Bush didnt lie to a nation about his embassy attacks; DUH

how did bush and cheney "run our media"?

please be specific; you nutjobs are all over the place here
Bush LIED about the reason for the 9-11 attack

It had nothing to do with them hating our freedom

they hate our freedom you dullard

they want to enslave the world in their versioin of radical islam

you can deny it all day; doesnt mean squat

for the life of me I cant figure out what good are the monitors here? why do they let idiots start whole threads on false narratives?
the difference between attacks on embassies when bush was president and Benghazi is that Obama SENT OUT HIS PEOPLE TO LIE TO THE WHOLE NATION WHILE BUSH DIDNT.
big difference, HUGE
"His" embassy attacks? Freudian, eh?
Bush LIED about the reason for the 9-11 attack

It had nothing to do with them hating our freedom

they hate our freedom you dullard

they want to enslave the world in their versioin of radical islam

you can deny it all day; doesnt mean squat


you're losing; and it's just getting pathetic at this point. so pathetic it's getting hard to know where to rebut you as you digressyour way into irrelevance here

so sad for paid to post LOSER SOROSBOT
now havent Democrats voted to renew the Patriot Act every year since it was made law?

Hasnt obama TRIPLED drone attacks?
hasnt obama USED PRIVATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS to expand domestic surveillance/

so what year is it leftard?

who is president??
Bush LIED about the reason for the 9-11 attack

It had nothing to do with them hating our freedom

they hate our freedom you dullard

they want to enslave the world in their versioin of radical islam

you can deny it all day; doesnt mean squat


you're losing; and it's just getting pathetic at this point. so pathetic it's getting hard to know where to rebut you as you digressyour way into irrelevance here

so sad for paid to post LOSER SOROSBOT
now havent Democrats voted to renew the Patriot Act every year since it was made law?

Hasnt obama TRIPLED drone attacks?
hasnt obama USED PRIVATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS to expand domestic surveillance/

so what year is it leftard?

who is president??

Bush lied.....people died
"Weapons of mass destruction" ring a bell?

How about Jessica Lynch ?

Pat Tillman ??

Aluminum Tubes?


Known lies that the Bush Administration developed talking points and repeated them for over a year to convince Americans that they were true. Those lies led to the deaths thousands of our soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

The Benghazi talking points were developed after the fact and killed no one.
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

The State Department knew in advance that a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens had been called for by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi in a drone strike several months earlier.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department leading up to 9/11/12 showed Stevens warned of the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, how approx. 1,000 militants held a rally in the town square, how Al Qaeda flags were now flying on more and more Benghazi government buildings, h0w a new (ANOTHER) Al Qaeda training camp had just opened up.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department told how EVERY other nation's reps had been pulled out, leaving ONLY the US / HIM there, how the Red Cross - who travels to war areas - even pulled out, how he needed basic security equipment that the State Department refused to give him, and how he was forced to beg/borrow/steal basic security equipment - like road barricades - from departing foreign government reps / Embassies being closed.

Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit (hired to protect Stevens) weeks before the THIRD attack, that there had been 2 terrorist attacks on his compound just prior to the final attack - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.

Within an hour of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound in Benghazi both the CIA and Embassy in Tripoli knew the attack was a terrorist attack. The Rep in Tripoli testified he immediately called the State Department to notify them that the Benghazi Compound was under TERRORIST attack and called the CIA compound to request support in defending Ambassador Stevens. CIA reps testified that the 3 ex-navy SEALS immediately began to suit up and prep to go but their station chief there in Benghazi told them to 'stand down' due to his concern about the situation - they did not know what they were facing and ordered the 3 to wait for some help. They did no and responded to the attack.

While 2 of the 3 fought to protect the compound from on the ground one climbed to the top of the compound building's roof. From there he engaged the enemy and lazed targets for incoming aircraft to take out enemy mortars (not your average protestor's weapon of choice). Anyone who knows about military ops and about what was going on there knows you only laze targets when you expect / know help is coming and that help is capable of striking targets being lazed. The AC-130 gunship was never sent, and the drone overhead had no weapons. (Decision NOT to sent the AC-130 gun-ship was a POLITICAL Decision made by NON-Military personnel. For all their 'no man left behind bullshi'ite' the Obama administration did not allow the AC-130 to go. Military commanders know you have no idea how long a fire-fight, especially one like this with CIA there on the ground, is going to go so YOU SEND what you have...if for no other reason than to secure the bodies of 3 Ex-SEALS and the murdered Ambassador of the United States! The fie-fight in Benghazi lasted over 8 HOURS - the 3 Ex-Navy SEALS fought for 8 HOURS waiting for help to come, believing help was coming...but they were abandoned!

The State Department Rep in Tripoli called and warned the State Department NOT to claim the attack had been a protest over a video because it was NOT, the evidence did NOT support that lie, and it would never hold up under scrutiny (recently released e-mail). The CIA said video footage of the compound NEVER, EVER showed any evidence of a 'protest'. The CIA's report, filed within an hour of the attack starting, was sent directly to the WH WAR Room (where according to 'Doogie, he was the only one there, that Obama had presumably gone to bed, and the death of a US Ambassador - the 1st in over 30 years - was not enough to go find him / wake him up) and to the state Department. The State Department and WH then MODIFIED the CIA report - 13 times, removing every reference to 'terrorism' - before it was officially released.

Hillary called her daughter and told her terrorists had killed the Ambassador and 3 Americans. She then told the Turkish PM that 'we KNOW this was a terrorist attack, that the film had NOTHING to do with this. She then told the American people / the world this was the result of a protest over a video.

The next morning the Obama administration was in FULL 'CYA' mode, going on numerous Sunday Morning Talk shows to spread the lie that it was a protest.

- State Department incompetence has been proven.
- State Department negligence has been proven.
- State Department poor judgment and poor decision-making has been proven.
- State Department modification of reports in an attempt to cover up the truth has been proven.
- Lying to the American people, to grieving family members, and to Congress has been prove.
- The NEEDLESS death of 4 Americans has been proven.

NOT having US Embassies throughout the Middle East prepared for such attacks with so much advance notice is a complete FAILURE by Hillary Clinton and the State Department.

Under the described circumstances, taking away 16 members of Stevens security detail while he begged for more security - denying him those repeated requests directly resulted in his death and the death of 3 others and is a FAILURE of criminal proportions.

Under those circumstances, refusal to pull him out is a massive FAILURE.

This is probably the BIGGEST demonstration of incompetence, mis-management, poor decision-making, and (criminal) neglect resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans ever seen...and certainly NEVER seen to this level by any other administration!
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

The State Department knew in advance that a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens had been called for by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi in a drone strike several months earlier.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department leading up to 9/11/12 showed Stevens warned of the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, how approx. 1,000 militants held a rally in the town square, how Al Qaeda flags were now flying on more and more Benghazi government buildings, h0w a new (ANOTHER) Al Qaeda training camp had just opened up.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department told how EVERY other nation's reps had been pulled out, leaving ONLY the US / HIM there, how the Red Cross - who travels to war areas - even pulled out, how he needed basic security equipment that the State Department refused to give him, and how he was forced to beg/borrow/steal basic security equipment - like road barricades - from departing foreign government reps / Embassies being closed.

Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit (hired to protect Stevens) weeks before the THIRD attack, that there had been 2 terrorist attacks on his compound just prior to the final attack - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.

Within an hour of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound in Benghazi both the CIA and Embassy in Tripoli knew the attack was a terrorist attack. The Rep in Tripoli testified he immediately called the State Department to notify them that the Benghazi Compound was under TERRORIST attack and called the CIA compound to request support in defending Ambassador Stevens. CIA reps testified that the 3 ex-navy SEALS immediately began to suit up and prep to go but their station chief there in Benghazi told them to 'stand down' due to his concern about the situation - they did not know what they were facing and ordered the 3 to wait for some help. They did no and responded to the attack.

While 2 of the 3 fought to protect the compound from on the ground one climbed to the top of the compound building's roof. From there he engaged the enemy and lazed targets for incoming aircraft to take out enemy mortars (not your average protestor's weapon of choice). Anyone who knows about military ops and about what was going on there knows you only laze targets when you expect / know help is coming and that help is capable of striking targets being lazed. The AC-130 gunship was never sent, and the drone overhead had no weapons. (Decision NOT to sent the AC-130 gun-ship was a POLITICAL Decision made by NON-Military personnel. For all their 'no man left behind bullshi'ite' the Obama administration did not allow the AC-130 to go. Military commanders know you have no idea how long a fire-fight, especially one like this with CIA there on the ground, is going to go so YOU SEND what you have...if for no other reason than to secure the bodies of 3 Ex-SEALS and the murdered Ambassador of the United States! The fie-fight in Benghazi lasted over 8 HOURS - the 3 Ex-Navy SEALS fought for 8 HOURS waiting for help to come, believing help was coming...but they were abandoned!

The State Department Rep in Tripoli called and warned the State Department NOT to claim the attack had been a protest over a video because it was NOT, the evidence did NOT support that lie, and it would never hold up under scrutiny (recently released e-mail). The CIA said video footage of the compound NEVER, EVER showed any evidence of a 'protest'. The CIA's report, filed within an hour of the attack starting, was sent directly to the WH WAR Room (where according to 'Doogie, he was the only one there, that Obama had presumably gone to bed, and the death of a US Ambassador - the 1st in over 30 years - was not enough to go find him / wake him up) and to the state Department. The State Department and WH then MODIFIED the CIA report - 13 times, removing every reference to 'terrorism' - before it was officially released.

Hillary called her daughter and told her terrorists had killed the Ambassador and 3 Americans. She then told the Turkish PM that 'we KNOW this was a terrorist attack, that the film had NOTHING to do with this. She then told the American people / the world this was the result of a protest over a video.

The next morning the Obama administration was in FULL 'CYA' mode, going on numerous Sunday Morning Talk shows to spread the lie that it was a protest.

- State Department incompetence has been proven.
- State Department negligence has been proven.
- State Department poor judgment and poor decision-making has been proven.
- State Department modification of reports in an attempt to cover up the truth has been proven.
- Lying to the American people, to grieving family members, and to Congress has been prove.
- The NEEDLESS death of 4 Americans has been proven.

NOT having US Embassies throughout the Middle East prepared for such attacks with so much advance notice is a complete FAILURE by Hillary Clinton and the State Department.

Under the described circumstances, taking away 16 members of Stevens security detail while he begged for more security - denying him those repeated requests directly resulted in his death and the death of 3 others and is a FAILURE of criminal proportions.

Under those circumstances, refusal to pull him out is a massive FAILURE.

This is probably the BIGGEST demonstration of incompetence, mis-management, poor decision-making, and (criminal) neglect resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans ever seen...and certainly NEVER seen to this level by any other administration!
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

The State Department knew in advance that a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens had been called for by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi in a drone strike several months earlier.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department leading up to 9/11/12 showed Stevens warned of the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, how approx. 1,000 militants held a rally in the town square, how Al Qaeda flags were now flying on more and more Benghazi government buildings, h0w a new (ANOTHER) Al Qaeda training camp had just opened up.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department told how EVERY other nation's reps had been pulled out, leaving ONLY the US / HIM there, how the Red Cross - who travels to war areas - even pulled out, how he needed basic security equipment that the State Department refused to give him, and how he was forced to beg/borrow/steal basic security equipment - like road barricades - from departing foreign government reps / Embassies being closed.

Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit (hired to protect Stevens) weeks before the THIRD attack, that there had been 2 terrorist attacks on his compound just prior to the final attack - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.

Within an hour of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound in Benghazi both the CIA and Embassy in Tripoli knew the attack was a terrorist attack. The Rep in Tripoli testified he immediately called the State Department to notify them that the Benghazi Compound was under TERRORIST attack and called the CIA compound to request support in defending Ambassador Stevens. CIA reps testified that the 3 ex-navy SEALS immediately began to suit up and prep to go but their station chief there in Benghazi told them to 'stand down' due to his concern about the situation - they did not know what they were facing and ordered the 3 to wait for some help. They did no and responded to the attack.

While 2 of the 3 fought to protect the compound from on the ground one climbed to the top of the compound building's roof. From there he engaged the enemy and lazed targets for incoming aircraft to take out enemy mortars (not your average protestor's weapon of choice). Anyone who knows about military ops and about what was going on there knows you only laze targets when you expect / know help is coming and that help is capable of striking targets being lazed. The AC-130 gunship was never sent, and the drone overhead had no weapons. (Decision NOT to sent the AC-130 gun-ship was a POLITICAL Decision made by NON-Military personnel. For all their 'no man left behind bullshi'ite' the Obama administration did not allow the AC-130 to go. Military commanders know you have no idea how long a fire-fight, especially one like this with CIA there on the ground, is going to go so YOU SEND what you have...if for no other reason than to secure the bodies of 3 Ex-SEALS and the murdered Ambassador of the United States! The fie-fight in Benghazi lasted over 8 HOURS - the 3 Ex-Navy SEALS fought for 8 HOURS waiting for help to come, believing help was coming...but they were abandoned!

The State Department Rep in Tripoli called and warned the State Department NOT to claim the attack had been a protest over a video because it was NOT, the evidence did NOT support that lie, and it would never hold up under scrutiny (recently released e-mail). The CIA said video footage of the compound NEVER, EVER showed any evidence of a 'protest'. The CIA's report, filed within an hour of the attack starting, was sent directly to the WH WAR Room (where according to 'Doogie, he was the only one there, that Obama had presumably gone to bed, and the death of a US Ambassador - the 1st in over 30 years - was not enough to go find him / wake him up) and to the state Department. The State Department and WH then MODIFIED the CIA report - 13 times, removing every reference to 'terrorism' - before it was officially released.

Hillary called her daughter and told her terrorists had killed the Ambassador and 3 Americans. She then told the Turkish PM that 'we KNOW this was a terrorist attack, that the film had NOTHING to do with this. She then told the American people / the world this was the result of a protest over a video.

The next morning the Obama administration was in FULL 'CYA' mode, going on numerous Sunday Morning Talk shows to spread the lie that it was a protest.

- State Department incompetence has been proven.
- State Department negligence has been proven.
- State Department poor judgment and poor decision-making has been proven.
- State Department modification of reports in an attempt to cover up the truth has been proven.
- Lying to the American people, to grieving family members, and to Congress has been prove.
- The NEEDLESS death of 4 Americans has been proven.

NOT having US Embassies throughout the Middle East prepared for such attacks with so much advance notice is a complete FAILURE by Hillary Clinton and the State Department.

Under the described circumstances, taking away 16 members of Stevens security detail while he begged for more security - denying him those repeated requests directly resulted in his death and the death of 3 others and is a FAILURE of criminal proportions.

Under those circumstances, refusal to pull him out is a massive FAILURE.

This is probably the BIGGEST demonstration of incompetence, mis-management, poor decision-making, and (criminal) neglect resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans ever seen...and certainly NEVER seen to this level by any other administration!
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

The State Department knew in advance that a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens had been called for by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi in a drone strike several months earlier.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department leading up to 9/11/12 showed Stevens warned of the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, how approx. 1,000 militants held a rally in the town square, how Al Qaeda flags were now flying on more and more Benghazi government buildings, h0w a new (ANOTHER) Al Qaeda training camp had just opened up.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department told how EVERY other nation's reps had been pulled out, leaving ONLY the US / HIM there, how the Red Cross - who travels to war areas - even pulled out, how he needed basic security equipment that the State Department refused to give him, and how he was forced to beg/borrow/steal basic security equipment - like road barricades - from departing foreign government reps / Embassies being closed.

Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit (hired to protect Stevens) weeks before the THIRD attack, that there had been 2 terrorist attacks on his compound just prior to the final attack - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.

Within an hour of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound in Benghazi both the CIA and Embassy in Tripoli knew the attack was a terrorist attack. The Rep in Tripoli testified he immediately called the State Department to notify them that the Benghazi Compound was under TERRORIST attack and called the CIA compound to request support in defending Ambassador Stevens. CIA reps testified that the 3 ex-navy SEALS immediately began to suit up and prep to go but their station chief there in Benghazi told them to 'stand down' due to his concern about the situation - they did not know what they were facing and ordered the 3 to wait for some help. They did no and responded to the attack.

While 2 of the 3 fought to protect the compound from on the ground one climbed to the top of the compound building's roof. From there he engaged the enemy and lazed targets for incoming aircraft to take out enemy mortars (not your average protestor's weapon of choice). Anyone who knows about military ops and about what was going on there knows you only laze targets when you expect / know help is coming and that help is capable of striking targets being lazed. The AC-130 gunship was never sent, and the drone overhead had no weapons. (Decision NOT to sent the AC-130 gun-ship was a POLITICAL Decision made by NON-Military personnel. For all their 'no man left behind bullshi'ite' the Obama administration did not allow the AC-130 to go. Military commanders know you have no idea how long a fire-fight, especially one like this with CIA there on the ground, is going to go so YOU SEND what you have...if for no other reason than to secure the bodies of 3 Ex-SEALS and the murdered Ambassador of the United States! The fie-fight in Benghazi lasted over 8 HOURS - the 3 Ex-Navy SEALS fought for 8 HOURS waiting for help to come, believing help was coming...but they were abandoned!

The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

The State Department knew in advance that a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens had been called for by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi in a drone strike several months earlier.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department leading up to 9/11/12 showed Stevens warned of the growing Al Qaeda presence in Benghazi, how approx. 1,000 militants held a rally in the town square, how Al Qaeda flags were now flying on more and more Benghazi government buildings, h0w a new (ANOTHER) Al Qaeda training camp had just opened up.

Ambassador Stevens e-mails to the State Department told how EVERY other nation's reps had been pulled out, leaving ONLY the US / HIM there, how the Red Cross - who travels to war areas - even pulled out, how he needed basic security equipment that the State Department refused to give him, and how he was forced to beg/borrow/steal basic security equipment - like road barricades - from departing foreign government reps / Embassies being closed.

Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit (hired to protect Stevens) weeks before the THIRD attack, that there had been 2 terrorist attacks on his compound just prior to the final attack - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in his compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.

Within an hour of the attack on Ambassador Stevens' compound in Benghazi both the CIA and Embassy in Tripoli knew the attack was a terrorist attack. The Rep in Tripoli testified he immediately called the State Department to notify them that the Benghazi Compound was under TERRORIST attack and called the CIA compound to request support in defending Ambassador Stevens. CIA reps testified that the 3 ex-navy SEALS immediately began to suit up and prep to go but their station chief there in Benghazi told them to 'stand down' due to his concern about the situation - they did not know what they were facing and ordered the 3 to wait for some help. They did no and responded to the attack.

While 2 of the 3 fought to protect the compound from on the ground one climbed to the top of the compound building's roof. From there he engaged the enemy and lazed targets for incoming aircraft to take out enemy mortars (not your average protestor's weapon of choice). Anyone who knows about military ops and about what was going on there knows you only laze targets when you expect / know help is coming and that help is capable of striking targets being lazed. The AC-130 gunship was never sent, and the drone overhead had no weapons. (Decision NOT to sent the AC-130 gun-ship was a POLITICAL Decision made by NON-Military personnel. For all their 'no man left behind bullshi'ite' the Obama administration did not allow the AC-130 to go. Military commanders know you have no idea how long a fire-fight, especially one like this with CIA there on the ground, is going to go so YOU SEND what you have...if for no other reason than to secure the bodies of 3 Ex-SEALS and the murdered Ambassador of the United States! The fie-fight in Benghazi lasted over 8 HOURS - the 3 Ex-Navy SEALS fought for 8 HOURS waiting for help to come, believing help was coming...but they were abandoned!
compound wall, and how members of his Libyan security team had been taking photos of the kerosene tanks (where the fire started during the final attack) and other compound defenses.

Ambassador Stevens asked for, requested, and even PLEADED for additional security in his e-mails, warning if he did not have more security and there was a 3rd, more coordinated attack - as he suspected there would be - he and others WOULD DIE.

The State Department, despite all of this, did not only DENY Stevens' request for additional security, the State Department TOOK AWAY 16 members of Stevens' US Security Team in the weeks prior to the attack on 9/11/12. According to Hillary, the Secretary of State, she knew very little to any of this, that her mid-level managers were handling this, and at no point did any of them think any of this was important enough to bring to Hillary's attention. At no point, despite any of this, did Hillary / the State Department think of pulling Stevens out as the rest of the foreign nations who were represented in Benghazi had already done.

On the night prior to the Benghazi attack, according to the commander of the Marines protecting the Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, the Marines charged with protecting the Cairo Embassy were ordered NOT to carry live ammunition the next day - the anniversary of 9/11/12. The nest day the Cairo Embassy would be overrun by terrorists in one of 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks throughout the Middle East. For Benghazi, armed drone flights had been scheduled daily for that area; however, on 9/11/12 the drone flight was ordered to be an un-armed flight.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
The CIA still thinks the video triggered the (semi)planned attack, like all the others in the ME, dupe.

I have the transcripts from Leon Pannetta. Stop this bullshit.

Look Ham, Dempsey, Pannetta all swore under oath that it was a terrorist attack.

More as well.

Can't we stop the lie now?

"There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack," Panetta replied.

Was he pressed for the proof that it was, or was that just a gut feeling?
The CIA and State Department both admitted that they KNEW there had been a call for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks on US Embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/12.

"Unfortunately, there was no specific intelligence or indications of an imminent attack on that -- U.S. facilities in Benghazi," Panetta said. "And frankly without an adequate warning, there was not enough time given the speed of the attack for armed military assets to respond."

He also noted that the National Counterterrorism Center had identified some 281 threats to U.S. diplomats, diplomatic facilities, embassies, ambassadors and consulates during the six months before the attack in Benghazi.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack - CNN.com
russia killed A MILLION AFGHANIS, i'd say reagan was right when he called them freedom fighters. they WERE fereedom fighters then

they became terrorists when they flew planes into buildings


watching your dummies chase your tails is amusing!!

They were terrorists long before they hatched that plan. Less than a month before the 2000 election they attacked the USS Cole killing 17 sailors and nearly sinking the ship.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
The CIA still thinks the video triggered the (semi)planned attack, like all the others in the ME, dupe.

I have the transcripts from Leon Pannetta. Stop this bullshit.

Look Ham, Dempsey, Pannetta all swore under oath that it was a terrorist attack.

More as well.

Can't we stop the lie now?

"There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack," Panetta replied.

Was he pressed for the proof that it was, or was that just a gut feeling?

ur right nutjob; Democrats WERE talking out of both sides of their mouths in this Administration regarding Benghazi
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
The CIA still thinks the video triggered the (semi)planned attack, like all the others in the ME, dupe.

I have the transcripts from Leon Pannetta. Stop this bullshit.

Look Ham, Dempsey, Pannetta all swore under oath that it was a terrorist attack.

More as well.

Can't we stop the lie now?

"There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack," Panetta replied.

Was he pressed for the proof that it was, or was that just a gut feeling?

ur right nutjob; Democrats WERE talking out of both sides of their mouths in this Administration regarding Benghazi

How do you know it was not a terrorist attack inspired by the other riots caused by the reaction to the video at that time?

At least they didn't use 9-11 as a political attack on President Bush like the Republican leader did.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates, they would have found SOMETHING to pretend to be angry about.

"Upon being informed of the sixth attack on one of our embassies, Bush ordered a bag of pretzels from the kitchen."

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