Bush calls for unity in a crisis......Trump makes it about him

The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
That would be bad.

Fortunately, nobody has done that.

But of course... you couldn't resist to tell a lie.

View attachment 332104
What lie is that?
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
A complete moron away from the nuclear codes.
Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?

The satisfaction of making all the racists like you sad.

Of course, he wasn't duly elected, the people said no and the Russians gamed our system. But never mind.

LOL...the only thing is, he didn't conspire with anyone. That is the only issue with your little theory. It is unsubstantiated due to lack of evidence. The idea that one has to have proof seems to escape Democrats.

By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

Now because we didn't erase this stain we have Trump Plague killing tens of thousands of people.
By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."

It is a valid question. The Impeachment was incredibly divisive. And Bush was quiet.

& neither did carter or obama. i do believe slick willy did - that he said 'congress was doing their job' just like they did their job when he was potus. but he said that after being questioned directly during an interview.

it's normal protocol for past potus' to remain quiet about the current potus during their term (outside of the election cycle)

The partisan hate the Left is constantly putting out there, is tearing this country apart.

the partisan hate the right is constantly putting out there, is tearing this country apart.

& it started with:


CONtinued with:


View attachment 331744


& tried to end with this:


& the result was this:


Questioning whether or not Obama was really an American, was not hate. It is a reasonable response to someone so far to the Left, that they did not seem to be an American.

You people are so far gone, you can't even see how radical you are.

obama is a corporate (D), dummy.

antifa is extreme left - are you saying that obama = antifa?

lol.... that's insane.

I said nothing of antifa. I was speaking of how far left Obama is, with his desire to "radically transform America".

Mainstream democrats have drifted so far left, that from the perspective of a Traditional American, that you don't look like "one of us".

That was the underlying cause of Birtherism, imo.

And that is not hate. That is just the reality of how far away you guys are, from the America we grew up in.
By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
Just like a black jury ignored all evidence to find OJ not guilty, a Republican Senate ignored all evidence and found Trump not guilty
When he compared a crippling epidemic to his own political struggles which he created

Did he?

He called out Bush on his hypocrisy. How many times Bush came out from "retirement" to support president Trump?

Not a single time. Every time he run his mouth, he sided with Democrats.

OK, you tell us, where was former President Bush during impeachment trial calling for unity?

Bush was encouraging unity in a time of national crisis

Trump compared it to his investigation of asking a political favor in return for military aid
GW is out to make MAGA Trump look bad so Globalist GW can get another Fuck The US Globalist to run.
How fucking stupid are you?
I did not see anywhere in Bush’s plea for unity where he is trying to make Trump look bad

Can you point it out?
I see in lots of article about C19 where nobody is blamed for the virus but every Liberal here is using those articles to blame Trump for all the dead people in Europe.
Please tell me you don't see the pattern so those here with more than .00000000000000001% of common sense can ridicule you.
What does that have to do with what Bush said?
Where does Bush say anything about whose fault it is?
Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?

The satisfaction of making all the racists like you sad.

Of course, he wasn't duly elected, the people said no and the Russians gamed our system. But never mind.

You would have satisfaction, if you succeeded. But you haven't, Who's really sad there?

In our constitutional republic, when you win 306 electoral votes, you are duly elected president. Of course, you know that, but you chose to...

By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
Just like a black jury ignored all evidence to find OJ not guilty, a Republican Senate ignored all evidence and found Trump not guilty

I am pretty sure if I had said this, I would be accused of being a racist. I am not saying you are or that I necessarily disagree, but the double standard is glaring.

At any rate, the evidence against Trump was extremely little. Not only was there very little, it was all speculative. No comparison.
Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?

The satisfaction of making all the racists like you sad.

Of course, he wasn't duly elected, the people said no and the Russians gamed our system. But never mind.

LOL...the only thing is, he didn't conspire with anyone. That is the only issue with your little theory. It is unsubstantiated due to lack of evidence. The idea that one has to have proof seems to escape Democrats.

By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

Now because we didn't erase this stain we have Trump Plague killing tens of thousands of people.

the people said no and the Russians gamed our system.

Darn Russian Electoral College.
By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
Haha, what delusional garbage. Even the GOP knew he was guilty of the accusations. Their final defense was that he did it, but it's not impeachable. Good god man, at least keep up with the news regarding your cult leader, if nothing else.
By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
Just like a black jury ignored all evidence to find OJ not guilty, a Republican Senate ignored all evidence and found Trump not guilty

I am pretty sure if I had said this, I would be accused of being a racist. I am not saying you are or that I necessarily disagree, but the double standard is glaring.

At any rate, the evidence against Trump was extremely little. Not only was there very little, it was all speculative. No comparison.
The evidence was quite clear. Trump demanded a personal favor in return for military aid.

The Republican OJ Jury chose to ignore it
"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."

Yeah, George "I am a uniter" Bush, lying to embellish his a self-aggrandizing, self-promoting "message".

No, as we all know, "we" are not all "equally vulnerable", and "we" will not all "rise" (there are about 70k missing, so far, with many more to come who will also not "rise"), and that's before anyone of a sound mind would deny Bush, the mass-murderous clown, any and all claims to even invoke the name of "god".

Of course, sentimentality (the ersatz-form of something with a hint of reality to it) takes over, and then ensue gobs of white sauce and the swooning among those incapable of reading and with horribly short memories.

What a sordid, sick joke this all is. Say, folks, is a few soothing lies really all it takes for you to terminate every last bit of your reasoning capacity, and to fall on your knees before whoever gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling whilst pissing in your boots? Gawd almighty...
By that logic, OJ didn't kill anyone. The evidence was clearly there, the system just refused to step up and deal with it.

The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.
Just like a black jury ignored all evidence to find OJ not guilty, a Republican Senate ignored all evidence and found Trump not guilty

I am pretty sure if I had said this, I would be accused of being a racist. I am not saying you are or that I necessarily disagree, but the double standard is glaring.

At any rate, the evidence against Trump was extremely little. Not only was there very little, it was all speculative. No comparison.
The evidence was quite clear. Trump demanded a personal favor in return for military aid.

The Republican OJ Jury chose to ignore it

Trump demanded a personal favor

Personal favor?

Doesn't the entire American electorate benefit when Democrat corruption is uncovered?
FOX News reported this about my fellow Hoosier:

"An Indiana man painted a 10,686-square-foot American flag in a field northwest of Indianapolis to honor health care workers amid the coronavirus pandemic over the weekend. Justin Riggins posted photos of his handiwork to Facebook on Saturday, writing that he used 30 gallons of paint to complete the project. “I absolutely love our country and our flag,” Riggins told a local news station. “People need some positivity during the times we are in.” "
The difference being that Trump only appeared guilty to those with TDS. OJ appeared guilty to the overwhelmingly majority of people. Even those cheering when he got off were not cheering because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought it was poetic justice given the perceived discrimination against black people in the courts.

Um, the jury found OJ innocent. Frankly, I think he did it, but the misconduct of the LAPD in this case created reasonable doubt.

Trump, on the other hand, was caught pretty much red-handed trying to get the Ukraine to smear Biden for him.
You would have satisfaction, if you succeeded. But you haven't, Who's really sad there?

In our constitutional republic, when you win 306 electoral votes, you are duly elected president. Of course, you know that, but you chose to...

Just because we have an archaic system developed by SLAVE RAPISTS, doesn't make it a good thing. Quite the opposite.

Trump has the least legitimacy- Elected on a fluke, impeached for misconduct and now having totally failed as a president in a national crisis. Laws will be changed after he is gone next year to keep this from ever happening again.
Yeah, George "I am a uniter" Bush, lying to embellish his a self-aggrandizing, self-promoting "message".

No, as we all know, "we" are not all "equally vulnerable", and "we" will not all "rise" (there are about 70k missing, so far, with many more to come who will also not "rise"), and that's before anyone of a sound mind would deny Bush, the mass-murderous clown, any and all claims to even invoke the name of "god".

Oh, SHut the fuck up. Seriously. Bush made mistakes. Most of the mistake he made, the Democrats were standing behind him cheering wildly when he made them and were nowhere to be found when they went south.

Do you know why we got Trump? Because after 25 years of partisans on both sides attacking good men just trying to do the job, like Clinton, Bush and Obama, the office and prestige of public service has been so diminished that you could say, "Hey, let's elect that Reality TV Show Guy" and that would seem plausible to people.

Of course, sentimentality (the ersatz-form of something with a hint of reality to it) takes over, and then ensue gobs of white sauce and the swooning among those incapable of reading and with horribly short memories.

What a sordid, sick joke this all is. Say, folks, is a few soothing lies really all it takes for you to terminate every last bit of your reasoning capacity, and to fall on your knees before whoever gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling whilst pissing in your boots? Gawd almighty...

Look, man, you can still be butt-hurt about the Iraq War, I guess. Bush made mistakes. But when he made them, he made them to overwealming cheers of the populace.

The reason why people are remembering Bush fondly now was because yes, he faced a lot of crisis, but he faced it with dignity. He didn't scream "Fake News", he didn't come up with nasty nicknames for his opponents, he didn't try to gaslight the public.

I don't want to sound like Mac1958 here, because that guys a tool, but to a degree, he has a point. years of hyper-partisanship HAVE given us Trump, because he seems normal compared to the way we've demonized his last three predecessors.
That is some peak trump cultism, there. The irony is that you literally just described nearly every incoherent word that dribbles from the mentally ill presidents mouth. So maybe you are praising Bush? Heh heh

No, actually, Olde Spice is out there trying to be an angry Bernie Bro, who is still upset that Bush made policy decisions he didn't like.

I don't like a lot of the decisions he made. But he treated the office with dignity and respect.

My complaint with Trump is the same complaint I often had with Clinton. He treated the office with disrespect and a lack of dignity. (Although Clinton looks pretty good compared to Trump at this point.) The main reason why we got Trump was that after years of diminishing the office, Trump didn't look so bad running against Bill Clinton's prime enabler.

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