Bush criticized for planned speech to Messianic Jewish Bible Institute


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Well, I've said this to my Jewish Brothers for quite some time (ya listening Jroc?)

Evangelist Americans really don't have Israel's best interests at heart.

They are seeking it's "destruction" too.

To make way for the second coming.

Jewish leaders and organizations are criticizing former President George W. Bush for his reported decision to speak this month before the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, an organization that says its vision is "to bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith with Yeshua the Messiah."

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement Monday that the ADL is "disappointed" to learn the former president will be speaking at the Nov. 14 fundraising event for the Texas-based group.

"President Bush is a friend who has an abiding love and respect for Israel and the Jewish people," Foxman said. "I know that he does not represent or embrace the purpose or the mission of this group, and therefore I wish he would not speak there
Bush criticized for planned speech to Messianic Jewish Bible Institute - CBS News


Maddow: Jewish leaders ?infuriated? by Bush speech at ?Jews for Jesus? fundraiser | The Raw Story
Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.
Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.
Layers and layers of insanity. There is no evidence of the tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah which apparently the khazars have adopted 500 years ago or whatever, didn't exist. The savior of the 12 tribes rejected by Judah did not exist. This is the 21st century and dumbasses still believe the Bible nonsense? Naming the zionist regime as "Israel" is the exact same as calling Florida "Atlantis."
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Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.

When did Bush become a Conservative?
Messianic Christians and Iranian Shiites both have the same goal.

Set up the conditions for the invasion of Israel and the battle of Armageddon.

Which will hasten the End Times return of Jesus and the Mahdi. . :cool:
Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.

Liberals appease a theocratic mindset that uses terror as a means towards its avowed destruction of Israel. That is pretty disgusting.
Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.

Liberals appease a theocratic mindset that uses terror as a means towards its avowed destruction of Israel. That is pretty disgusting.


President Obama's "gift" Bullet to the face of Osama Bin Laden was appeasement.

Unlike Ronald Reagan's CIA training and Money..and George W. Bush's "Osama who"?

That was two fisted terrorist fightin'
Here's a sure sign of desperation, time to trot out some Bush criticism for deflections now.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.

When did Bush become a Conservative?

When did you guys kick him out of the club?

I hadn't heard..
Layers and layers of insanity. There is no evidence of the tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah which apparently the khazars have adopted 500 years ago or whatever, didn't exist. The savior of the 12 tribes rejected by Judah did not exist. This is the 21st century and dumbasses still believe the Bible nonsense? Naming the zionist regime as "Israel" is the exact same as calling Florida "Atlantis."


You missed the point entirely, like..dude.

Smoke up another fat one.

What desperation?

I've always held the opinion that conservatives could give two shits about Israel.

I saw a full paged ad in the Times by Evangelists urging Jews to convert sometime ago.

It was pretty disgusting.

When did Bush become a Conservative?

When did you guys kick him out of the club?

I hadn't heard..

Who are "you guys"? I've never said or claimed he was a Conservative of any kind.
Well, I've said this to my Jewish Brothers for quite some time (ya listening Jroc?)

Evangelist Americans really don't have Israel's best interests at heart.

They are seeking it's "destruction" too.

To make way for the second coming.

Jewish leaders and organizations are criticizing former President George W. Bush for his reported decision to speak this month before the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, an organization that says its vision is "to bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith with Yeshua the Messiah."

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement Monday that the ADL is "disappointed" to learn the former president will be speaking at the Nov. 14 fundraising event for the Texas-based group.

"President Bush is a friend who has an abiding love and respect for Israel and the Jewish people," Foxman said. "I know that he does not represent or embrace the purpose or the mission of this group, and therefore I wish he would not speak there
Bush criticized for planned speech to Messianic Jewish Bible Institute - CBS News

Maddow: Jewish leaders ?infuriated? by Bush speech at ?Jews for Jesus? fundraiser | The Raw Story

Sorry bro, it's only liberals Jews who get angry at such things, and the liberal media pushes it. it's better to have Bush speaking to those people then, Obama sucking up to the brotherhood. As far as Christian beliefs? Who cares... G-d will sort it out in the end:cool:
Besides, it's not as if the Jews don't have their own extremists among them. Pushing all kinds of chosen people nonsense, etc...

This is only relevant to Shallow because it has G W Bush in the headline. How Shallow does the water get, anyway?
Evangelicals want to destroy Israel to make way for the Second Coming? Really? Considering the Restoration of Israel is a prerequisite to the Second coming, why on earth would they want to destroy Israel?
Well, I've said this to my Jewish Brothers for quite some time (ya listening Jroc?)

Evangelist Americans really don't have Israel's best interests at heart.

They are seeking it's "destruction" too.

To make way for the second coming.

Jewish leaders and organizations are criticizing former President George W. Bush for his reported decision to speak this month before the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, an organization that says its vision is "to bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith with Yeshua the Messiah."

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement Monday that the ADL is "disappointed" to learn the former president will be speaking at the Nov. 14 fundraising event for the Texas-based group.

"President Bush is a friend who has an abiding love and respect for Israel and the Jewish people," Foxman said. "I know that he does not represent or embrace the purpose or the mission of this group, and therefore I wish he would not speak there
Bush criticized for planned speech to Messianic Jewish Bible Institute - CBS News

Maddow: Jewish leaders ?infuriated? by Bush speech at ?Jews for Jesus? fundraiser | The Raw Story

G-d will sort it out in the end.

Theological basis for Christian support for Israel in end-times:

Conservative Christian support for Israel is based largely on various prophecies about the Jewish people during the "end-times" which they believe are found throughout the Bible. They are viewed as playing a major role in TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). Some are:

Zechariah's war prophecy:

Zechariah 12:3: "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." (KJV) The implication is that the Jewish people would return to Israel; this happened in 1948 with the creation of the State of Israel. Later, all the nations of the earth will gather against her. Some believe that we are near that point today. But God will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. This came to pass when the Camp David peace talks found that the future status of Jerusalem became a major stumbling block.

Zechariah 12:4-5: "In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness. And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall be my strength in the LORD of hosts their God." God is seen as protecting the Jews. He will wipe out the military capacity of the nations that are against Israel.

Zechariah 12:9-10: "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." Many conservative Christians interpret this as saying that Jews will be humbled, will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and become Christians. They believe that "Whom they have pierced" refers to the piercing of Jesus' side by a Roman soldier. They will "morn for him as the firstborn Son of God — grieve deeply in recognizing their ancient complicity in his death and the fact that they could have entered the promised land long ago, had they entered by faith, not force." 10

Christian Zionism: Christian support for the State of Israel
Conservatives think if they could jumpstart the end times, they could all go to heaven. Their problem is God doesn't want shitstains. You can kind of tell who he likes by who he gave talent. He gave talent to gay people. He gave ignorance and inbreeding to conservatives. Oh, and fear. He gave conservatives lots and lots of "fear". Shows he has a sense of humor.

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