Bush did steal Florida and Ohio


Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.

Lost what?

The first election..Gore got more votes. Generally..in a Democracy..that counts as a win.
Electoral votes decide the election, it has happened before. Still, Bush didn't want to WAIT & risk losing so he ran out the clock. He WAS a cheerleader in college remember? He seemed to view the presidency as a sport, so HE WON, and that was all that mattered.


"I'M a WAR president" "I'M TAKING HIM OUT!"

Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.

Lost what?

The first election..Gore got more votes. Generally..in a Democracy..that counts as a win.

Yes that works in a democracy, but in a Republic it works differently
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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The hot story in the Blogosphere is that the "erroneous" exit polls that showed Kerry carrying Florida and Ohio (among other states) weren't erroneous at all - it was the numbers produced by paperless voting machines that were wrong, and Kerry actually won. As more and more analysis is done of what may (or may not) be the most massive election fraud in the history of the world, however, it's critical that we keep the largest issue at the forefront at all time: Why are We The People allowing private, for-profit corporations, answerable only to their officers and boards of directors, and loyal only to agendas and politicians that will enhance their profitability, to handle our votes?

ThomHartmann.com - The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy


Broaden your mind people. If you want to know the truth, get to know who Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes are.

Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.

Lost what?

The first election..Gore got more votes. Generally..in a Democracy..that counts as a win.

The GOP with the help of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris figured out a way to rig the Florida election. From hanging chads to send GOP DC Lawyer Operatives down to Florida to obstruct the recount. And then the Supreme Bitches gave it to Bush. What a crock of shit it was.

Same as when Daddy Bush was running the CIA and made a deal with the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election, all of the sudden Bush is the VP nominee and a year later they're selling guns to Iran via Contra Scandal Olley North???

So corrupt.

Despite what extreme partisans want to believe, Democrats lost both times.

Lost what?

The first election..Gore got more votes. Generally..in a Democracy..that counts as a win.

Are you pretending you don't understand how our electoral system operates, Swallow?

Well you don't seem to understand they pulled some shady shit in 2000, and then after that used the electoral system to GIVE it to Bush.

Didn't the Florida Supreme Court give it to Gore but then the FEDERAL Supreme Court ultimately give it to Bush? I want to ask you righties. What happened to States Rights? Where were the Constitutionalist tea baggers back when the Federal Government trumped the Florida Supreme Court??? Hypocrites. Don't even know all the facts. You knwow the FOX, not the Facts.
Those sour grapes are bad for your health, Lefty. YOU FUCKING LOST - GET OVER IT.
STILL whining about losing. Every recount proved Bush won, EVERY one, INCLUDING those conducted by people bent on proving Bush lost. As to the Court, the vote was 7- 2 in favor of Bush.

Gore not Bush was trying to steal an election.

Now maybe you will understand how the rich purposely purchased up all the media so they can hide things from and brainwash you. :clap2:

the details of exactly how the Republican Party, in several states but particularly in Ohio, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to both steal the 2004 election and to cover up the evidence of that theft.

Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House.

And that's just the beginning of the story, which includes ballot-box stuffing, electronic voting machine manipulation, "caging" in defiance of a court order banning Republicans from the notorious practice, threats and intimidation of Democratic voters by imported Republican goon squads, and multiple illegal uses of the office of the Secretary of State to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

This was a story not particularly difficult to uncover, even though the mainstream media has chosen to ignore it.

Just after the 2002 elections, I wrote an article for Common Dreams ("If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines") outing Senator Chuck Hagel's odd journey from voting machine peddler to the US Senate (being elected on his own machines).

Although it was reported - in The New York Times, no less - that Al Gore got more votes than George W. Bush in a statewide recount of Florida "no matter what standard was chosen to judge voter intent," most Americans don't know to this day that Gore actually won the 2000 election.
the florida felons list proves that the 2000 election was tampered with.

Court docs and all folks.

When was the last time you heard of people standing in line for 11 hours to vote? Ohio was gamed.

It is just a fact that Bush had to politicize the DOJ to keep a lid on the investigations into it.

You would need to provide actual evidence of any of your claims, something you consistently fail at. Meanwhile we have a President that has refused to provide his Birth certificate to clear up a simple question. Personally believe he was born in Hawaii and I do not care if he was born in Kenya as I believe any one born of an American citizen is a Natural born citizen, BUT the law disagrees. And it would be such a simple thing to settle. Maybe you can explain why after 3 years we still haven't seen a real birth certificate?

Then you can explain why the left claimed Gifford was shot by a right winger or why the left claimed the Virginia shooter was a right winger, or perhaps why the left claimed the Discovery channel gunman was a right winger, then you might explain why the left claimed the Democrat in Texas was attacked by a right winger? Or how an Hispanic man is a white man?

The lefts track record on facts is so weak and full of holes as to be a laughing stock at this point.

Now maybe you will understand how the rich purposely purchased up all the media so they can hide things from and brainwash you. :clap2:

the details of exactly how the Republican Party, in several states but particularly in Ohio, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to both steal the 2004 election and to cover up the evidence of that theft.

Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted -- enough to have put John Kerry in the White House.

And that's just the beginning of the story, which includes ballot-box stuffing, electronic voting machine manipulation, "caging" in defiance of a court order banning Republicans from the notorious practice, threats and intimidation of Democratic voters by imported Republican goon squads, and multiple illegal uses of the office of the Secretary of State to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

This was a story not particularly difficult to uncover, even though the mainstream media has chosen to ignore it.

Just after the 2002 elections, I wrote an article for Common Dreams ("If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines") outing Senator Chuck Hagel's odd journey from voting machine peddler to the US Senate (being elected on his own machines).

Although it was reported - in The New York Times, no less - that Al Gore got more votes than George W. Bush in a statewide recount of Florida "no matter what standard was chosen to judge voter intent," most Americans don't know to this day that Gore actually won the 2000 election.


Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias, myside bias or verification bias) is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses.[Note 1][1] People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. For example, in reading about gun control, people usually prefer sources that affirm their existing attitudes. They also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations).

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State probes possible voting by foreigners in Florida


Florida’s elections rolls may include thousands of foreigners who might have illegally cast ballots. The state is trying to track them down.

Miami Herald Staff Report

Thousands of foreign citizens — particularly in South Florida — might be registered to vote in Florida and could have unlawfully cast ballots in previous elections.

The potential problem is largest in Florida’s largest county: Miami-Dade, where the elections supervisor is examining 2,000 potentially unlawful voters, WFOR-CBS 4 News reported Tuesday. Broward is examining 260 suspected foreign voters. One suspected noncitizen voter has been registered for about 40 years, CBS 4 found.

Over the past year, the Florida Division of Elections has begun identifying potential foreigners on the rolls in coordination with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Elections spokesman Chris Cate told The Miami Herald. He said the state has forwarded the names to county elections supervisors, who are in charge of the rolls.

“There will be more names,” Cate said.

The discovery of potentially unlawful voters is sure to fuel the partisan debate over voter fraud and voting rights. With 1.2 million registered voters in Miami-Dade, 2,000 potentially ineligible voters might not seem like a big number. However, it is more than enough to swing a close election in a state like Florida, where the 2000 presidential election was decided in favor of George W. Bush by 537 votes.

It is unclear how many — if any — foreign citizens cast ballots or when, CBS 4 reported. Elections supervisors in all Florida counties are contacting these voters and asking them to prove their citizenship within 30 days.

“If we find out after the fact that you are actually a noncitizen, and you are registered to vote, then we would report you to the State Attorney’s Office,” said Christina White, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections, according to CBS 4.

“If you are not [a citizen] and you check the box on the registration form that says that you are [a citizen],” White said, “we are required to register you to vote, because you are taking that under oath.”

With few exceptions, only U.S. citizens who are lawful Florida residents without felony records are eligible to vote in the state. A voter who unlawfully casts a ballot could be charged with voter fraud, a third-degree felony, punishable by a maximum five-year prison sentence and $5,000 fine.

Read more here: State probes possible voting by foreigners in Florida - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNsFVoLzNsc]fleetwood mac - oh well (1969) - YouTube[/ame]
fleetwood mac - oh well
State probes possible voting by foreigners in Florida


Florida’s elections rolls may include thousands of foreigners who might have illegally cast ballots. The state is trying to track them down.

Miami Herald Staff Report

Thousands of foreign citizens — particularly in South Florida — might be registered to vote in Florida and could have unlawfully cast ballots in previous elections.

The potential problem is largest in Florida’s largest county: Miami-Dade, where the elections supervisor is examining 2,000 potentially unlawful voters, WFOR-CBS 4 News reported Tuesday. Broward is examining 260 suspected foreign voters. One suspected noncitizen voter has been registered for about 40 years, CBS 4 found.

Over the past year, the Florida Division of Elections has begun identifying potential foreigners on the rolls in coordination with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Elections spokesman Chris Cate told The Miami Herald. He said the state has forwarded the names to county elections supervisors, who are in charge of the rolls.

“There will be more names,” Cate said.

The discovery of potentially unlawful voters is sure to fuel the partisan debate over voter fraud and voting rights. With 1.2 million registered voters in Miami-Dade, 2,000 potentially ineligible voters might not seem like a big number. However, it is more than enough to swing a close election in a state like Florida, where the 2000 presidential election was decided in favor of George W. Bush by 537 votes.

It is unclear how many — if any — foreign citizens cast ballots or when, CBS 4 reported. Elections supervisors in all Florida counties are contacting these voters and asking them to prove their citizenship within 30 days.

“If we find out after the fact that you are actually a noncitizen, and you are registered to vote, then we would report you to the State Attorney’s Office,” said Christina White, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections, according to CBS 4.

“If you are not [a citizen] and you check the box on the registration form that says that you are [a citizen],” White said, “we are required to register you to vote, because you are taking that under oath.”

With few exceptions, only U.S. citizens who are lawful Florida residents without felony records are eligible to vote in the state. A voter who unlawfully casts a ballot could be charged with voter fraud, a third-degree felony, punishable by a maximum five-year prison sentence and $5,000 fine.

Read more here: State probes possible voting by foreigners in Florida - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com

fleetwood mac - oh well (1969) - YouTube
fleetwood mac - oh well

No wonder american has gone down the toilet.Your ready to vote for CFR member Romney who like Obama,also has ties to terrorists, and does not believe in constitution or serving the people.Blind sheep like you and Pale Retard and this thread started is why american has become a police state.None of you get it that if you vote for either one of these CFR puppets,they will continue to take us down the path the elite have planned for us,a new world order.

None of you get it that Ron Paul is the only one who believes the government shoud serve the people instead of us serving them like we do or that o r that he is the only one who believes in the constitution.:cuckoo:
STILL whining about losing. Every recount proved Bush won, EVERY one, INCLUDING those conducted by people bent on proving Bush lost. As to the Court, the vote was 7- 2 in favor of Bush.

Gore not Bush was trying to steal an election.

Your such an idiot its unreal.Everybody knows the eletion was stolen for Bush both times.You only see what you want to see and never do any research and only listen to the idiot box in your living room so you remain an idiot your entire life just like this thread starter is who doesnt get it that Obama is worse than Bush is.Idiots like you guys is why american has gone to hell.
STILL whining about losing. Every recount proved Bush won, EVERY one, INCLUDING those conducted by people bent on proving Bush lost. As to the Court, the vote was 7- 2 in favor of Bush.

Gore not Bush was trying to steal an election.

I forgot this link

Stand Up for Democracy With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Once again Retared Sgt is proven to be a complete idiot who doesnt know what he is talking about thanks to the link posted by the other idiot who only sees how corrupt the republican party is and refuses to acknowledge how corrupt Obama is and wont watch the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION.Idiot Sealybobo wins this debate over fellow idiot Retarded Sargent.:lol::lol::lol: The chess game is over and Retarded Sgt got checkmated by sealybobo.:lol::lol::lol: He can only cry in defeat.
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STILL whining about losing. Every recount proved Bush won, EVERY one, INCLUDING those conducted by people bent on proving Bush lost. As to the Court, the vote was 7- 2 in favor of Bush.

Gore not Bush was trying to steal an election.

I forgot this link

Stand Up for Democracy With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Once again Retared Sgt is proven to be a complete idiot who doesnt know what he is talking about thanks to the link posted by the other idiot who only sees how corrupt the republican party is and refuses to acknowledge how corrupt Obama is and wont watch the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION.Idiot Sealybobo wins this debate over fellow idiot Retarded Sargent.:lol::lol::lol: The chess game is over and Retarded Sgt got checkmated by sealybobo.:lol::lol::lol: He can only cry in defeat.

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