Bursima discussion resumes......go figure

Biden certainly did want Shokin fired and replaced with his "solid" puppet,

You are so mislead by the RW media.
The lying RW media.
Trump, Rudy and Hannity, et al, made up this HOAX.

Shokin was a cowardly prosecutor that was not doing his job.
Burisma had a corrupt past, and was ASKED to be investigated by western Europe and it's leaders.
Shokin would not investigate Burisma. He was bought by many.
Hunter Biden was in fact on the board, looks bad and probably a bad decision. FACT.
But Hunter Biden has already been cleared by investigation.

Trump wanted Yovanovich fired for the FACT that she was NOT serving the POTUS agenda, which was to keep Ukraine Corrupt and Yovanovich WAS in FACT fighting corruption in Ukraine, which trump hated.

What a load of bullshit. She blocked visas for Kostiantyn Kulyk (deputy director of Ukraine’s International Legal Cooperation Department) and his team of senior officials from entering the U.S to talk with DOJ officials about democrat party chicanery per the 2016 election and there is plenty of smoke on that alone and to think that Biden wanted Shokin removed for not (snicker) "investigating" the money laundering corporation known as Burisma is fucking HILARIOUS.

The fact that Hunter Biden was given an 80K a month salary to work for a an alleged gas corporation given that he has ZERO experience in the industry and has a history of drug addiction doesn't even register on the radar that anything could possibly be amiss. Trump was well within his bounds to ask about corruption and how U.S aid seemed to be kicked back to the DNC given that a billion dollars was earmarked for it.

Resurface the FAKE allegations. Already dismissed.
That is all you got.
Biden is coming to take the job of POTUS.
You are worried.
So bring up FAKE NEWS, created by trump, but blame others.
That is ALL you have, blame others.

Next (R) talking point, "Biden has dementia, or perhaps alzheimers, or just too old, etc" Cowards.

Already dismissed? I haven't seen ANY action taken about Burisma, no investigation and I wonder why that is? Could it be because the rabbit hole is so deep that it would reveal both sides have had their palms greased for looking the other way or being flat out involved in it? I know how leftards such as yourself believe that the commie left is as pristine as new fallen snow.....they ain't. There is no line in the sand that they will not cross, no deed too dirty, no lie too great to tell in order to further the agenda of the very elites that they claim to be against and fighting on behalf of. Neocons aren't any better and they work with the leftists at the very top.
Biden winning? Only if the election is rigged. Biden doesn't draw diddly squat for crowds, he is creepy as hell and doesn't respect boundaries of children or women that have to be around this perv. Just wait until the stories of Biden walking around in the nude in front of female S.S agents come out in the mainstream or how he almost got punched by a S.S agent because Biden groped his girlfriend at a private Christmas party creepy Joe threw. Biden isn't mentally "all there". He can'tr even keep from making gaffes at leftard friendly rallies. He will get utterly crushed in the debates and that's even if he gets the debate questions in advance like the Hildebeast did. It's gonna be ugly.............
Ok, Obama, is not POTUS anymore. But you RWI's still cling to him, or emails from Hillary, or Benghazi.

Let's focus on today.
Trump and his campaign will focus on:

1) Burisma. All FAKE news, which trump hates, but spreads.
2) Bidens mental state. Laughable.

Trump is the
Stable Gean-yes. We all Know this.
A Stable Jean-yus.
Perhaps a Stabble Gene-jus.

It's all good.

Burisma = Fake news because the Winco troll claims it is....because he is a troll.
Ok, Obama, is not POTUS anymore. But you RWI's still cling to him, or emails from Hillary, or Benghazi.

Let's focus on today.
Trump and his campaign will focus on:

1) Burisma. All FAKE news, which trump hates, but spreads.
2) Bidens mental state. Laughable.

Trump is the
Stable Gean-yes. We all Know this.
A Stable Jean-yus.
Perhaps a Stabble Gene-jus.

It's all good.

Burisma = Fake news because the Winco troll claims it is....because he is a troll.

Is that the new talking point?
Must be a troll?

Convince me with actual EVIDENCE that the Biden's were guilty of any crimes in dealing with Ukraine.
Challenge on Fail Smith.
Biden certainly did want Shokin fired and replaced with his "solid" puppet,

You are so mislead by the RW media.
The lying RW media.
Trump, Rudy and Hannity, et al, made up this HOAX.

Shokin was a cowardly prosecutor that was not doing his job.
Burisma had a corrupt past, and was ASKED to be investigated by western Europe and it's leaders.
Shokin would not investigate Burisma. He was bought by many.
Hunter Biden was in fact on the board, looks bad and probably a bad decision. FACT.
But Hunter Biden has already been cleared by investigation.

Trump wanted Yovanovich fired for the FACT that she was NOT serving the POTUS agenda, which was to keep Ukraine Corrupt and Yovanovich WAS in FACT fighting corruption in Ukraine, which trump hated.
The facts don't jibe with your ridiculous narrative.

Actually it was the Obama administration that wanted Ukraine to be corrupt, not the Trump administration. This is why they got Shokin fired and replaced with Lutsenko, who they knew was corrupt because he had recently served prison time for corruption.

And BTW, Lutsenko has admitted that Yovanovitch gave him a list of people he could not investigate. And he fled the country a couple days after Trump's perfect phone call with Zelenskiy and is facing more corruption charges.

Why did Biden install such a corrupt PG in Ukraine?
Ok, Obama, is not POTUS anymore. But you RWI's still cling to him, or emails from Hillary, or Benghazi.

Let's focus on today.
Trump and his campaign will focus on:

1) Burisma. All FAKE news, which trump hates, but spreads.
2) Bidens mental state. Laughable.

Trump is the
Stable Gean-yes. We all Know this.
A Stable Jean-yus.
Perhaps a Stabble Gene-jus.

It's all good.

Burisma = Fake news because the Winco troll claims it is....because he is a troll.

Is that the new talking point?
Must be a troll?

Convince me with actual EVIDENCE that the Biden's were guilty of any crimes in dealing with Ukraine.
Challenge on Fail Smith.

Sorry, but anyone that could justify Hunter Biden's 80K per month salary on a corporation that hasn't been on the "up and up" should raise the eyebrows of anyone that is interested in nepotism and cronyism that became rampnt after the duly elected government of Ukraine was deposed of by outside forces working on the behalf of the E.U and the IMF that runs it with a helping hand from globalists like Soros and his NGOs. Do you need a frigging roadmap or a blueprint?
Sorry, but anyone that could justify Hunter Biden's 80K per month salary on a corporation that hasn't been on the "up and up" should raise the eyebrows of anyone that is interested in nepotism and cronyism that became rampnt after the duly elected government of Ukraine was deposed of by outside forces working on the behalf of the E.U and the IMF that runs it with a helping hand from globalists like Soros and his NGOs. Do you need a frigging roadmap or a blueprint?

Sorry, but Kushner and Ivanka.
These two have WH positions (Paid or not) to buy influence.
Complain about Biden all you want, probably wasn't the best situation, no CRIMES committed, you got proof otherwise?
Ivanka and Kushner are receiving benefits for doing NOTHING.
Kushner and his top-level security clearance and Ivanka and her China trademarks.
Nothing to see here, my ass. These positions are Bull Shit.
Do you need a moral compass or a conscience?
Time to bring up these beauties, which are actual TRUTH.

1) Grab 'em by the pussy. Yup, he said that.

2) Lying about Illegal use of Campaign Funds. Payoffs for Personal Benefit. FACT
Trump ordered to pay $2 million to settle suit claiming Trump Foundation misused funds to benefit campaign

3) Trump University and the SCAM it is/was. Very Factual.
Trump University Scam $25 Million Settlement Finalized - Ethan Vanderbuilt

Trump was judged on those in 2016 and Democrats were left wanting.
Biden and his scam artist son have yet to be judged.

Cry more
So, Jared and Ivanka are not benefiting from nepotism?

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