Burger chain allowing their employees to wear "ABOLISH ICE" badges

If the border was secure, we wouldn't need ICE.

Secure the border, and I'm good with abolishing it.

The dolts in the article are advocating for the abolishment for the wrong reasons.

Problem is that if we ever do secure the border, ICE isn't just gonna go away. Has anyone thought about the consequences of that?

I don't think anyone is serious about securing the border. On several occasions Congress has passed legislation and even appropriated money to work towards securing the border. The GOP talks about it, but does nothing when they control both houses of Congress and the White House. The Democrats never even look at securing the border, unless they pretend they are going to, in order to get concessions on illegal immigrants already here (a shell game that is no longer working).

It's one of those issues where if you actually fix something, there is nothing left to argue about, and that doesn't serve politics.
Why would a burger joint ban ice?

Who likes warm sodas?
Add to that a ban on straws and soda size regulations, and we now have a flat warm 8oz. soda in a flimsy paper cup.
Winning business strategy.

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