Bursima discussion resumes......go figure

We typically take the higher road.
Trumps road runs through Hell.
You had your shot.

Now, we'll take a few.
"Winnie" Winco IS an idiot. His RAGING TDS is most likely the cause of this. Poor little fool........

That is all you ever have Bluzman.
How about you defend one of the three trump stains on Society.
These are terrible documented things done by trump.

Defend one of them.
You had your shot.

Now, we'll take a few.
"Winnie" Winco IS an idiot. His RAGING TDS is most likely the cause of this. Poor little fool........

That is all you ever have Bluzman.
How about you defend one of the three trump stains on Society.
These are terrible documented things done by trump.

Defend one of them.

Trump isn't without blemishes but he used millions of his own personal wealth to campaign for a job that would be a thankless endeavor and put his entire life under the proverbial microscope and that of his family. He knew that he wasn't going to have the lamestream media attaching their lips to his ass like they did the skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet and his tranny wife. He knew that the lamestream media wasn't going to carry him over the finish line like they did do for Barrypuppet and tried to do for the Hildebeast that made out like a bandit selling diplomacy for contributions to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a "tax free" and benevolent foundation. If you need any further proof, ask the people of Haiti. The Bush and Clinton crime families and Barrypuppet are thicker than thieves that were running drugs, human trafficking and bombing countries on behalf of the MIC that didn't have the means to defend themselves while using the Operation Mockingbird media full of CIA spooks to implement "fear porn" tactics for those that didn't like having to trade their oil for fiat currency backed only by military might.

You don't know diddly squat......you should have stayed away or joined a different forum where your fool-fueled rants would receive rave reviews. There are too many here that are "awaken" to reality. Let me know if further schooling is necessary.
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.

1) Grab 'em by the pussy. Yup, he said that.

2) Lying about Illegal use of Campaign Funds. Payoffs for Personal Benefit. FACT
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign

3) Trump University and the SCAM it is/was. Very Factual.
Trump University Scam $25 Million Settlement Finalized - Ethan Vanderbuilt

Caution: Non-conspiracy theory information.
You had your shot.

Now, we'll take a few.
"Winnie" Winco IS an idiot. His RAGING TDS is most likely the cause of this. Poor little fool........

That is all you ever have Bluzman.
How about you defend one of the three trump stains on Society.
These are terrible documented things done by trump.

Defend one of them.

Trump isn't without blemishes but he used millions of his own personal wealth to campaign for a job that would be a thankless endeavor and put his entire life under the proverbial microscope and that of his family. He knew that he wasn't going to have the lamestream media attaching their lips to his ass like they did the skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet and his tranny wife. He knew that the lamestream media wasn't going to carry him over the finish line like they did do for Barrypuppet and tried to do for the Hildebeast that made out like a bandit selling diplomacy for contributions to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a "tax free" and benevolent foundation. If you need any further proof, ask the people of Haiti. The Bush and Clinton crime families and Barrypuppet are thicker than thieves that were running drugs, human trafficking and bombing countries on behalf of the MIC that didn't have the means to defend themselves while using the Operation Mockingbird media full of CIA spooks to implement "fear porn" tactics for those that didn't like having to trade their oil for fiat currency backed only by military might.

You don't know diddly squat......you should have stayed away or joined a different forum where your fool-fueled rants would receive rave reviews. There are too many here that are "awaken" to reality. Let me know if further schooling is necessary.

There is so much to be gleaned from your rant.
You are one special dude. lol.

Do you want to defend one of the trump issues, or keep making stuff up about Biden?

Biden was part of a group of World Leaders (excluding trump and putin) that wanted Shokin fired because Shokin was NOT being the prosecutor that Ukranians or other Nations wanted. Shokin was NOT investigating corruption. The trump claim is FALSE to protect his own ass and NOT have corruption stopped in Ukraine. That is why he wanted Yovanovich gone, She was in trumps way to stop trumps corrupt ways.

You contards are so deep up trumps ass.
Con man trump got you.
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.
Truth = Joe Biden got caught on a live stream video confessing.

Joe Biden wasn't caught confessing.
Joe Biden did what all surrounding Nations supported.
Ending Corruption in Ukraine, something trump and putin Didn't want to stop.
Joe Biden is helping, trump is supporting this corruption, and didn't want shokin fired.
You had your shot.

Now, we'll take a few.
"Winnie" Winco IS an idiot. His RAGING TDS is most likely the cause of this. Poor little fool........

That is all you ever have Bluzman.
How about you defend one of the three trump stains on Society.
These are terrible documented things done by trump.

Defend one of them.

Trump isn't without blemishes but he used millions of his own personal wealth to campaign for a job that would be a thankless endeavor and put his entire life under the proverbial microscope and that of his family. He knew that he wasn't going to have the lamestream media attaching their lips to his ass like they did the skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet and his tranny wife. He knew that the lamestream media wasn't going to carry him over the finish line like they did do for Barrypuppet and tried to do for the Hildebeast that made out like a bandit selling diplomacy for contributions to her slush fund cleverly disguised as a "tax free" and benevolent foundation. If you need any further proof, ask the people of Haiti. The Bush and Clinton crime families and Barrypuppet are thicker than thieves that were running drugs, human trafficking and bombing countries on behalf of the MIC that didn't have the means to defend themselves while using the Operation Mockingbird media full of CIA spooks to implement "fear porn" tactics for those that didn't like having to trade their oil for fiat currency backed only by military might.

You don't know diddly squat......you should have stayed away or joined a different forum where your fool-fueled rants would receive rave reviews. There are too many here that are "awaken" to reality. Let me know if further schooling is necessary.

There is so much to be gleaned from your rant.
You are one special dude. lol.

Do you want to defend one of the trump issues, or keep making stuff up about Biden?

Biden was part of a group of World Leaders (excluding trump and putin) that wanted Shokin fired because Shokin was NOT being the prosecutor that Ukranians or other Nations wanted. Shokin was NOT investigating corruption. The trump claim is FALSE to protect his own ass and NOT have corruption stopped in Ukraine. That is why he wanted Yovanovich gone, She was in trumps way to stop trumps corrupt ways.

You contards are so deep up trumps ass.
Con man trump got you.

Dipshit, I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic. You can't put me in any neat category unless that of one believes in the organic Constitution (not the Act of 1871 version) and the original Bill of Rights. The coup of the Ukraine in 2014 was orchestrated by the un-elected leaders of Belgium, the IMF and puppets like Soros and the Barrypuppet admin. Biden and other career politicians wasted no time in coming in and picking over the carcass of a country in crisis and/or civil war because they are the instruments used to make it happen. Hunter Biden, victim of the drug culture suddenly gets a 83K a month job working for Burisma that has long been suspected of money laundering while rolling off some huge rolls of cash and favors from said"Military Aid" to provide kickbacks to connected politicians that greased the skids. to insure the extension of credit was given via the IMF....but move along, nothing to see here. (snicker)

In the mean time, austerity measures put in place to secure loans from the IMF that raped, pillaged and plundered the natural resources of Ukraine with politicians being part of those "investment groups" that stand to benefit when Ukraine defaults on "loans" and the natural resources of said country (put up for collateral) are confiscated. This scenario has been played out for decades. I know more than you, I comprehend more than you. I can toss a stone in any direction in Cyberville and hit a parrot like you right in the beak. You have a big ol pile of nothing......capiche, dickhead?
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.
Truth = Joe Biden got caught on a live stream video confessing.

Joe Biden wasn't caught confessing.
Joe Biden did what all surrounding Nations supported.
Ending Corruption in Ukraine, something trump and putin Didn't want to stop.
Joe Biden is helping, trump is supporting this corruption, and didn't want shokin fired.

Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.
Truth = Joe Biden got caught on a live stream video confessing.

Joe Biden wasn't caught confessing.
Joe Biden did what all surrounding Nations supported.
Ending Corruption in Ukraine, something trump and putin Didn't want to stop.
Joe Biden is helping, trump is supporting this corruption, and didn't want shokin fired.


Your personal hatred and denial is a Victory for USA.
You laughed at the 3 trump "very bad situations" are you denying them?
Just deflecting on Biden to take the obvious heat off of trump?
[QUOTE="Dale Smith, I know more than you, I comprehend more than you. capiche, dickhead?[/QUOTE]

RWI speaks.
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.
Truth = Joe Biden got caught on a live stream video confessing.

Joe Biden wasn't caught confessing.
Joe Biden did what all surrounding Nations supported.
Ending Corruption in Ukraine, something trump and putin Didn't want to stop.
Joe Biden is helping, trump is supporting this corruption, and didn't want shokin fired.


Your personal hatred and denial is a Victory for USA.
You laughed at the 3 trump "very bad situations" are you denying them?
Just deflecting on Biden to take the obvious heat off of trump?

Why would I ever support a fabian socialist? I would slit the throat of a leftard long before I would ever support one and that is a fact.
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.
Truth = Joe Biden got caught on a live stream video confessing.

Joe Biden wasn't caught confessing.
Joe Biden did what all surrounding Nations supported.
Ending Corruption in Ukraine, something trump and putin Didn't want to stop.
Joe Biden is helping, trump is supporting this corruption, and didn't want shokin fired.


Your personal hatred and denial is a Victory for USA.
You laughed at the 3 trump "very bad situations" are you denying them?
Just deflecting on Biden to take the obvious heat off of trump?

Make note that Winco couldn't make an argument for the Ukraine fiasco and the nepotism blatantly practiced by the parasites picking over the carcass of the Ukraine. They are the same ones that proclaimed the Russia invaded Ukraine when Crimea decided that they wanted nothing to do with the IMF and the E.U and cast their lot with Putin.

BTW, Crimea and it's peninsula was the sweetest plum on the tree and the E.U was denied it......that satisfied me immensely. Soros and company went whining to Barrypuppet while clutching their sore buttcheeks and got no satisfaction....priceless!
Soros and company went whining to Barrypuppet while clutching their sore buttcheeks and got no satisfaction....priceless!

So resorting to Evil Soro and whoever Barry is.

Why don't you actually PROVE that Barack is Barry Soetoro and born in Africa.


PROVE, once and for all, that Barack Obama was born in Africa and went by the name of Barry Soetoro.
Until then, you got shit.

How many days do you need?
trump said he would fix Health Care on Day 1.
Would you like more than 1 day?
How many days until you PROVE Barack Obama was born in Africa, and went by Barry Soetoro?
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