Burn the Koran on 9-11

Look at the bright side.

Time was when Christians would burn the non-believers themselves. Now they just burn their books.

More proof that even the most vile and barbaric forms of religion can, over time, evolve.
Their main objective isn't the extermination of people. I would think, like many religions, it would be the worship of God.

Why do you continue to generalize all Muslims are the same and want and think the same things? There is not some sort of hive mind controlling them. Not all Muslims wish to 'exterminate' Israel. Some even think there can be peaceful co-existence. I'm not denying there are wackos who'd commit terrorism against Israel (the entire controversy is a very gray area), but generalizing all Muslims would support this and make it their 'main objective' is just plain silly.

There are other moderate Muslims besides the guy you keep bringing up. But I'm sure they must all think the same too, eh? Otherwise it would be harder for you ignore that you got what you asked pages and pages ago.
The Ultimate Goal of Islam
The Ultimate Goal of Islam: World Domination

I like how it quotes all the extremist wackos in the beginning. It's a very well-written and interesting argument, however the implication is that a religion wanting to be superior is exclusive only to Islam. Can you really saw that this is something specific to Islam, and Islam only? I sincerely doubt any religion doesn't at it's heart have the same goal of converting everyone. The word 'Catholic' means 'universal,' for instance.

This article doesn't make sense. It goes back and forth between blaming all Muslims and then the fundamentalist ones. He says the leader of Iran is usign Islamic theology to brainwash the youth, but aren't they already Muslims? Aren't they already a lost cause? Why would Ahmadinejad have to turn them to fanatics then? He also kinda contradicts himself since he says Christianity will emerge victorious for some religious battle after he says (earlier in the article) Islam's goal is world domination.

You really have to wonder how he knows what all Muslims are doing. In reality, no one really knows what everyone of something is doing at the time.

That's really interesting, but on the whole it doesn't really back you up here.

Well gee, way to Godwin the thread.

You wanted to hear what muslim had to say but you disregrad their voice with"Well gee, way to Godwin the thread"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMQneyuPSM]YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)[/ame]
I will be back shortly

I like how it quotes all the extremist wackos in the beginning. It's a very well-written and interesting argument, however the implication is that a religion wanting to be superior is exclusive only to Islam. Can you really saw that this is something specific to Islam, and Islam only? I sincerely doubt any religion doesn't at it's heart have the same goal of converting everyone. The word 'Catholic' means 'universal,' for instance.

This article doesn't make sense. It goes back and forth between blaming all Muslims and then the fundamentalist ones. He says the leader of Iran is usign Islamic theology to brainwash the youth, but aren't they already Muslims? Aren't they already a lost cause? Why would Ahmadinejad have to turn them to fanatics then? He also kinda contradicts himself since he says Christianity will emerge victorious for some religious battle after he says (earlier in the article) Islam's goal is world domination.

You really have to wonder how he knows what all Muslims are doing. In reality, no one really knows what everyone of something is doing at the time.

That's really interesting, but on the whole it doesn't really back you up here.

Well gee, way to Godwin the thread.

You wanted to hear what muslim had to say but you disregrad their voice with"Well gee, way to Godwin the thread"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMQneyuPSM]YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)[/ame]
I will be back shortly

I didn't request anything. Stop holding every Muslim to be an extremist. We could go back and forth all day shoving examples of extremists and moderates in each other faces, but the difference here is, I accept that their are extremists, but they don't comprise all the billion followers of it. You seem to keep trying hard to invalidate any Muslim that isn't an extremist.
True every religion wants to spread but how many of those religions main objective is to exterminate a group of people? Why do you negate that part of the equation of the muslim religion? Come on you made the statement can you back it up What other religion besides Islim wants to extermnate Israel?

Their main objective isn't the extermination of people. I would think, like many religions, it would be the worship of God.

Why do you continue to generalize all Muslims are the same and want and think the same things? There is not some sort of hive mind controlling them. Not all Muslims wish to 'exterminate' Israel. Some even think there can be peaceful co-existence. I'm not denying there are wackos who'd commit terrorism against Israel (the entire controversy is a very gray area), but generalizing all Muslims would support this and make it their 'main objective' is just plain silly.

There are other moderate Muslims besides the guy you keep bringing up. But I'm sure they must all think the same too, eh? Otherwise it would be harder for you ignore that you got what you asked pages and pages ago.
The Ultimate Goal of Islam
The Ultimate Goal of Islam: World Domination

Ex-Muslim reveals secret goal of Islam
Cites behavior of 'moderate,' 'peaceful' members of faith
Ex-Muslim reveals secret goal of Islam
Islam and the Question of Violence
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMQneyuPSM]YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK2ukVCoWUU]YouTube - islam and nazi (commom goal)[/ame]

That could almost be from the same filmmaker that did Jesus Camp.
There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.

If only 1 percent of them were violent extremists, that would mean there are 15 million violent extremist Muslims in the world.

Anyone really think there is even that many?
I like how it quotes all the extremist wackos in the beginning. It's a very well-written and interesting argument, however the implication is that a religion wanting to be superior is exclusive only to Islam. Can you really saw that this is something specific to Islam, and Islam only? I sincerely doubt any religion doesn't at it's heart have the same goal of converting everyone. The word 'Catholic' means 'universal,' for instance.

This article doesn't make sense. It goes back and forth between blaming all Muslims and then the fundamentalist ones. He says the leader of Iran is usign Islamic theology to brainwash the youth, but aren't they already Muslims? Aren't they already a lost cause? Why would Ahmadinejad have to turn them to fanatics then? He also kinda contradicts himself since he says Christianity will emerge victorious for some religious battle after he says (earlier in the article) Islam's goal is world domination.

You really have to wonder how he knows what all Muslims are doing. In reality, no one really knows what everyone of something is doing at the time.

That's really interesting, but on the whole it doesn't really back you up here.

Well gee, way to Godwin the thread.

You wanted to hear what muslim had to say but you disregrad their voice with"Well gee, way to Godwin the thread"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMQneyuPSM]YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)[/ame]
I will be back shortly

I didn't request anything. Stop holding every Muslim to be an extremist. We could go back and forth all day shoving examples of extremists and moderates in each other faces, but the difference here is, I accept that their are extremists, but they don't comprise all the billion followers of it. You seem to keep trying hard to invalidate any Muslim that isn't an extremist.

Well stop using sources that do not support what you defend. You seventh link gave you away. You didn't think I would check them out did you?
I like how it quotes all the extremist wackos in the beginning. It's a very well-written and interesting argument, however the implication is that a religion wanting to be superior is exclusive only to Islam. Can you really saw that this is something specific to Islam, and Islam only? I sincerely doubt any religion doesn't at it's heart have the same goal of converting everyone. The word 'Catholic' means 'universal,' for instance.

When was the last time a christian stoned someone to death for not converting?

This article doesn't make sense. It goes back and forth between blaming all Muslims and then the fundamentalist ones. He says the leader of Iran is usign Islamic theology to brainwash the youth, but aren't they already Muslims? Aren't they already a lost cause? Why would Ahmadinejad have to turn them to fanatics then? He also kinda contradicts himself since he says Christianity will emerge victorious for some religious battle after he says (earlier in the article) Islam's goal is world domination.

You really have to wonder how he knows what all Muslims are doing. In reality, no one really knows what everyone of something is doing at the time.
They are brainwashing their children to gbe good jihidist.

That's really interesting, but on the whole it doesn't really back you up here.

Well gee, way to Godwin the thread.

You wanted to hear what muslim had to say but you disregrad their voice with"Well gee, way to Godwin the thread"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYMQneyuPSM]YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)[/ame]
I will be back shortly

I didn't request anything. Stop holding every Muslim to be an extremist. We could go back and forth all day shoving examples of extremists and moderates in each other faces, but the difference here is, I accept that their are extremists, but they don't comprise all the billion followers of it. You seem to keep trying hard to invalidate any Muslim that isn't an extremist.

Now you were saying?
You wanted to hear what muslim had to say but you disregrad their voice with"Well gee, way to Godwin the thread"
YouTube - islam to dominate the world(muslims' fantasy and make believe)
I will be back shortly

I didn't request anything. Stop holding every Muslim to be an extremist. We could go back and forth all day shoving examples of extremists and moderates in each other faces, but the difference here is, I accept that their are extremists, but they don't comprise all the billion followers of it. You seem to keep trying hard to invalidate any Muslim that isn't an extremist.

Well stop using sources that do not support what you defend. You seventh link gave you away. You didn't think I would check them out did you?

Are you fucking retarded? You realize the seventh link was unrelated to the others? How does invalidate the rest of them, because you don't want to admit all Muslims aren't the same?

They are brainwashing their children to gbe good jihidist.

All Muslims are doing so? The guy who pointed out Iran was trying to do so, it's a good and worry point to make.

When was the last time a christian stoned someone to death for not converting?

AllMuslims stone someone for not converting?
I didn't request anything. Stop holding every Muslim to be an extremist. We could go back and forth all day shoving examples of extremists and moderates in each other faces, but the difference here is, I accept that their are extremists, but they don't comprise all the billion followers of it. You seem to keep trying hard to invalidate any Muslim that isn't an extremist.

Well stop using sources that do not support what you defend. You seventh link gave you away. You didn't think I would check them out did you?

Are you fucking retarded? You realize the seventh link was unrelated to the others? How does invalidate the rest of them, because you don't want to admit all Muslims aren't the same?

If it was unrelated why did you use it? You thought it would support your arguement. But you failed to read what you posted.

They are brainwashing their children to gbe good jihidist.

All Muslims are doing so? The guy who pointed out Iran was trying to do so, it's a good and worry point to make.

When was the last time a christian stoned someone to death for not converting?

AllMuslims stone someone for not converting?

You really haven't got a clue about what you are supporting. You use information that you have not read and you do not know who Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad is and what he represents.

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