Bush didnt lie to a nation about his embassy attacks; DUH

"They hate us for our freedoms, and so we are now going to have to read all your emails, monitor your internet surfing habits, record all the phone numbers you call, and track everywhere you carry your cell phone."
The comments made in response to the attack were politically driven fantasy for the sake of credibility, nothing more nothing less.
for the life of me I cant figure out what good are the monitors here? why do they let idiots start whole threads on false narratives?
the difference between attacks on embassies when bush was president and Benghazi is that Obama SENT OUT HIS PEOPLE TO LIE TO THE WHOLE NATION WHILE BUSH DIDNT.
big difference, HUGE

The only difference between Bush's "Bengazi's" and the recent one is that the political opposition didn't use it to score political points wasting taxpayer dollars in the process.

Then, unlike NOW - the focus was on how to prevent something like that from happening again. Something Republicans today, don't really seem to care much about.

no genius; the difference is one lied and the other didnt. it really isnt that hard to grasp unless you arent really tyring to understand

What "lie" specificially?
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

"Unfortunately, there was no specific intelligence or indications of an imminent attack on that -- U.S. facilities in Benghazi," Panetta said. "And frankly without an adequate warning, there was not enough time given the speed of the attack for armed military assets to respond."

He also noted that the National Counterterrorism Center had identified some 281 threats to U.S. diplomats, diplomatic facilities, embassies, ambassadors and consulates during the six months before the attack in Benghazi.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack - CNN.com
Because of the video duh. There were MANY attacks due to it.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...
But the fundie Rush of the ME called for protests of...duh...dupe.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...
But the fundie Rush of the ME called for protests of...duh...dupe.
Because of the video duh. There were MANY attacks due to it.

Sorry, that's been proven to be a LIE!

1. Hillary even said so HERSELF when she told the Turkish Prime Minister, "We KNOW Benghazi was a TERRORIST Attack - the film had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT."

2. The State Department Rep, in an e-mail to Hillary - recovered from HER e-mails, said, "DO NOT blame the video for the attack on Benghazi as that is NOT true, and the story will NOT survive the scrutiny."

3. The CIA testified that there was NEVER a 'protest' about anything. The Compound's own video cameras proved this.

4. Calls for the attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 - the anniversary of 9/11/01 - were made BEFORE the video was EVER released.

5. The Al Qaeda Leader's call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens was clear - it was to be in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi months earlier during a US drone strike.

6. Investigations showed the video, Innocence of Muslims, can be directly tied to a covert intelligence operation and operational assets of the U.S. Department of Justice. "Additionally, the individuals and entities responsible for the Internet promotion of the video of that name can be traced not just to an intelligence operation contemporaneous to the attacks, but to previous events of historical significance and current relevance."
LINK: Investigative Findings: Benghazi video linked to the CIA?

The video didn't have SHI'ITE to do with the attack on the Benghazi compound and the deaths of 4 Americans!
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Wow. You really are dense.

So it wouldn't have been something about a video. But it would have been SOMETHING to pretend to be angry about.

Give me eight congressional hearings about how you spent last Sunday, and I will have one entire end of the political spectrum demanding you be jailed.
Funny, I don't recall Bush blaming a film or our nation being a Christian nation for the attacks on 9/11/01, blaming an American film-maker for the murder of thousands of Americans, and declaring to the world, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Hillary and Obama, however, did immediately after the assassination of the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and the murder of 3 Americans at the hands of terrorists declare that the attack had been the result of a protest-gone-bad over a video (Despite Hillary's own Tripoli State Dept Rep telling her NOT to blame the video because it had nothing to do with the attack), declare to the world that they would bring this film-maker to justice (despite this nation's Freedom of Speech, thy announced they would criminalize it and punish someone for exercising that right), and Obama declared to the world - almost apologetically as if the attack and murders were OUR fault - "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

This scandal and these actions / words taken by President Obama demonstrates EXACTLY why he is the worst President in US history!
Funny, I don't recall Bush blaming a film or our nation being a Christian nation for the attacks on 9/11/01, blaming an American film-maker for the murder of thousands of Americans, and declaring to the world, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Hillary and Obama, however, did immediately after the assassination of the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years and the murder of 3 Americans at the hands of terrorists declare that the attack had been the result of a protest-gone-bad over a video (Despite Hillary's own Tripoli State Dept Rep telling her NOT to blame the video because it had nothing to do with the attack), declare to the world that they would bring this film-maker to justice (despite this nation's Freedom of Speech, thy announced they would criminalize it and punish someone for exercising that right), and Obama declared to the world - almost apologetically as if the attack and murders were OUR fault - "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

This scandal and these actions / words taken by President Obama demonstrates EXACTLY why he is the worst President in US history!
Bush blamed....... They hate our freedom

Lamest reason ever
Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Actually he's been honored for his artwork. W is pretty good.

You need to get up to speed and read the news a bit more.

Actually, he is ridiculed for those scribblings . Who would honor him for that crap? Oh , never mind, It had to be right wing nuts who don't know any more about art than they know about governing.
Bush blamed....... They hate our freedom - Lamest reason ever

You really don't get it, do you?! You are talking about people who hate your friggin' guts and would cut your head off or burn you alive simply because you do not believe in Islam...people who stone / murder their women for showing too much skin or for BEING RAPED...people who murder homosexuals for just existing.

The point is Bush DID BLAME someone....the RIGHT someone! He didn't blame and villainize some American for exercising his RIGHTS. He blamed the TERRORISTS who attacked and murdered Americans. The fact that Obama could NOT bring himself to do that pretty much says all you need to know about the man!
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...

Until Sept 8th, 3 days before the riots and violence began.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...
Some one watched it. If it caused deadly riots all over the world.

Did that really need to be explained?
Bush blamed....... They hate our freedom - Lamest reason ever

You really don't get it, do you?! You are talking about people who hate your friggin' guts and would cut your head off or burn you alive simply because you do not believe in Islam...people who stone / murder their women for showing too much skin or for BEING RAPED...people who murder homosexuals for just existing.

The point is Bush DID BLAME someone....the RIGHT someone! He didn't blame and villainize some American for exercising his RIGHTS. He blamed the TERRORISTS who attacked and murdered Americans. The fact that Obama could NOT bring himself to do that pretty much says all you need to know about the man!
Which has nothing to do with freedom does it?

They hate us because we support Israel and puppet dictators in the region

It is our politics they hate, not our freedom
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
Are you talking about that video that caused deadly riots all over the world?
That no one watched...

Until Sept 8th, 3 days before the riots and violence began.
A lot of weapons to gather up just over a protest over video no one watched, a harmless video to boot.
Which has nothing to do with freedom does it?

I pointed out that these terrorists want to cut your head off or burn you alive because you do not believe what they do and/or want to do these things to you if you refuse to convert to their religion ... and you say it has nothing to do with FREEDOM?!

I pointed out that they kill their own women for NOT remaining completely covered..... and you think that is NOT about 'FREEDOM?!

I pointed out how they murder homosexuals and you think it is NOT about 'Freedom'?

You're a 'special' kind of stupid, aren't you?!

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