Burn that Mask! Stolen Election and Curfew Results in Mobilization of Patriots

This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.

You've been mainlining Newsmax and OAN. You'll feel better when you unhook that needle from your brain.

You lost fair and square. Quit whining.

View attachment 419888
No blue wave. Republican Party gains seats in the House, going to gain a seat in the Senate, and Trump loses a fair election? Laughable.
Yet they say the vote was stole. Steal the vote!! He lost, get use to it. The only way your going to get votes in the senate if they put 2 insider traders in. Just look at who you got in the house, an al anon supporter.
Biden will never be seen as the legitimate leader in the eyes of the citizens or foreign leaders.

He already is, by American citizens and foreign leaders. trump did not win the popular vote in 2016 and he has lost by a whopping margin in 2020, so millions of us Americans are recognizing him as our legitimate leader while the loser cowers in the White House basement. Congratulations have been sent to President-elect Biden by a host of foreign leaders, many of whom have been insulted by trump.

The hated Trump got more votes then the beloved Obama, explain that one?

I don't have to. President Obama wasn't in this race, moron. His name wasn't on the ballot. This is the 2020 election. I voted on Nov. 3 at the same polling place at which I have voted in several elections. You seem upset that I voted for Biden and not trump.
I don't care who you voted for I just want to know how Trump the most hated man in America got more votes then Obama the greatest President in history...
This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.

You've been mainlining Newsmax and OAN. You'll feel better when you unhook that needle from your brain.

You lost fair and square. Quit whining.

View attachment 419888
No blue wave. Republican Party gains seats in the House, going to gain a seat in the Senate, and Trump loses a fair election? Laughable.
Yet they say the vote was stole. Steal the vote!! He lost, get use to it. The only way your going to get votes in the senate if they put 2 insider traders in. Just look at who you got in the house, an al anon supporter.
Biden will never be seen as the legitimate leader in the eyes of the citizens or foreign leaders.

He already is, by American citizens and foreign leaders. trump did not win the popular vote in 2016 and he has lost by a whopping margin in 2020, so millions of us Americans are recognizing him as our legitimate leader while the loser cowers in the White House basement. Congratulations have been sent to President-elect Biden by a host of foreign leaders, many of whom have been insulted by trump.

The hated Trump got more votes then the beloved Obama, explain that one?

I don't have to. President Obama wasn't in this race, moron. His name wasn't on the ballot. This is the 2020 election. I voted on Nov. 3 at the same polling place at which I have voted in several elections. You seem upset that I voted for Biden and not trump.
I don't care who you voted for I just want to know how Trump the most hated man in America got more votes then Obama the greatest President in history...

Different turnouts, I guess. Who cares, though. It's interesting that you call President Obama "the greatest President in history." I voted for President Obama twice, but I would never go this far. Time will tell. You still seem upset that I voted for Biden. How so?
The people in this protest are anything but patriotic, so I don't understand why anyone would refer to them as "patriots." Wanting to spread a potentially fatal disease around one's nation at a time when our heroic medical professionals are being worked to the bone to stop it is the antithesis of patriotism no matter how big a flag you fly. What these protesters are saying is that they don't give a damn about their country and humanity in general. This is nothing to be proud of. This is nothing that can be called "patriotism."

Notice no riots or looting?
Isn't the deliberate spreading of a contagious, potentially fatal disease enough? A small group of people rioting or looting doesn't matter. We have had rioters and looters from the beginning of this republic. Look up the riots in NYC, Rosewood, Florida, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Race riots. In NYC alone:
New York City draft riots - Wikipedia
Anything that happened in 2020 was done by a very small group of people and is small change in comparison.

Your post doesn't make sense, I was just pointing out in the video they were not rioting or looting, burning down stores and business

They where protesting a govenor and his stupid curfew

Your post doesn't make any sense either. You egg on people who want to spread a fatal disease in the United States. These restrictions are in place for the good of the people of the United States.

I saw no one in the lines to vote in so many states who were rioting and looting. The people who turned out to march in the BLM protests against corruption were not rioting and looting. They were carrying signs and chanting.

Personally, I am outraged by what trump did in Lafayette Square and his insult to St. John's Church. Lafayette Park and St. John's mean a lot to me, and a whore trampling all over them angers me greatly.
No, they are not for our good, and only a fool would believe that.
This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.
Hey, Alzheimer's! 250.000 dead and you want to make a public health recommendation a political issue.
Are you a qualified health expert? Whether a mask helps or not, you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you. The reason the US has the highest death rate in the world is I suspect pricks like you spreading deadly misinformation.
This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.
Hey, Alzheimer's! 250.000 dead and you want to make a public health recommendation a political issue.
Are you a qualified health expert? Whether a mask helps or not, you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you. The reason the US has the highest death rate in the world is I suspect pricks like you spreading deadly misinformation.

This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.
The mask mandate is meant for us to violate. That it will give the Intels community the rights to put us on the watched list., labeled as radicals, because we are a threat to society by help spreading the virus. The Patriot act allows them to spy on whom they've deem as homegrown terrorist.
Pretty soon they are going to make it against the law to step on a crack, because it will break your momma's back, and which they'll considered that as an assault.
Then we will all be considered as criminals, that don't have any rights. That our parole or probation officers can come into our homes with other officers at anytime to search the premises.
You'll not be under the constitution anymore. But just imagine if they've caught all the citizens not wearing a mask. That we will all be under the Globalist's controlled.

Only if God's Word fails us which it won't if we stand fast and resist the wiles of satan and his minions.

The Almighty.gif
Hey, Alzheimer's! 250.000 dead and you want to make a public health recommendation a political issue.
Are you a qualified health expert? Whether a mask helps or not, you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you

FUCK YOU!!! 50,000 dead of the Flu every year. We passed half a million since 2010. Where was your punkass bitch mask every Flu season, eh? Why weren't you saving some of those millions of lives every year with a mask, eh?

"you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you." Seriously? Spoken like a true coward bitch who WANTS to bend over to fascism. You Limey bitches may be use to doing what kings and queens tell you to do, but we Americans think for ourselves.

Are you a qualified health expert?

Are you? No? Then shut your Limey bitch ass mouth and go eat some Spotted Dick
Hey, Alzheimer's! 250.000 dead and you want to make a public health recommendation a political issue.
Are you a qualified health expert? Whether a mask helps or not, you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you

FUCK YOU!!! 50,000 dead of the Flu every year. We passed half a million since 2010. Where was your punkass bitch mask every Flu season, eh? Why weren't you saving some of those millions of lives every year with a mask, eh?

"you have been asked to wear one so just keep it shut and do what the experts have told you." Seriously? Spoken like a true coward bitch who WANTS to bend over to fascism. You Limey bitches may be use to doing what kings and queens tell you to do, but we Americans think for ourselves.

Are you a qualified health expert?

Are you? No? Then shut your Limey bitch ass mouth and go eat some Spotted Dick
Democrats and Big Brother should be resisted by whatever means necessary.
This is just the beginning. When Americans place their trust and faith in democracy and that faith is broken by urban political machines, then those citizens will take to the streets. When Democrat governor's and presidential scam artist attempt to place restrictions on our constitutional freedoms that would make Eastern European communist leader's circa 1962 proud, then we will respond with patriotic resistance.

Well I did happen to make a face diaper song. :D


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