So they killed their cows, and horses.......tore up their property and created the ENVIRONMENT FOR THE SHOW DOWNS...............

One man, not Bundy.......fought it out in the courts............died before the decision and WON AGAINST THEIR ABUSE.................

But you don't see it.............you only spout off hurrah he died in a Nut Shell.
WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What sparked the militia takeover?
A: The answer here is complicated. In short, the militants are outraged about a mandatory minimum sentence received for arson by a local rancher and his son.

The ranchers, Dwight Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son Steve, 43, were convicted of federal arson charges, stemming from a pair or fires on federal land near their ranch. The first was reportedly set in 2001 to cover up their illegal poaching of a deer on government property. It burned 139 acres. The second was reportedly set in 2006 as a defensive measure, to protect the ranch from an approaching lightning-sparked wildfire. That arson reportedly endangered volunteer firefighters camped nearby. The government would seek $1 million in damages. (For a deep dive of the backstory read this piece in The Oregonian.)

Q: So some Oregon ranchers got busted for arson. Where's the tyranny?
A: The ranchers' case became a cause celebre in the patriot/militia movement because the pair were sentenced for their arson crimes under a provision of a law called the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. And they were oddly sentenced twice.

The federal law in question doesn't just deal with terrorism. It created a five-year mandatory-minimum sentence for arson on federal land: "Whoever maliciously damages or destroys... by means of fire...any...real property...owned or possessed by...the United States...shall be imprisoned for not less than 5 years…"

The first federal judge to handle the case concluded that the mandatory sentence was too stiff and gave the pair far lighter sentences, which they served. But the U.S. attorney in the case called foul; the federal government took the rare step of appealing the sentence. In October 2015, the Ninth Circuit imposed the mandatory minimum, ruling that: "given the seriousness of arson, a five-year sentence is not grossly disproportionate to the offense." The ranchers are due back in federal prison Monday to serve out their five years each.

BLM Sued for $30 Million For Rustling Another Nevada Rancher’s Cattle


Long before Cliven Bundy faced down federal agents in his dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights, fellow Nevada rancher Raymond Yowell, an 84-year-old former Shoshone chief, watched as the BLM seized his herd.

Adding to that, since 2008 they’ve taken his money as well — in the form of a piece of his Social Security checks.

Yowell’s 132 head of cattle had grazed for decades on the South Fork Western Shoshone Indian Reservation in northeastern Nevada until 2002, when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) — the same agency at odds with Bundy — seized them. The federal agency sold the cattle at auction and used the proceeds to pay off the portion of back grazing fees it claimed Yowell owed. Once the cattle was sold, the agency sent Yowell a bill for the outstanding balance, some $180,000. They’ve been garnishing his monthly Social Security checks since 2008 to satisfy the debt Yowell says he does not owe.

“There’s a definite pattern in the West, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late ’80s, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures,” Yowell said. “[Bundy’s case] is the latest example of that pattern.”

Just another case of the Federal Gov't taking cows and taking this mans Social Security Check.
Do you want another STORY????????????????????????

Judge Blasts Federal Conspiracy; Ranch Family Vindicated — Again!

In a June 6 bench statement, Judge Jones charged federal officials of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with violating previous court judgments and engaging in a decades-long conspiracy against Nevada rancher Wayne Hage and his family. Judge Jones described the agencies’ actions against the Hages as “abhorrent,” and also noted that he had asked the local U.S. attorney to attend the hearing for consideration of criminal prosecution of BLM field manager Tom Seley and USFS ranger Steve Williams for contempt of court. However, the judge suggested that it may be necessary for the Department of Justice to appoint an outside prosecutor, since the local U.S. attorney may already be compromised. He instructed the U.S. Attorney’s office: “I will require them to account back to me in six months — within six months, as to any action they’ve taken.”

On August 31, following a weeklong show-cause hearing for contempt charges, Judge Jones issued a blistering bench statement accusing USFS officials of lying to the court, attempting to mislead the court, abusing agency regulatory powers, and engaging in a pattern of threats and intimidation to coerce witnesses. The judge charged that Seley and Williams had used illegal means in an attempt “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.” Judge Jones, in effect, “fired” Seley and Williams. “Mr. Seley can no longer be an administrator in this BLM district. I don’t trust him to be unbiased. Nor can he supervise anybody in this district,” the judge stated in his order from the bench.

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