burglars and murder...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
some may think that stopping a burglar with a gun is unnecessary...however, this study shows that you don't know anything about here guys...so you can't take it for granted that all they want is your stuff...

New Report: Nearly One Out of Ten Burglars is a Murderer - The Truth About Guns

So nearly one out of ten burglars are killers. Huh. The report concludes that burglars burglarize for money (surprise), often to feed their drug habits. In fact . . .

Within the entire sample, 88% of respondents indicated that their top reason for committing burglaries was related to their need to acquire drugs (51%) or money (37%), although many reported needing the money to support drug problems. Crack or powder cocaine and heroin were the drugs most often reportedly used by these offenders and these substances were often being used in combination with other substances, including marijuana and alcohol, during burglary attempts.

So all those gruff concealed carry class instructors arenā€™t just blowing smoke: burglars are high. Thereā€™s also info that refutes antisā€™ claims that Americans donā€™t need ā€œhigh capacityā€ ammunition magazines to defend home and hearth. Most burglars donā€™t work alone.
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