Bush did steal Florida and Ohio

1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.

part one.
1.So sue me for getting his last name wrong.Bet you wouldnt say that to your idiot buddy divecon if HE made that mistake about the spelling of his last name.we both know you wouldnt.
2.AGAIN just because you ignore the proof and dont want to see it,doesnt mean they havent proved it.and so what about the dems like truthmatters who turn a blind eye to clinton committing perjury,what does that have to do with ME?

You brought up kennedy,you didnt bring up clinton.obviously your STILL stuck on that kennedy discussion from several months ago since that was the only time prior to this I ever had a discussion with you and you brought his name up instead of Clinton or Obama since your talking about dems and including me in it.Both parties are corrupt,I dont support EITHER or will ever vote for either, so again why lump ME in there with the dems?:rolleyes: I liked Abe Lincoln-a republican president,so what does this dem crap have to do with ME?
no, asshole, i actually gave you credit you didnt deserve
i figured you would actually know the name of the man you are quoting
we can see i gave you far too much credit
1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.

part one of three.
1.So sue me for getting his last name wrong.Bet you wouldnt say that to your idiot buddy divecon if HE made that mistake about the spelling of his last name.we both know you wouldnt.
2.AGAIN just because you ignore the proof and dont want to see it,doesnt mean they havent proved it.and so what about the dems like truthmatters who turn a blind eye to clinton committing perjury,what does that have to do with ME?

You brought up kennedy,you didnt bring up clinton.obviously your STILL stuck on that kennedy discussion from several months ago since that was the only time prior to this I ever had a discussion with you and you brought his name up instead of Clinton or Obama since your talking about dems and including me in it.Both parties are corrupt,I dont support EITHER or will ever vote for either, so again why lump ME in there with the dems?:rolleyes: I liked Abe Lincoln-a republican president,so what does this dem crap have to do with ME?

1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.
as i said in the above post, i used the name HE used, giving him credit for actually knowing the name of the man

part one of three.
1.So sue me for getting his last name wrong.Bet you wouldnt say that to your idiot buddy divecon if HE made that mistake about the spelling of his last name.we both know you wouldnt.
2.AGAIN just because you ignore the proof and dont want to see it,doesnt mean they havent proved it.and so what about the dems like truthmatters who turn a blind eye to clinton committing perjury,what does that have to do with ME?

You brought up kennedy,you didnt bring up clinton.obviously your STILL stuck on that kennedy discussion from several months ago since that was the only time prior to this I ever had a discussion with you and you brought his name up instead of Clinton or Obama since your talking about dems and including me in it.Both parties are corrupt,I dont support EITHER or will ever vote for either, so again why lump ME in there with the dems?:rolleyes: I liked Abe Lincoln-a republican president,so what does this dem crap have to do with ME?

1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.
as i said in the above post, i used the name HE used, giving him credit for actually knowing the name of the man


Oh! I didn't even know you had misspelled his name! I didn't read your post. i thought he meant hypothetically. :lol:
1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.
as i said in the above post, i used the name HE used, giving him credit for actually knowing the name of the man


Oh! I didn't even know you had misspelled his name! I didn't read your post. i thought he meant hypothetically. :lol:
well, i'm not even sure i DID it
but it is possible
continued-also the HSCA their investigation was as big of a joke as the warren commissions was.another member of THAT team like in the warren commission ALSO resigned in disgust because of their sloppy work the HSCA did.He wrote a book about how they ignored leads that pointed to government involvement.His name was Gaston Fonzi.He talked about how towards the end when the investigation was winding down,two CIA men came forward and confessed they were behind it,they confessed it and said-Okay where do you want to go with this? the committe of course did not pursue that lead cause they ignored anything that pointed towards government involvement.you going to ignore what a member of that team said? if you do,that just proves that your in denial and afraid of the truth like divecon is on conspiracys.Matter of fact,if you ever bothered to go down to the national archives in washington,you would know this because its in the archives down there.they let you go in there and have a guard watch you while you look at the archives there.they dont allow you to copy anything there as you should know.But its in there.
continued-also the HSCA their investigation was as big of a joke as the warren commissions was.another member of THAT team like in the warren commission ALSO resigned in disgust because of their sloppy work the HSCA did.He wrote a book about how they ignored leads that pointed to government involvement.His name was Gaston Fonzi.He talked about how towards the end when the investigation was winding down,two CIA men came forward and confessed they were behind it,they confessed it and said-Okay where do you want to go with this? the committe of course did not pursue that lead cause they ignored anything that pointed towards government involvement.you going to ignore what a member of that team said? if you do,that just proves that your in denial and afraid of the truth like divecon is on conspiracys.Matter of fact,if you ever bothered to go down to the national archives in washington,you would know this because its in the archives down there.they let you go in there and have a guard watch you while you look at the archives there.they dont allow you to copy anything there as you should know.But its in there.
you have proven you are an asshole and a moron so many times

btw asshole, THIS is just another of your many CONSPIRACIES
also E Howard Hunt a man that researchers have speculated for many years was one of the 3 tramps that was photographed leaving the trains and arrested that day and let go,He was the one man besides DICK NIXON who somehow couldnt remember where he was that day.Nixon was involved in the kennedy assassination.he was involved in the planning of their operation with them.He lied saying he wasnt in dallas when photgraphs prove he WAS in dallas that day.He lied saying he was in dallas a few days or weeks before that day but not there on november 22nd.Hunt for many years said he was not on dallas that day.Hunt was a known CIA asset.just last year,he died and he finally confessed to his son in a recording that he played on alex jones show one day for everybody to hear,that he WAS in dallas that day.He confessed it cause he wanted his place in history and wanted to brag about it.
since obviously you DID want to bring up some old grudge that happend MONTHS ago about kennedy,here is further proof and evidence you are clueless on EVERYTHING you talk about when it comes to conspiracys and that your in denial. In that thread about kennedy when I was defending stone back then,you said this-"Uh oliver stone has said JFK wasnt a true story." proof there you listen to the lies and disinformation campaine that the government has against stone because like i said back then,he was on mike huckabees show on fox last fall and was asked to talk about JFK by Huckabee and stone said-I dont know for sure beyond a doubt that it was people in the CIA but I would say the evidence is very convincing that it was rogue elements in the military industrial complex if not the CIA that did it because JFK was going to pull out of vietnam and he was a big threat to them because of that.

Those were pretty much on line with what he said anyways.He also said on a PBS show that was propagating the lone nut theory when they actually took the time to briefly let him talk he said-so in essence,yeah i would say its true story telling. proof right there your a blind sheep who swallows whatever the government tells you.LOL. you also said back then-It has been debated whether or not kennedy would actually have pulled out of vietnam.Well for years that would have been a true statement since for so many years we didnt have access to classified documents that were suppressed from us so we could only speculate.

NOW we DO know for sure that he WAS going to pull out of vietnam by 1965 thanks to the ARRB -the assassination records review board that clinton GRUDGINGLY passed under pressure by congress to release the documents.researchers found that kennedy indeed DID sign document # 263 that called for a complete withdrawal of troops by 1965.of course after LBJ became president,a few days later he REVERSED kennedys plan and signed document# 273 ESCULATING the war. oh and that one poster who posted this there on that thread-Kennedy was assassinated because he was getting ready to strip the federal reserve of its stranglehold on the american people.that guy knows what he is talking about,that was a big reason the CIA killed him as well.so enough of kennedy since you just HAD to bring that up over some months old grudge you have.
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4.thats just plain moronic as usual on your part that there would have been no springsteen,zeppelin,and especially THE BEATLES.The Beatles-rock on,hated that moron Elvis and vice versa.Elvis was jeoulous of The Beatles because their popularity reviled HIS.Since you worship that idiot moron,you of all people should know that.Elvis was a hypocrite also putting them down cause they did drugs publicly when HE did them himself.
5.since you kept bringing up chomskys name,funny I looked up a 9/11 book and it looks like from a comment of someone who read the book,that he DOES know the truth that 9/11 was an inside job in the fact that he goes on to say this-I think he does press a little too much by accusing the us government and Isreal of being terrorists.
6.I never said they were.But the 9/11 apologists such as you and divecon always ignore the link that EOTS and this thread starter have posted many times off these 500 plus architects and engineers who want a new investigation and dont accept the 9/11 fairy tale.those people are heros of mine as well for not being afraid of the truth.
7.dont know why I would want to waste my time submitting a theory like 9/11 was done by muslim terrorists and Bin Laden when I only go by facts.something YOU might want to try sometime.First you got to stop living in denial though.
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4.thats just plain moronic as usual on your part that there would have been no springsteen,zeppelin,and especially THE BEATLES.The Beatles-rock on,hated that moron Elvis and vice versa.Elvis was jeoulous of The Beatles because their popularity reviled HIS.Since you worship that idiot moron,you of all people should know that.Elvis was a hypocrite also putting them cause they did drugs publicly when HE did them himself.
5.since you kept bringing up chomskys name,funny I looked up a 9/11 book and it looks like from a comment of someone who read the book,that he DOES know the truth that 9/11 was an inside job in the fact that he goes on to say this-I think he does press a little too much by accusing the us government and Isreal of being terrorists.
6.I never said they were.But the 9/11 apologists such as you and divecon always ignore the link that EOTS and this thread starter have posted many times off these 500 plus architects and engineers who want a new investigation and dont accept the 9/11 fairy tale.those people are heros of mine as well for not being afraid of the truth.
7.dont know why I would want to waste my time submitting a theory like 9/11 was done by muslim terrorists and Bin Laden when I only go by facts.something YOU might want to try sometime.First you got to stop living in denial though.
except while most of those guys want a new investigation, few of them actually support your positions
and you guys lie by omission in using their names
1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.

yeah thats what you and your buddy DiveCon ALWAYS do when your losing a debate and cant counter somebodys posts.you make posts like these and put your tail between your legs and run off cause you know you cant counter the points and are too immature to admit it that you have been proven wrong.You did it earlier back with the thread starter,NOW your doing it with me.congrats for showing your a chicken.

I STILL to this date have yet to meet an Elvis fan who wasnt an idiot or had any logic or common sense.that being said,its time now to leave this thread since like that one poster said earlier,this really isnt a discussion worth talking about since election fraud has been going on for SEVERAL decades now.probably even as far back as the 1800's even.
1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.

yeah thats what you and your buddy DiveCon ALWAYS do when your losing a debate and cant counter somebodys posts.you make posts like these and put your tail between your legs and run off cause you know you cant counter the points and are too immature to admit it that you have been proven wrong.You did it earlier back with the thread starter,NOW your doing it with me.congrats for showing your a chicken.

I STILL to this date have yet to meet an Elvis fan who wasnt an idiot or had any logic or common sense.that being said,its time now to leave this thread since like that one poster said earlier,this really isnt a discussion worth talking about since election fraud has been going on for SEVERAL decades now.probably even as far back as the 1800's even.
except its YOU that is losing
divecon your posts just show how much of a true moron you are and how extremely desperate you are for my attention to read your pitiful posts in the fact that you STILL address me as though you think still I look at your moronic posts anymore.I was browsing this thread thinking I had you on ignore since I have you on my ignore list and somehow I didnt cause I saw the first word in your first post on this thread said -asshole.Obviously it was meant to me.I have only told you a hundred times i have you on my ignore list,yet like the idiot you are,you keep addressing me thinking that I am reading them.how pathetic you are.is your memory really "THAT" PITIFUL? LOL.obviously it is.LOl.You kill me kid.I love it.LOl
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On a more important note,just in case you HAPPEN to maybe read what I did say later on sometime elvis,here it is to refresh your memory where you said that back then in that grudge you obviously cant get over.sheesh.that was the start of the thread anyways,you replied immediately after it in the first post back then.

-25-2008, 03:11 AM
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Why kill JFK?


I am posting this here instead of the Conspiracy Theory thread, because I am more interested in the why instead of the who. I ask this because I have seen several specials on JFK lately and this is a question that is rarely posed. Was he killed as retribution for Bay of Pigs? Mafia hit? What was th possible motive. Who stood to gain? So I pose this question:

Why kill JFK?
"Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the United States was too strong."

President Ronald Reagan

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism”

Barry Goldwater
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divecon your posts just show how much of a true moron you are and how extremely desperate you are for my attention to read your pitiful posts in the fact that you STILL address me as though you think still I look at your moronic posts anymore.I was browsing this thread thinking I had you on ignore since I have you on my ignore list and somehow I didnt cause I saw the first word in your first post on this thread said -asshole.Obviously it was meant to me.I have only told you a hundred times i have you on my ignore list,yet like the idiot you are,you keep addressing me thinking that I am reading them.how pathetic you are.is your memory really "THAT" PITIFUL? LOL.obviously it is.LOl.You kill me kid.I love it.LOl
oh, keep posting
you show with every post how moronic and dishonest troofers are
you are a complete fucking moron
On a more important note,just in case you HAPPEN to maybe read what I did say later on sometime elvis,here it is to refresh your memory where you said that back then in that grudge you obviously cant get over.sheesh.that was the start of the thread anyways,you replied immediately after it in the first post back then.

-25-2008, 03:11 AM
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Location: the People's Republic of Illinois
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Why kill JFK?


I am posting this here instead of the Conspiracy Theory thread, because I am more interested in the why instead of the who. I ask this because I have seen several specials on JFK lately and this is a question that is rarely posed. Was he killed as retribution for Bay of Pigs? Mafia hit? What was th possible motive. Who stood to gain? So I pose this question:

Why kill JFK?
"Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the United States was too strong."

President Ronald Reagan

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism”

Barry Goldwater

What the fuck are you talking about?
On a more important note,just in case you HAPPEN to maybe read what I did say later on sometime elvis,here it is to refresh your memory where you said that back then in that grudge you obviously cant get over.sheesh.that was the start of the thread anyways,you replied immediately after it in the first post back then.

-25-2008, 03:11 AM
Super Moderator
Member #3080
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: the People's Republic of Illinois
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Why kill JFK?


I am posting this here instead of the Conspiracy Theory thread, because I am more interested in the why instead of the who. I ask this because I have seen several specials on JFK lately and this is a question that is rarely posed. Was he killed as retribution for Bay of Pigs? Mafia hit? What was th possible motive. Who stood to gain? So I pose this question:

Why kill JFK?
"Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the United States was too strong."

President Ronald Reagan

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism”

Barry Goldwater

What the fuck are you talking about?
hes so random and all over the road, i think he must be drunk.
The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

Thom a thought for the day, just for you....

the florida felons list proves that the 2000 election was tampered with. Court docs and all folks. When was the last time you heard of people standing in line for 11 hours to vote? Ohio was gamed.
It is just a fact that Bush had to politicize the DOJ to keep a lid on the investigations into it.
You see what this Bush Derangement Syndrome does to you Liberals? The election is over, Bush is gone, Obama is Prez and yer still whining. Can't you Libs ever be happy about anything?

For the sake of your mental health, get over it and move on will ya'? There's other pressing things you know.

Bush is still a free man. He stole an election. Maybe two. He should go to prison for that. He's also guilty of a capital crime if anyone died as a result of his orders to torture.
the florida felons list proves that the 2000 election was tampered with. Court docs and all folks. When was the last time you heard of people standing in line for 11 hours to vote? Ohio was gamed.
It is just a fact that Bush had to politicize the DOJ to keep a lid on the investigations into it.
You see what this Bush Derangement Syndrome does to you Liberals? The election is over, Bush is gone, Obama is Prez and yer still whining. Can't you Libs ever be happy about anything?

For the sake of your mental health, get over it and move on will ya'? There's other pressing things you know.

Bush is still a free man. He stole an election. Maybe two. He should go to prison for that. He's also guilty of a capital crime if anyone died as a result of his orders to torture.
more proof you are a fucking MORON

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