Bush didnt lie to a nation about his embassy attacks; DUH

Video, not video, it's all irrelevant. It's all about Republicans meticulously crafting not just false conclusions,

but false premises as well.
Lying about 9/11 by Bush hits all the terrorist attack and Benghazi alleged lies out of the ballpark.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Wow. You really are dense.

So it wouldn't have been something about a video. But it would have been SOMETHING to pretend to be angry about.

Give me eight congressional hearings about how you spent last Sunday, and I will have one entire end of the political spectrum demanding you be jailed.

Why didn't the Democrats hold 8 congressional hearings when they were in the majority, dumbasss?
Which has nothing to do with freedom does it?

I pointed out that these terrorists want to cut your head off or burn you alive because you do not believe what they do and/or want to do these things to you if you refuse to convert to their religion ... and you say it has nothing to do with FREEDOM?!

I pointed out that they kill their own women for NOT remaining completely covered..... and you think that is NOT about 'FREEDOM?!

I pointed out how they murder homosexuals and you think it is NOT about 'Freedom'?

You're a 'special' kind of stupid, aren't you?!

Someone who has a different opinion than you hates your freedom?

Conservatives hate homosexuals and try to restrict womens rights....Do they hate freedom also?
Bush lied. Thousands died. All factual.

Bush merely repeated the intel he got from the CIA that he inherited from Bill Clinton. Even the Democrats were telling the same 'lies.'
Even his father has just released a book saying his son surrounded himself with jerks. He specifically names Cheney and Rumsfeld. If he had paid attention to the intel he got from Clinton, particularly Richard A. Clark. Clark was so well respected as the top terrorist expert and adviser that he was held over from the Clinton administration to serve Bush. He began under Nixon and reached promotions and high status under Reagan. That was the guy left by Clinton to advise and inform the new President. Bush ignored him, his National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice ignored him and they instead listened to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The result was 9/11.
Conservatives hate homosexuals and try to restrict womens rights....Do they hate freedom also?

Got to be the most ignorant, biased comment I have heard THIS WEEK, and that is saying something. ...

...and this coming from someone who supports a candidate who has taken millions from nations that murder homosexuals.

...and this coming form someone whose candidate has spent the better part of her married / political life demonizing, attacking, and intimidating the women her criminally pervert husband sexually harassed, raped, and with whom he had affairs AND a candidate who has taken millions from nations that violently oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.

:eusa_hand: Just STOP! Go peddle your B$ somewhere else.
Bush lied. Thousands died. All factual.

Bush merely repeated the intel he got from the CIA that he inherited from Bill Clinton. Even the Democrats were telling the same 'lies.'
Even his father has just released a book saying his son surrounded himself with jerks. He specifically names Cheney and Rumsfeld. If he had paid attention to the intel he got from Clinton, particularly Richard A. Clark. Clark was so well respected as the top terrorist expert and adviser that he was held over from the Clinton administration to serve Bush. He began under Nixon and reached promotions and high status under Reagan. That was the guy left by Clinton to advise and inform the new President. Bush ignored him, his National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice ignored him and they instead listened to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. The result was 9/11.

Here are some of the statements Clarke made. He was speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He was busy covering for the lack of interest in the Clinton administration.

In February 1999 Clarke wrote the Deputy National Security Advisor that one reliable source reported Iraqi officials had met with Bin Ladin and may have offered him asylum. Therefore, Clarke advised against surveillance flights to track bin Laden in Afghanistan: Anticipating an attack, “old wily Usama will likely boogie to Baghdad”, where he would be impossible to find. Clarke also made statements that year to the press linking "Iraqi nerve gas experts" andal-Qaedato an alleged joint-chemical-weapons-development effort at theAl Shifapharmaceutical plant inSudan.[12]

Michael Scheueris the former chief of thebin Laden Unitat theCounterterrorist Centerat theCIA.Matthew Continettiwrites: "Scheuer believes that Clarke’s risk aversion and politicking negatively impacted the hunt for bin Laden prior to September 11, 2001. Scheuer stated that his unit, codename 'Alec,' had provided information that could have led to the capture and or killing of Osama bin Laden on ten different occasions during the Clinton administration, only to have his recommendations for action turned down by senior intelligence officials, including Clarke.

During Clarke's earlier testimony, he stated that Bill Clinton did not have a comprehensive plan on dealing with terrorism. During later testimony, he stated that President Clinton did have a comprehensive plan on dealing with terrorism. As summarized by the Toledo Blade, "In his August 2002 briefing, Mr. Clarke told reporters (1) that the Clinton administration had no overall plan on al-Qaeda to pass on to the Bush Administration; that just days after his inauguration, Mr. Bush said he wanted a new, more comprehensive anti-terror strategy; that Mr. Bush ordered implementation of anti-terror measures that had been kicking around since 1998, and (4) that before Sept. 11, Mr. Bush had increased fivefold the funding for CIA covert action programs against al-Qaeda. ... It's reasonable enough to argue that Mr. Bush could have done more to guard against terror, though it isn't clear what. What is incredible is to argue - as Mr. Clarke did before the 9/11 Commission - that President Clinton was more concerned about al-Qaeda than Mr. Bush was."

Richard A. Clarke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bush lied. Thousands died. All factual.

Bush merely repeated the intel he got from the CIA that he inherited from Bill Clinton. Even the Democrats were telling the same 'lies.'

"From the very beginning, there was a conviction, that Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go," says O'Neill, who adds that going after Saddam was topic "A" 10 days after the inauguration - eight months before Sept. 11.

Bush Sought 'Way' To Invade Iraq?

We have it from Richard Clarke, formerly the White House's chief anti-terrorism official, that within a day of the attacks Bush was inquiring if Saddam might have had a hand in them. When told no -- "But, Mr. President, al-Qaeda did this," Clarke told him -- it became instantly clear that this was not the answer Bush wanted. "'Look into Iraq, Saddam,' the president said testily," Clarke writes in his book, "Against All Enemies."

Similarly, Bob Woodward says in his book, "Plan of Attack," that not only was Bush fixated on Iraq, but by Thanksgiving of 2001, he already had told Don Rumsfeld to prepare a plan for the invasion of that country

Richard Cohen - Bush Wanted War

But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. Nor is it limited to the intelligence operatives who sat silent as the administration cherry-picked its case for war, or with those, like Colin Powell or Hans Blix, who, in the name of loyalty or statesmanship, did not give full throat to their misgivings. It is also shared by far too many in the Fourth Estate, most notably the New York Times' Judith Miller. But let us not forget that it lies, inescapably, with we the American people, who, in our fear and rage over the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, allowed ourselves to be suckered into the most audacious bait and switch of all time.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

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