Bush did steal Florida and Ohio

I can't believe anyone can get up the energy to keep hitting the ground where the corpse of the horse used to be.

What exactly is to be gained here? Say you manage to somehow prove Bush did something wrong... then what? We all get in the time machine and go back for a do over? I'm sure someone will have some kind of idealistic answer but I'm not interested in that, I want the practical answer.

Nixon was pardoned. Chaney and Rumsfeld worked for Nixon. Had Nixon not been pardoned, Chaney and Rumsfeld would not have had careers in politics.

So Nixon shouldn't have been pardon'ed.

So what about all the people that helped Bush lie us into a war? If we don't understand the facts, then these people can run for office in the future. Do you want that? Liars who would lie us into a war?

So we elected the same evil pricks that lied us into Viet Nam. Why? Because American voters like you want to put the past behind you.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

And, these bastards want to write a fake history!!! Fuck that!!!!

It's almost as if you don't think you can handle the truth.

they don't need to write a revised history, you're doing fine all by yourself.

i don't remember LBJ coming back to life to serve as POTUS the past 8 years, have you got a link handy?

damn, you can't make this shit up.
well, bobo the moron can
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and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.
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and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Yes, JFK was assinated by the CIA, and they used Bigfoot to do it, but this wasnt the only time they used bigfoot to carry out hits for them.

Octoldit is absolutely right. Michael Connell WAS assinated to keep him from spilling the beans about the rigging of both Bush elections. They werent going to simply let this man ruin all their plans, so they silenced him, permanently. What most of you dont know, is WHO actually performed the assasination...

On Dec 17th, 2008, the Bush team had a meeting where they went over their options for a hitman. It wasnt long before everyone unanimously agreed on the man for the job. Bigfoot had already performed over 250 successful assasinations for the bush adminstration without a hitch, so it was a no brainer.

Bigfoot is the greatest assasin in world history, but its not because of the way he can summon animals with his mind, or his uncanny ability to blend in with a crowd. Its the technology he employs that gives him an edge over everyone else. On the southern shore of Groom Lake in Nevada, theres a large secretive military airfield where he keeps his spaceship. Some call it area 51, but Bigfoot calls it home. Here he is able to work on his experiments with gravity and time, and this is where he outfits his flying saucer with some of the latest technologies, even though human technology is very limited.

Fortunately for Bigfoot, he had done alot of piloting work for "Xenu", the overlord of the Galactic Confederacy, during the "Interstellar Rebellion Wars" 75 million years ago, which put him in Xenu's favor, so he was rewarded with a Type7 Particle Beam Cannon which they installed on his flying saucer. For those who dont know, Type7 Particle Beam Cannons completely disintigrate anything they hit, so its pretty cool when you can get your hands on one of these.

Anyway, after the flightline crew fueled his flying saucer up with the super secret fuel they call "Element X", he donned his flight suit and gave one final salute to his comrades before he embarked on the secretive and vital mission. Bigfoot knew exactly where to find Michael Connell, because N.O.R.A.D. had been tracking him since his plane took off. With the flick of his wrist, he throttled his twin hyperdrive engines and he crossed the country in 1/1000th of a second, ending up right next to Michael Connells aircraft, at which point the automatic targeting systems activated and fired on Mr Connell. Of course nothing was left of Micheals aircraft after getting hit by a Type7 Particle Beam Cannon, which meant they needed to plant evidence of a plane crash, but that was someone elses job.

...in Loch Ness, Scotland, deep beneath the cold waters, lies a hidden base where the Loch Ness Monster has spent centuries honing his mind powers. He actually developed the means to create matter, using only his mind, and he can also teleport at will. On February 1, 1973, British intelligence made first contact with Nessie, and they have been working closely together ever since.

Dec 18th, 2008, Nessie recieved a call on the emergency red phone, and he was debriefed about the Michael
Connell situation. After taking a few minutes to aquaint himself with the schematics of Michael Connells single-engine Piper Saratoga, Nessie teleported to the US and he created the false wreckage, including the body.

Nessie was later given the "Goerge Cross" by the Queen of England herself, the highest medal awarded to a British civilian, and Bush gave Bigfoot the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a secret ceremony which included every member of the Skull and Bones, the Illuminati and the Freemasons.

Im outraged that medals were given to these two! They should be tried and executed for their crimes, NOT GIVEN MEDALS!!! Someday the truth will come out about this incident, and me and Octoldit will be right there laughing at all of you for not believing.
and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:
and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:
well, ole Norm must be IN on it
Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:

who ever said he didnt cheat in 1960 here? nobody.But unlike Bush sr and son,he wasnt an evil and corrupt man.He even made a speech warning about secret societys.It CAN be proven that elements in the government like the CIA were behind it.Just because you dont want to see or hear it,doesnt mean its hasnt.when I say the CIA I dont mean the organization as a whole.thats the mistake people make when they hear people say it was the government behind it all,they automaticaly think the government agency wrote down to all their employees -we need to do this ect ect.when its actually people within the government in high positions of high power that were behind it all.Its HAS been proven countless numbers of times before Bush and cheney made 9/11 happen.

Just because you DO ignore facts doesnt mean they didnt.:cuckoo:only in you 9/11 apologists fantasys has Griffith been refuted countless numbers of times.No you DO ignore facts,the only misinformation and theories troofers like you propagate,are the ones you blindly swallow and eat up by the government and mainstream media.the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics is what has been debunked several times.PROVE they are telling the truth,prove the government wasn't behind the kennedy assassination.you cant.those structural engineers and physicists you like to believe have debunked them,have only done so because you want to believe it.

since you want to bring up kennedy out of the blue over a kennedy assassination thread that happened so many months ago,that had nothing to do with this thread,then two can play at that game.you want to bring up JFK,hey at least I like a guy that tried to change the world for the good.Thats a miracle for me to like a president.JFK isnt the only one I like just the only one in the last 50 years.Doesnt surprise me someone like you who has let the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda,someone with the user name ELVIS.:lol:an idiot moron who went and killed himself.:lol:elvis fans are brainless.
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and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:

PROVE Kennedy cheated.
and I bet JFK is your hero. besides David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones

JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Yes, JFK was assinated by the CIA, and they used Bigfoot to do it, but this wasnt the only time they used bigfoot to carry out hits for them.

Octoldit is absolutely right. Michael Connell WAS assinated to keep him from spilling the beans about the rigging of both Bush elections. They werent going to simply let this man ruin all their plans, so they silenced him, permanently. What most of you dont know, is WHO actually performed the assasination...

On Dec 17th, 2008, the Bush team had a meeting where they went over their options for a hitman. It wasnt long before everyone unanimously agreed on the man for the job. Bigfoot had already performed over 250 successful assasinations for the bush adminstration without a hitch, so it was a no brainer.

Bigfoot is the greatest assasin in world history, but its not because of the way he can summon animals with his mind, or his uncanny ability to blend in with a crowd. Its the technology he employs that gives him an edge over everyone else. On the southern shore of Groom Lake in Nevada, theres a large secretive military airfield where he keeps his spaceship. Some call it area 51, but Bigfoot calls it home. Here he is able to work on his experiments with gravity and time, and this is where he outfits his flying saucer with some of the latest technologies, even though human technology is very limited.

Fortunately for Bigfoot, he had done alot of piloting work for "Xenu", the overlord of the Galactic Confederacy, during the "Interstellar Rebellion Wars" 75 million years ago, which put him in Xenu's favor, so he was rewarded with a Type7 Particle Beam Cannon which they installed on his flying saucer. For those who dont know, Type7 Particle Beam Cannons completely disintigrate anything they hit, so its pretty cool when you can get your hands on one of these.

Anyway, after the flightline crew fueled his flying saucer up with the super secret fuel they call "Element X", he donned his flight suit and gave one final salute to his comrades before he embarked on the secretive and vital mission. Bigfoot knew exactly where to find Michael Connell, because N.O.R.A.D. had been tracking him since his plane took off. With the flick of his wrist, he throttled his twin hyperdrive engines and he crossed the country in 1/1000th of a second, ending up right next to Michael Connells aircraft, at which point the automatic targeting systems activated and fired on Mr Connell. Of course nothing was left of Micheals aircraft after getting hit by a Type7 Particle Beam Cannon, which meant they needed to plant evidence of a plane crash, but that was someone elses job.

...in Loch Ness, Scotland, deep beneath the cold waters, lies a hidden base where the Loch Ness Monster has spent centuries honing his mind powers. He actually developed the means to create matter, using only his mind, and he can also teleport at will. On February 1, 1973, British intelligence made first contact with Nessie, and they have been working closely together ever since.

Dec 18th, 2008, Nessie recieved a call on the emergency red phone, and he was debriefed about the Michael
Connell situation. After taking a few minutes to aquaint himself with the schematics of Michael Connells single-engine Piper Saratoga, Nessie teleported to the US and he created the false wreckage, including the body.

Nessie was later given the "Goerge Cross" by the Queen of England herself, the highest medal awarded to a British civilian, and Bush gave Bigfoot the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a secret ceremony which included every member of the Skull and Bones, the Illuminati and the Freemasons.

Im outraged that medals were given to these two! They should be tried and executed for their crimes, NOT GIVEN MEDALS!!! Someday the truth will come out about this incident, and me and Octoldit will be right there laughing at all of you for not believing.

You can joke all you want dogboy.

Funny, you think politicians are all so evil and corrupt, except for anytime anyone ever accuses them of doing something, and then you defend them.

It is almost as if you think that everytime a politician does something wrong, they get caught.

And everything else is conspiracy theory?

As if they aren't smart enough to get away with A LOT MORE than you'll ever catch them on. Stupid house slave.
JFK was no saint by any means the way the media portayed him to be.He wasnt a great man like MLK but he was stepping on a lot of powerful toes of people in high power.He was going to get rid of the CIA and thats why the CIA killed him.yes griffth and jones are heros of mine for not being afraid of the truth and letting the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda that you blindly swallow and eat up because the truth scares people like you and divecon about who REALLY killed JFK and who was really behind 9/11.Those 2 guys are heros of mine because they dont bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich like you both do and ignore facts.Their heros of mine cause they speak the truth.

Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:

PROVE Kennedy cheated.

after you prove the CIA killed him, and that Bush stole both elections.
I can't believe anyone can get up the energy to keep hitting the ground where the corpse of the horse used to be.

What exactly is to be gained here? Say you manage to somehow prove Bush did something wrong... then what? We all get in the time machine and go back for a do over? I'm sure someone will have some kind of idealistic answer but I'm not interested in that, I want the practical answer.

Why is it you see the crimes of Republicans as never meaning anything.

We can find the people who cheated and broke the law and put them in prison.

Personally I think its a case of treason in a country that desides by elections.

What you sugest is to just ignore crime and allow them to go unpunished .

This is the very reason Bush politized the department of Justice, so that Americans could have no justice while he was in office.

As soon as you agree Clinton committed a felony by lying to a grand jury, we'll talk.

Truthmatters I obviously hate to agree with him ESPECIALLY since his name is Elvis.But if you cant admit that Bastard Clinton committed a felony by lying to the grand jury,he is right,you cant talk.You dissapoint me if thats what you believe because your user name needs to be changed if that IS what you believe.Everybody in the world knows thats the truth that Clinton committed a felony by doing that.
PROVE Kennedy cheated.[/QUOTE]

well the mob got him elected in Chicago through Joe Kennedys ties to the mob.But like i said before,the difference between kennedy and Bush sr and his son was he wasnt an evil and corrupt man.
You can joke all you want dogboy.

Funny, you think politicians are all so evil and corrupt, except for anytime anyone ever accuses them of doing something, and then you defend them.

It is almost as if you think that everytime a politician does something wrong, they get caught.

And everything else is conspiracy theory?

As if they aren't smart enough to get away with A LOT MORE than you'll ever catch them on. Stupid house slave.

from everything I have seen of him post he talks as though politicians are saints who can do no wrong.:lol::lol::lol:
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9/11 was about to happen? So now you're saying Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen? That makes you a truther.

If you read PNAC from the 90's, they said that they would need another Pearl Harbor in order to push their radical agenda.

And they got it.

So that makes sense why Chaney had control of NORAD on 9-11, and months leading up to it.

And Condy certainly was lying when she said, "we could have never imagined"

Lady, you were sent a fucking memo with it all spelled out. Least they could have done was alert the airlines.

They didn't plan it, but they knew it was coming.

President Bush certainly is aware of that his former Saudi sugar daddy is still financing Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network. USA Today newspaper reported in 1999 that a year after bin Laden’s attacks on US embassies in Africa, Khaled bin Mahfouz and other wealthy Saudis were funneling tens of millions of dollars each year into bin Laden’s bank accounts. Five top Saudi businessmen ordered the National Commercial Bank to transfer personal funds and $3 million pilfered from a Saudi pension fund to the Capitol Trust Bank in New York City. The money was deposited into the Islamic Relief and Blessed Relief - Islamic charities operating in the US and Great Britain as fronts for Osama bin Laden.

Bush family’s dirty little secret: President’s oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and other wealthy Saudis who also financed Osama

And don't even get me started on how Bush flew every Bin Ladin out of the USA on 9-12, and NONE OF THEM WERE EVEN QUESTIONED???

Dude, time for you to wakey, wakey.

I've read enough. you're a troofer.

thats the typical comebacks you 9/11 apologists always have when you cant counter the truth.pitiful.
If you read PNAC from the 90's, they said that they would need another Pearl Harbor in order to push their radical agenda.

And they got it.

So that makes sense why Chaney had control of NORAD on 9-11, and months leading up to it.

And Condy certainly was lying when she said, "we could have never imagined"

Lady, you were sent a fucking memo with it all spelled out. Least they could have done was alert the airlines.

They didn't plan it, but they knew it was coming.

President Bush certainly is aware of that his former Saudi sugar daddy is still financing Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network. USA Today newspaper reported in 1999 that a year after bin Laden’s attacks on US embassies in Africa, Khaled bin Mahfouz and other wealthy Saudis were funneling tens of millions of dollars each year into bin Laden’s bank accounts. Five top Saudi businessmen ordered the National Commercial Bank to transfer personal funds and $3 million pilfered from a Saudi pension fund to the Capitol Trust Bank in New York City. The money was deposited into the Islamic Relief and Blessed Relief - Islamic charities operating in the US and Great Britain as fronts for Osama bin Laden.

Bush family’s dirty little secret: President’s oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and other wealthy Saudis who also financed Osama

And don't even get me started on how Bush flew every Bin Ladin out of the USA on 9-12, and NONE OF THEM WERE EVEN QUESTIONED???

Dude, time for you to wakey, wakey.

I've read enough. you're a troofer.

thats the typical comebacks you 9/11 apologists always have when you cant counter the truth.pitiful.
OMG how fuckin funny
you nutter troofers are a riot
And do you remember how Gore backed down, even though he clearly won. He did that because the GOP were not going to let this one go. They had too many plans. 9-11 was about to happen, they were going to invade Iraq, plus they had to put in all those tax breaks for the rich and for corporations.

No, there was nothing the 4 Supreme's could do but go along.

And don't pretend to think you know what's going on based on this. The Supreme Court also turns its head to the unconstitutional income tax, IRS and Federal Reserve.

Do you want to start discussing that? Because all the facts point to that they are in on the scam too. If Democrats and Republicans are all in on it, so are their Supreme Court appointees.

But you want it both ways, so have it both ways. This is why we'll never win the country back. Because too many of you are good little house slaves. Don't buck the status quo Retardedgaygunnyguysgtakesitintheass.

9/11 was about to happen? So now you're saying Bush knew 9/11 was going to happen? That makes you a truther.

If you read PNAC from the 90's, they said that they would need another Pearl Harbor in order to push their radical agenda.

And they got it.

So that makes sense why Chaney had control of NORAD on 9-11, and months leading up to it.

And Condy certainly was lying when she said, "we could have never imagined"

Lady, you were sent a fucking memo with it all spelled out. Least they could have done was alert the airlines.

They didn't plan it, but they knew it was coming.

President Bush certainly is aware of that his former Saudi sugar daddy is still financing Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network. USA Today newspaper reported in 1999 that a year after bin Laden’s attacks on US embassies in Africa, Khaled bin Mahfouz and other wealthy Saudis were funneling tens of millions of dollars each year into bin Laden’s bank accounts. Five top Saudi businessmen ordered the National Commercial Bank to transfer personal funds and $3 million pilfered from a Saudi pension fund to the Capitol Trust Bank in New York City. The money was deposited into the Islamic Relief and Blessed Relief - Islamic charities operating in the US and Great Britain as fronts for Osama bin Laden.

Bush family’s dirty little secret: President’s oil companies funded by Bin Laden family and other wealthy Saudis who also financed Osama

And don't even get me started on how Bush flew every Bin Ladin out of the USA on 9-12, and NONE OF THEM WERE EVEN QUESTIONED???

Dude, time for you to wakey, wakey.

interesting....why did clinton gore clarke and tennant not respond to a declartion of war and six attacks on us soil and intrests in the 8 years prior......
Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:

who ever said he didnt cheat in 1960 here? nobody.But unlike Bush sr and son,he wasnt an evil and corrupt man.He even made a speech warning about secret societys.It CAN be proven that elements in the government like the CIA were behind it.Just because you dont want to see or hear it,doesnt mean its hasnt.when I say the CIA I dont mean the organization as a whole.thats the mistake people make when they hear people say it was the government behind it all,they automaticaly think the government agency wrote down to all their employees -we need to do this ect ect.when its actually people within the government in high positions of high power that were behind it all.Its HAS been proven countless numbers of times before Bush and cheney made 9/11 happen.

Just because you DO ignore facts doesnt mean they didnt.:cuckoo:only in you 9/11 apologists fantasys has Griffith been refuted countless numbers of times.No you DO ignore facts,the only misinformation and theories troofers like you propagate,are the ones you blindly swallow and eat up by the government and mainstream media.the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics is what has been debunked several times.PROVE they are telling the truth,prove the government wasn't behind the kennedy assassination.you cant.those structural engineers and physicists you like to believe have debunked them,have only done so because you want to believe it.

since you want to bring up kennedy out of the blue over a kennedy assassination thread that happened so many months ago,that had nothing to do with this thread,then two can play at that game.you want to bring up JFK,hey at least I like a guy that tried to change the world for the good.Thats a miracle for me to like a president.JFK isnt the only one I like just the only one in the last 50 years.Doesnt surprise me someone like you who has let the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda,someone with the user name ELVIS.:lol:an idiot moron who went and killed himself.:lol:elvis fans are brainless.

1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.
Kennedy cheated in 1960, whether the dems want to admit it or not. PROVE the CIA killed Kennedy. You can't do it. PROVE Bush and Cheney made 9/11 hapen. You can't do it. The physical evidence put out by David Ray GRIFFIN has been refuted countless times by structural engineers and physicists. I don't ignore facts. I know the theories and misinformation you troofers try to propogate. Griffin may think he's speaking the truth, but he is not.
As for those whose views oppose 9/11 troofers, I guess Noam Chomsky is "brainwashed" by the media.:cuckoo:

who ever said he didnt cheat in 1960 here? nobody.But unlike Bush sr and son,he wasnt an evil and corrupt man.He even made a speech warning about secret societys.It CAN be proven that elements in the government like the CIA were behind it.Just because you dont want to see or hear it,doesnt mean its hasnt.when I say the CIA I dont mean the organization as a whole.thats the mistake people make when they hear people say it was the government behind it all,they automaticaly think the government agency wrote down to all their employees -we need to do this ect ect.when its actually people within the government in high positions of high power that were behind it all.Its HAS been proven countless numbers of times before Bush and cheney made 9/11 happen.

Just because you DO ignore facts doesnt mean they didnt.:cuckoo:only in you 9/11 apologists fantasys has Griffith been refuted countless numbers of times.No you DO ignore facts,the only misinformation and theories troofers like you propagate,are the ones you blindly swallow and eat up by the government and mainstream media.the 9/11 commission report and popular mechanics is what has been debunked several times.PROVE they are telling the truth,prove the government wasn't behind the kennedy assassination.you cant.those structural engineers and physicists you like to believe have debunked them,have only done so because you want to believe it.

since you want to bring up kennedy out of the blue over a kennedy assassination thread that happened so many months ago,that had nothing to do with this thread,then two can play at that game.you want to bring up JFK,hey at least I like a guy that tried to change the world for the good.Thats a miracle for me to like a president.JFK isnt the only one I like just the only one in the last 50 years.Doesnt surprise me someone like you who has let the government and media brainwash them with their lies and propaganda,someone with the user name ELVIS.:lol:an idiot moron who went and killed himself.:lol:elvis fans are brainless.

1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.
hes a moron troofer
what do you expect
1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.

part one.
1.So sue me for getting his last name wrong.Bet you wouldnt say that to your idiot buddy divecon if HE made that mistake about the spelling of his last name.we both know you wouldnt.
2.AGAIN just because you ignore the proof and dont want to see it,doesnt mean they havent proved it.and so what about the dems like truthmatters who turn a blind eye to clinton committing perjury,what does that have to do with ME?

You brought up kennedy,you didnt bring up clinton.obviously your STILL stuck on that kennedy discussion from several months ago since that was the only time prior to this I ever had a discussion with you and you brought his name up instead of Clinton or Obama since your talking about dems and including me in it.Both parties are corrupt,I dont support EITHER or will ever vote for either, so again why lump ME in there with the dems?:rolleyes: I liked Abe Lincoln-a republican president,so what does this dem crap have to do with ME?
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part two.
3.the FACT that kennedy was killed by the CIA has been proven in spades over the years.YOU got to prove that the warren commission was telling the truth that oswald was the lone shooter when the warren commission never could prove it.Even the HSCA-"the house select committe on assassinations" said in the 1970's,that his death was the result of a PROBABLE conspiracy but they could not locate the other shooter.they had to finally admit the truth that more than one gunman was involved when they could not avoid the evidence anymore.The warren commission was a joke,they ignored all facts that proved there was a second gunman and had no interest in hearing facts from witnesses who said they saw a second shooter behind the picket fence.people who DID say that,wound up dying in mysterious deaths obviously done by the CIA as well.thats why many other witnesses kept quiet over the years when they saw all these people giving versions that did not fit the warren commission die in mysterious deaths.matter of fact,Hale Boggs the one member of the warren commission who critisized the commission for their sloppy work,resigned in disgust because of that,he also died in a mysterious plane crash in later years as well after that.
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1. It's Griffin, you stupid fuck.
2. I brought up Kennedy because the dems demonize Bush with no proof and deify Kennedy.
3. I don't have to prove the CIA didn't kill him. Since you brought the crazy theory up, you must prove it.
4. Without Elvis, there would have been no Beatles, Zeppelin, Springsteen, or most any modern rock music. Hope ya like Hank Williams.
5. It's pretty wild when you think Chomsky is controlled by the media.
6. It's not only popular mechanics that claims the towers weren't brought down by controlled demolition.
7. If you have a theory as to why the towers collapsed, submit the theory to a scientific journal or university. Until then, go fuck yourself.

part one of three.
1.So sue me for getting his last name wrong.Bet you wouldnt say that to your idiot buddy divecon if HE made that mistake about the spelling of his last name.we both know you wouldnt.
2.AGAIN just because you ignore the proof and dont want to see it,doesnt mean they havent proved it.and so what about the dems like truthmatters who turn a blind eye to clinton committing perjury,what does that have to do with ME?

You brought up kennedy,you didnt bring up clinton.obviously your STILL stuck on that kennedy discussion from several months ago since that was the only time prior to this I ever had a discussion with you and you brought his name up instead of Clinton or Obama since your talking about dems and including me in it.Both parties are corrupt,I dont support EITHER or will ever vote for either, so again why lump ME in there with the dems?:rolleyes: I liked Abe Lincoln-a republican president,so what does this dem crap have to do with ME?

1. I am only responding to number 1 because the rest is a waste of time. David Ray Griffin is not Dive's hero, as far as I know. so no reason to correct him if he says Griffith.

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