Burn the Koran on 9-11

On 9-12-01 if someone had asked me what would be the best test for our religious tolerance, I would've said 'build a mosque near where those buildings used to be'.

It's disappointing to see that some people in this country--and it's probably not an insignificant number--care more about "keeping them away" than about putting into words and actions the ideals behind our founding documents.

The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.
I just don't know why people ignore the overwhelming evidence that suggests that Islam breeds hatred, intolerance, and terrorism. Ignoring that is just being dishonest.

Just look at the terror acts committed around the world , including in this country, who commits them? Muslims. How anyone could defend this religion based solely on their treatment of women is beyond me.

You want an honest debate? Admit that Islam is a religion of hate, and then we can debate whether that should be allowed in the US, otherwise you're just being an idiot who is denying the obvious.

RW , still waiting for you to explain why you believe Muslims can be insensitive but Christians shouldn't be.

Explain one thing for me

How is building a house of worship an act of hate?

That is the crux of your argument

Just to prove one difference between you and I, namely that I have integrity where you have none, I will answer your question even though you have not answered mine from 8 pages ago.

It is an act of hate when you choose to do something that 70% of your fellow Americans say offends them. The opposite reaction would be to CHOOSE not do it. PERIOD. It's that simple no matter how much you want to try to complicate it.

Now that I have answered your question. I ask you again. WHy did you start a thread whining about Christians being insensitive when you don't mind Muslims being insensitive?

70% of Americans opposed whites and blacks marrying. Was their getting married an act of hate also?

What part of the first amendment is so foreign to you? Do you really think that just because you hate another religion, they should not be able to worship where they please? Do you think if we had a vote in your town and we said we did not want your church in your town that you would just say "if thats how you feel, I'll worship in another town"?

I answered your question repeatedly, you just don't like my response. Now answer mine. How is building a house of worship an act of hate?
Maybe it's just me, but when your fellow Muslims just murdered 3,000 people.. maybe it is time for you to show some tolerance. Like.... building a Mosque on the site where they were killed!

Yeah, that's the ticket!
On 9-12-01 if someone had asked me what would be the best test for our religious tolerance, I would've said 'build a mosque near where those buildings used to be'.

It's disappointing to see that some people in this country--and it's probably not an insignificant number--care more about "keeping them away" than about putting into words and actions the ideals behind our founding documents.

The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.

That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:
Explain one thing for me

How is building a house of worship an act of hate?

That is the crux of your argument

Just to prove one difference between you and I, namely that I have integrity where you have none, I will answer your question even though you have not answered mine from 8 pages ago.

It is an act of hate when you choose to do something that 70% of your fellow Americans say offends them. The opposite reaction would be to CHOOSE not do it. PERIOD. It's that simple no matter how much you want to try to complicate it.

Now that I have answered your question. I ask you again. WHy did you start a thread whining about Christians being insensitive when you don't mind Muslims being insensitive?

70% of Americans opposed whites and blacks marrying. Was their getting married an act of hate also?

What part of the first amendment is so foreign to you? Do you really think that just because you hate another religion, they should not be able to worship where they please? Do you think if we had a vote in your town and we said we did not want your church in your town that you would just say "if thats how you feel, I'll worship in another town"?

I answered your question repeatedly, you just don't like my response. Now answer mine. How is building a house of worship an act of hate?

That, too has been answered sir.
On 9-12-01 if someone had asked me what would be the best test for our religious tolerance, I would've said 'build a mosque near where those buildings used to be'.

It's disappointing to see that some people in this country--and it's probably not an insignificant number--care more about "keeping them away" than about putting into words and actions the ideals behind our founding documents.

The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.

That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:

All right, fair enough. Your point above was asking if they rejected the teachings of Koran. You'd really have to ask individual Muslims and imams and what not, to get a response. I'm not a Muslim, so I dunno how precisely they reconcile some of the more violent language in the Koran, but I would think they do it in a similar manner to how Judaism or Christianity reconciles some of the more violent language in the Old and New Testaments.

Do they rejectterrorist radical muslims?
From your link
3. We take note of the important inaugural statement by The Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, which constitutes an official document of this Extraordinary Session;

Do you know anyhting about the person that is mentioned in number three? the person they call Honorable?
Mahathir has always been an outspoken critic of the United States
Under Mahathir, Malaysia was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause
and just what is the Palestinian cause?

About him? Not really. But all the links do indeed generally reject terrorism.

I would imagine they support the Palestinians over the Israelis. It's a controversial and touchy subject, which Muslims, Jews and Christians all having a stake in seeing as they all place great significance in the region. Israel isn't exactly squeaky clean itself in it, so anyone who takes either side in the issue is going to have some mud on their face from the terrorists against Israel or the actions of Israel itself.

They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel
Do they rejectterrorist radical muslims?
From your link
3. We take note of the important inaugural statement by The Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, which constitutes an official document of this Extraordinary Session;

Do you know anyhting about the person that is mentioned in number three? the person they call Honorable?
Mahathir has always been an outspoken critic of the United States
Under Mahathir, Malaysia was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause
and just what is the Palestinian cause?

About him? Not really. But all the links do indeed generally reject terrorism.

I would imagine they support the Palestinians over the Israelis. It's a controversial and touchy subject, which Muslims, Jews and Christians all having a stake in seeing as they all place great significance in the region. Israel isn't exactly squeaky clean itself in it, so anyone who takes either side in the issue is going to have some mud on their face from the terrorists against Israel or the actions of Israel itself.

They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel

Something tells me if you walked up and slapped Rightnutter in the face, he'd apologize to you and buy you a drink!
On 9-12-01 if someone had asked me what would be the best test for our religious tolerance, I would've said 'build a mosque near where those buildings used to be'.

It's disappointing to see that some people in this country--and it's probably not an insignificant number--care more about "keeping them away" than about putting into words and actions the ideals behind our founding documents.

The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.

That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:

I am not sure you understand the concept of what the Muslims want.
About him? Not really. But all the links do indeed generally reject terrorism.

I would imagine they support the Palestinians over the Israelis. It's a controversial and touchy subject, which Muslims, Jews and Christians all having a stake in seeing as they all place great significance in the region. Israel isn't exactly squeaky clean itself in it, so anyone who takes either side in the issue is going to have some mud on their face from the terrorists against Israel or the actions of Israel itself.

They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel

Something tells me if you walked up and slapped Rightnutter in the face, he'd apologize to you and buy you a drink!
Dobtful but it's worth a try to get a free drink:lol:
The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.

That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:

I am not sure you understand the concept of what the Muslims want.

No, I'm not a spokesman. Let me guess, you do have a profound understanding of Islam, and have broached the psyche of the average Muslim, just like Mr. F has.

I do know that my optometrist (who's both black and Muslim! :eek: ) wants for his daughter to go to college next year, so he's probably concerned about her doing well in school. He likes cars too and I know he wants to get a Corvette.
That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:

I am not sure you understand the concept of what the Muslims want.

No, I'm not a spokesman. Let me guess, you do have a profound understanding of Islam, and have broached the psyche of the average Muslim, just like Mr. F has.

I do know that my optometrist (who's both black and Muslim! :eek: ) wants for his daughter to go to college next year, so he's probably concerned about her doing well in school. He likes cars too and I know he wants to get a Corvette.

Profound understanding? My understanding comes from what I see and what has happened and what they have written on paper as their objective. That is my PROFOUND UNDERTANDING of what they want.
The fact that you feel the need to show tolerance towards people who just killed 3,000 Americans is very telling. Not to self: Killing people simply because you don't agree with their lifestyle is pretty, well, intolerant.

That's fine. I'm not expecting you to understand the concept of all Muslims not being terrorists. :thup:

I am not sure you understand the concept of what the Muslims want.

American Muslims want to raise their families in peace, worship as they please, not be treated as criminals, be able to participate in the American culture, work without discrimination

Not too different than other Americans. I doubt if they want to kill you
Do they rejectterrorist radical muslims?
From your link
3. We take note of the important inaugural statement by The Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, which constitutes an official document of this Extraordinary Session;

Do you know anyhting about the person that is mentioned in number three? the person they call Honorable?
Mahathir has always been an outspoken critic of the United States
Under Mahathir, Malaysia was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause
and just what is the Palestinian cause?

About him? Not really. But all the links do indeed generally reject terrorism.

I would imagine they support the Palestinians over the Israelis. It's a controversial and touchy subject, which Muslims, Jews and Christians all having a stake in seeing as they all place great significance in the region. Israel isn't exactly squeaky clean itself in it, so anyone who takes either side in the issue is going to have some mud on their face from the terrorists against Israel or the actions of Israel itself.

They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel

I find that extremely convenient for you. No matter what anyone says, you will deny they mean it. Well then....that settles it, doesn't it?
They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel

Something tells me if you walked up and slapped Rightnutter in the face, he'd apologize to you and buy you a drink!
Dobtful but it's worth a try to get a free drink:lol:

Just try it little girl..

I'd kick your ass and make you whimper like a little bitch. Both of you couldn't take me on your best day
Do they rejectterrorist radical muslims?
From your link
3. We take note of the important inaugural statement by The Honourable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, which constitutes an official document of this Extraordinary Session;

Do you know anyhting about the person that is mentioned in number three? the person they call Honorable?
Mahathir has always been an outspoken critic of the United States
Under Mahathir, Malaysia was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause
and just what is the Palestinian cause?

About him? Not really. But all the links do indeed generally reject terrorism.

I would imagine they support the Palestinians over the Israelis. It's a controversial and touchy subject, which Muslims, Jews and Christians all having a stake in seeing as they all place great significance in the region. Israel isn't exactly squeaky clean itself in it, so anyone who takes either side in the issue is going to have some mud on their face from the terrorists against Israel or the actions of Israel itself.

They can write down a thousand times they reject radical extremist Muslims but reading from your seventh link it's just a bunch of words that have just one objective. The spread of Islam annd the removal of Israel

Every religion wants to spread itself, and being against the state of Israel isn't something only exclusive to Muslims.

I gave you moderate Muslims rejecting terrorism like you asked. If you want to flat out ignore it, that's your choice, but don't be surprised when people argue against the generalizations of all Muslims being the same.
LOL @ the internet tough guy

Didn't you get your ass kicked on this thread enough?

If you insist, you can line up with the others to get your ass kicked

The only person who got their ass kicked here was you when I outed you for being a hypocritical Christian hater.

As for your threats of actual violence. I will say the same thing I said to the loons last night who were hoping for other Americans to be attacked by terrorists.

Are you fucking insane , taking a message board so seriously that you want to inflict physical violence on a fellow poster? I mean REALLY?

God the depths some of our citizens have sunk to.

Why am I not amazed that no leftie condemns this idiot?

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