Bush calls for unity in a crisis......Trump makes it about him

We have a President who is making George W Bush look like a dignified statesman.

We have officially exited reality now.

Dignified statesmen are not what we need now. We need someone who is wiling to fight back.
And what we have is a man child who can’t take any criticism and constantly complains how everyone is picking on him

Which is what you would say, because you cannot respect someone who does not go along with your mob.
To earn respect you must give it Trump has given respect to no one Hill Obama McCain or the current Dem hopeful Biden ,he's bashed the fed president and on the stage bashed most of the repub hopefuls the man is a slime bag and I'm being kind

McCain treated you people with great respect. And when he became a problem you turned on him like a pack of rabid dogs.

Trump is our response to your past disrespect.
so you in all your infinite wisdom think doubling down with trump on hate is the right way to go? Lord You gave them eyes but they cannot see

You misrepresenting our valid policies and actions as "hate" is just you being an asshole.
There's no misrepresentation From the get go the moron out of hate for Obama started tearing down all the good Obama did Now he's trying to overturn the ACA denying coverage of pre existing conditions I won't get into shit throwing with you as you don't know tf what you're talking about

Nothing BUT misrepresentation, from you. Pretending that opposition to your side is "hate" is just you being a close minded fool.
When he compared a crippling epidemic to his own political struggles which he created

Did he?

He called out Bush on his hypocrisy. How many times Bush came out from "retirement" to support president Trump?

Not a single time. Every time he run his mouth, he sided with Democrats.

OK, you tell us, where was former President Bush during impeachment trial calling for unity?

Bush was encouraging unity in a time of national crisis

Trump compared it to his investigation of asking a political favor in return for military aid
GW is out to make MAGA Trump look bad so Globalist GW can get another Fuck The US Globalist to run.
How fucking stupid are you?
I did not see anywhere in Bush’s plea for unity where he is trying to make Trump look bad

Can you point it out?
When he compared a crippling epidemic to his own political struggles which he created

Did he?

He called out Bush on his hypocrisy. How many times Bush came out from "retirement" to support president Trump?

Not a single time. Every time he run his mouth, he sided with Democrats.

OK, you tell us, where was former President Bush during impeachment trial calling for unity?

Bush was encouraging unity in a time of national crisis

Trump compared it to his investigation of asking a political favor in return for military aid

We don't have national crisis. We have blue state crisis.
25 percent unemployment is a national crisis
I did not see anywhere in Bush’s plea for unity where he is trying to make Trump look bad
This is what Trump has done to these cultists' brains. Since trump is such a defective, classless, unethical, ignorant, incurious, amoral failed human, anyone saying something normal, sane, and caring, is assumed by them to be trying to make trump look bad.

Because they do make Trump look bad, by default, but without any intention. . That's because trump is such a piece of shit. But these brainwashed sheeple can't grasp that.
I did not see anywhere in Bush’s plea for unity where he is trying to make Trump look bad
This is what Trump has done to these cultists' brains. Since trump is such a defective, classless, unethical, ignorant, incurious, amoral failed human, anyone saying something normal, sane, and caring, is assumed by them to be trying to make trump look bad.

Because they do make Trump look bad, by default, but without any intention. . That's because trump is such a piece of shit. But these brainwashed sheeple can't grasp that.
It appears that since Trump is such a disruptive force, that an appeal for unity is obviously an attack on Trump
It appears that since Trump is such a disruptive force, that an appeal for unity is obviously an attack on Trump
Exactly right. Imagine the abandonment of reason, class, morals, and ethics that is required to see bush's statement as an attack on trump. Really, this Cult 45 phenomenon is fascinating to watch. We are watching history being made. And it will not be very kind to trump or his cult.
It appears that since Trump is such a disruptive force, that an appeal for unity is obviously an attack on Trump
Exactly right. Imagine the abandonment of reason, class, morals, and ethics that is required to see bush's statement as an attack on trump. Really, this Cult 45 phenomenon is fascinating to watch. We are watching history being made. And it will not be very kind to trump or his cult.
History will not be kind to Trump and those who elected him
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
View attachment 331584

Stupid is not a race.

The stupid guy jumping off the train was black.

You raciss!!
He was stupid.

That's not a color thing.

He was stupid.
And you were raciss.
You do realize that what you are doing is in fact the racism in this thread.

You seem to be equating the the stupid with the skin color when it's got nothing to do with it. After all, most conservatives are both stupid and white.

And your spelling of the word "racist" is infact racist.

Now take your racist white conservative ass and be stupid somewhere else for a while please.

You seem to be equating the the stupid with the skin color when it's got nothing to do with it.

You're the racist posting the stupid black guy. Racist!

And your spelling of the word "racist" is infact racist.

I think you're on drugs.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better that tRump.
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
You know you're a failed president when "W" gets more respect than you.

I'd wager 60% of the American people would take Dubya back in a heartbeat right about now. Terrible president, but at least the man had empathy.
empathy is all one needs?......like you said,the guy was a half-assed president....so how would we be better off?.....

No, empathy is ONE attribute required to be POTUS. There are many - You know, things like being able to read a daily briefing and acting like an adult.
when bush was president he was being called a dumbass,a nazi,let a 90% approval rating go to hell and was called a few more choice metaphors....so i ask again.....how would this make things better?.....
Bush would at least be out there swinging instead of sitting on the sidelines.

I was not a fan of the "W". In fact I was one of his biggest detractors, but I'd take him of tRump so fast it would make your head spin.
people sure as hell had a different opinion of him when he was President......remember Katrina?.....and you want him to handle this?....
He would be better than tRump.

On that note, so would this guy:
View attachment 331584

Stupid is not a race.

The stupid guy jumping off the train was black.

You raciss!!
He was stupid.

That's not a color thing.

He was stupid.
And you were raciss.
You do realize that what you are doing is in fact the racism in this thread.

You seem to be equating the the stupid with the skin color when it's got nothing to do with it. After all, most conservatives are both stupid and white.

And your spelling of the word "racist" is infact racist.

Now take your racist white conservative ass and be stupid somewhere else for a while please.

You seem to be equating the the stupid with the skin color when it's got nothing to do with it.

You're the racist posting the stupid black guy. Racist!

And your spelling of the word "racist" is infact racist.

I think you're on drugs.

I think you're raciss!
It appears that since Trump is such a disruptive force, that an appeal for unity is obviously an attack on Trump
Exactly right. Imagine the abandonment of reason, class, morals, and ethics that is required to see bush's statement as an attack on trump. Really, this Cult 45 phenomenon is fascinating to watch. We are watching history being made. And it will not be very kind to trump or his cult.
History will not be kind to Trump and those who elected him

It sounds like he's lost your vote. He may not realize how serious this is. Although, to keep it real, your entire existence is less significant than the squirrel shit Trump has to negotiate on the White House grounds when he's catching the Marine One helicopter.


But you already knew that.
When he compared a crippling epidemic to his own political struggles which he created

Did he?

He called out Bush on his hypocrisy. How many times Bush came out from "retirement" to support president Trump?

Not a single time. Every time he run his mouth, he sided with Democrats.

OK, you tell us, where was former President Bush during impeachment trial calling for unity?

Bush was encouraging unity in a time of national crisis

Trump compared it to his investigation of asking a political favor in return for military aid
GW is out to make MAGA Trump look bad so Globalist GW can get another Fuck The US Globalist to run.
How fucking stupid are you?
I did not see anywhere in Bush’s plea for unity where he is trying to make Trump look bad

Can you point it out?
I see in lots of article about C19 where nobody is blamed for the virus but every Liberal here is using those articles to blame Trump for all the dead people in Europe.
Please tell me you don't see the pattern so those here with more than .00000000000000001% of common sense can ridicule you.
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".
George Bush made a call for the nation to come together in a time of crisis.
Trump mocked him and said....where was your call for unit while I was being impeached?

In a three-minute video shared on Twitter on Saturday, Bush urged Americans to remember "how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat."

"In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of god," Bush said. "We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise."
So far just this year (of many) I've read every word of the Bible so far this year up to 2nd Kings.
Ever read the one about the two corinthians?
or when Rebecca walked to the well with the pitcher. Gave the Reds the WS
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
Nothing, when it's due process. Duh.
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

LOL...the only thing is, he didn't conspire with anyone. That is the only issue with your little theory. It is unsubstantiated due to lack of evidence. The idea that one has to have proof seems to escape Democrats.
Not quite sure what the point of this thread is. Is right-winger now a Bush fan or is Trump now responsible for what others tweet?
The point is that Trump’s reaction is further proof that Trump is a whiny little bitch. Making this about Rightwinger is just a pathetic excuse to deflect away from the point.

Dang, competing with Rightwinger, who woulda guessed.
That would be bad.

Fortunately, nobody has done that.
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
The impeached indeed happened, so the best description for it is an "unsubstantiated, partisan impeachment." That would be more accurate.

Again- just remember kiddies.

Lying about a blow job is a "Substantiated" impeachment.

Conspiring with a foreign power to subvert an American election is "unsubstantiated".

Please remind us what do you get for conspiring to overturn the duly elected president?
That would be bad.

Fortunately, nobody has done that.

But of course... you couldn't resist to tell a lie.


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