Burger chain allowing their employees to wear "ABOLISH ICE" badges

Afraid half their employees will be deported or going by the pic at least one quarter
At least 3/4 will be replaced shortly :thup:

Well it's not like it's a career job. Well unless you're a whiny leftist and can't figure out how to advance yourself, then you'll retire there
Lol you voted for Trump to bring back low skill, low wage jobs because you rubes can’t advance yourself, but now you try to say that’s a leftist thing :laugh:

Too stupid

I voted for Trump for SCOTUS......guess what? TADA my vote paid off in spades...

Crap now you'll call me a racist for saying spades won't ya?
That’s okay. You’ll be replaced soon enough too.

Screw that, it is better to be the one replacing, than anyone who suffers as the result of goofballs like you. You cannot replace me, because I don't work for you goofball.
Afraid half their employees will be deported or going by the pic at least one quarter
At least 3/4 will be replaced shortly :thup:

Well it's not like it's a career job. Well unless you're a whiny leftist and can't figure out how to advance yourself, then you'll retire there
Lol you voted for Trump to bring back low skill, low wage jobs because you rubes can’t advance yourself, but now you try to say that’s a leftist thing :laugh:

Too stupid

I voted for Trump for SCOTUS......guess what? TADA my vote paid off in spades...

Crap now you'll call me a racist for saying spades won't ya?
If someone who is always wrong calls you a racist, then you're not a racist.
Afraid half their employees will be deported or going by the pic at least one quarter
At least 3/4 will be replaced shortly :thup:

Well it's not like it's a career job. Well unless you're a whiny leftist and can't figure out how to advance yourself, then you'll retire there
Lol you voted for Trump to bring back low skill, low wage jobs because you rubes can’t advance yourself, but now you try to say that’s a leftist thing :laugh:

Too stupid

I voted for Trump for SCOTUS......guess what? TADA my vote paid off in spades...

Crap now you'll call me a racist for saying spades won't ya?
If someone who is always wrong calls you a racist, then you're not a racist.

I'm not a racist...but I can spot one a mile away. It's comical because it's usually someone running around screaming "you're a racist!!!". You know, like the DNC and their taco bowl screw up LOL
Afraid half their employees will be deported or going by the pic at least one quarter
At least 3/4 will be replaced shortly :thup:

Well it's not like it's a career job. Well unless you're a whiny leftist and can't figure out how to advance yourself, then you'll retire there
Lol you voted for Trump to bring back low skill, low wage jobs because you rubes can’t advance yourself, but now you try to say that’s a leftist thing :laugh:

Too stupid

I voted for Trump for SCOTUS......guess what? TADA my vote paid off in spades...

Crap now you'll call me a racist for saying spades won't ya?
I’m sorry to tell you that Trump’s picks can’t reverse time. :itsok:

Black people can still drink from your waterfountains :itsok:
Today's Dimocrats don't even try to hide their disdain for immigration enforcement.

Today they'll wear "ABOLISH ICE" badges, tomorrow it will be "ABOLISH BORDERS" badges.
You’ll be at it forever? I think not. And then a migrant or a descendant of one will replace you.

If an immigrant could replace me, they wouldn't be illegal and wouldn't be looking for a job. If their descendants fill the position I once had, I still won't give a crap. If they ever get to a point they get to enjoy what I have access to, more power to them. None of that necessarily has to have a damn thing to do with whether or not we follow the requirements of Federal Law.
They support the murders of Mollie Tibbetts and Jamile Shaw.
Mollie's family is opposed to your politicizing her and their tragedy.

Have you no shame!?!?!?

The event and circumstances surrounding her death have bearing on a major national issue, like it or not. Sympathy for the family's sentiments, or hers, does not come into play.
They support the murders of Mollie Tibbetts and Jamile Shaw.
Mollie's family is opposed to your politicizing her and their tragedy.

Have you no shame!?!?!?

The event and circumstances surrounding her death have bearing on a major national issue, like it or not. Sympathy for the family's sentiments, or hers, does not come into play.

Her father didn't help his own cause with his statements. He's not going to stop the debate on illegal immigration and his daughter's death is a glaring problem as to what's wrong with some illegals
I get why the workers were sent home, but it isn't like the badges were going to come alive and eat everyone else who was there. If the people in charge of the place were scared that customers would take their business elsewhere, those who weren't wearing a badge could've been the workers who worked up front where the customers are and those with badges can be those who take care of the food. The fact that not every employee wore a badge should be considered though if those with badges don't think that they should be kept hidden like some dirty secret. If they are both up front where the customers can see them, why should those who are not wearing the badge be punished for those who are wearing one?

God bless you always!!!

12+ million illegals in the country, and I’m supposed to cheer when they spend billions to bust 50 illegals in a factory?

ICE is marred by the total incompetence of its low education, low quality employees. Waste of money.

I didn't post that at all. And you are more than welcome to suggest cheering "+12 million illegals" is better. It still doesn't meet the requirements set forth in Federal Law. I don't really care if you want to surrender on immigration
We Don't Have Enough Of Our Own
Murderers, Rapists, Drug Lords
All Manner Of Violent Criminals
So Hiryuu Thinks We Should Just Turn A Blind Eye Altogether

Have You Ever Noticed
They Think Anything We Want Done
Has To Be Absolutely 100% Effective
Or It's An Abject Failure

But Their Failures Of Epic Proportions Are All OK
Because In Their Eyes, They Mean Well
I guess they think they are hip but political ideology and burgers don't mix and they will probably join Nike in the bankruptcy court.
12+ million illegals in the country, and I’m supposed to cheer when they spend billions to bust 50 illegals in a factory?

ICE is marred by the total incompetence of its low education, low quality employees. Waste of money.

I didn't post that at all. And you are more than welcome to suggest cheering "+12 million illegals" is better. It still doesn't meet the requirements set forth in Federal Law. I don't really care if you want to surrender on immigration. If you want to talk about wasting money, what else in the $1.2 trillion dollars over budget we currently are would you like to cut?
Blackflag is a mental pigmy. We only read his posts for the comedy.
If the border was secure, we wouldn't need ICE.

Secure the border, and I'm good with abolishing it.

The dolts in the article are advocating for the abolishment for the wrong reasons, however. Of course, all they're accomplishing is to keep the floodgates open and the welfare state flourishing. Millennials are severely undereducated and underinformed about the proper role of government and economics, I've noticed.

Problem is that if we ever do secure the border, ICE isn't just gonna go away. Has anyone thought about the consequences of that?
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Apache Attack helicopters....night vision...chain gun...shoot on sight. Men, women and children coming across the border.

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