Bush did steal Florida and Ohio

Necromancy is wrong

(PS, this is not an orange colored opinion)
Keep in mind that the post is generated by the opinion of a former member of the SDS turned herb guru. Tom Hartmann is not just a liberal, he is so far out on the edge that he calls himself a "moderate radical". He is a radio talk show host having worked for the now defunct "air America" and the left wing raves about his audience of an estimated 2.75 million per week. For perspective Rush Limbaugh has about 15-20 million listeners and even the "Prairie Home Companion" has 4 Million listeners. Hartmann is a left wing biased hate filled pip-squeak who makes allegations without the least bit of evidence.
The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

Get over it bitch, you lost.
The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

Hey Republicans. You have been witnessing election fraud within your own party, correct? Newt stuffing ballot boxes in Virginia or weren't there votes for Santorum or Ron Paul that went uncounted? Well I fear that the GOP are going to try to steal the 2012 elections.

I'm skeptical that Santorum, with all the help us liberals just gave him tonight in Michigan, didn't win Michigan. I call foul. So if we didn't vote for Santorum he would have been completely blown out? Because he's been pretty close with Romney everywhere else. Its not like Romney is hugely popular in Michigan with conservatives, just because he was born here. Real conservatives went with Santorum. Right? Now include all our liberal votes and no way Santorum didn't win today in Michigan.

I think the GOP establishment is stealing the GOP primaries and then they'll steal the 2012 elections. I believe the states are already picked out. Michigan will be one of them. Run by one of the GOP governors who is controlled by ALEC.

If Rick Snyder were up for re election, he would lose. But he isn't up for re election. And I doubt he even cares about running again. Just pushing the radical agenda that is written by ALEC/Billionaires.

Our country has been taken over everyone! Coup. The rich now own it all! Even your vote.
Note for retarded leftists:

Democrats losing elections is not proof of election fraud.

I know this is difficult for you to understand.

Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.

yeah they lost both times because the election was a fraud.

It must be nice to be able to blame every one of your failures on evil republican masterminds.
It doesn't take evil masterminds to tamper with the electronic voting process. But it does take competent, ethical opponents to do something about it when it's obvious. And that is what the Democrats didn't have when Bush was installed in 2000.

The vote count was clearly off. But when the Supreme Court vetoed a recount and gave it to Bush the Democrats said okay and that was that. If there ever was a time to raise political hell that was it.

And when the Democrats took over the Congress their first order of business was to announce refusal to impeach Bush.

And when the Democrats took the Presidency in 2008 --


-- this is what we got.

So it isn't evil masterminds on the Republican side. It is gutless corruption on the Democrat side.

The only good thing I can say about the Obama presidency is it's far better than the Bush presidency. But it doesn't come close to what is needed to preserve the American democracy.
yeah they lost both times because the election was a fraud.

It must be nice to be able to blame every one of your failures on evil republican masterminds.
It doesn't take evil masterminds to tamper with the electronic voting process. But it does take competent, ethical opponents to do something about it when it's obvious. And that is what the Democrats didn't have when Bush was installed in 2000. .

You lost that election. Get over it already, you pathetic clown.
And yet the Left is going nuts
trying to stop Voter ID's....

Go figure....
They are against voter fraud
but they try to stop efforts against voter fraud...

Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.
Gore got 530,000 more votes in 2000. A gentleman would have conceded perhaps. Bush ran out the clock by going into FEDERAL COURT. (So much for STATE'S RIGHTS.) Not stealing, just greedy; he had a comfortable margin in 2004. WAR does that for Presidents.
I recognize the function of the Electoral College, Florida is "WINNER TAKE ALL".
The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy

and obama is a lying son of a bitch.

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