Bush didnt lie to a nation about his embassy attacks; DUH

Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Bush put a case of whoop ass on the Democratic party not once, but twice, it still irks them. ^^
He put a case of whoop ass on the NATION dummy! We're still recovering.

I got wealthy under Bush, and became even more wealthy under Obama. Sucks that you are still recovering.
Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Bush put a case of whoop ass on the Democratic party not once, but twice, it still irks them. ^^
He put a case of whoop ass on the NATION dummy! We're still recovering.

yea loon; 13 million MORE on foo stamps going into Obama's EIGHTH YEAR. how long WILL IT TAKE US TO RECOVER FROM OBAMA LEFTARD??
Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Bush put a case of whoop ass on the Democratic party not once, but twice, it still irks them. ^^
He put a case of whoop ass on the NATION dummy! We're still recovering.

I got wealthy under Bush, and became even more wealthy under Obama. Sucks that you are still recovering.
Oh okay internet stranger. I'm typing this from my yacht in the mediterranean.
"Weapons of mass destruction" ring a bell?

How about Jessica Lynch ?

Pat Tillman ??

what about them dimwit?? let e get this straight; you came here to whine in rebuttal to me saying Bush didn't lie about embassy attacks on his watch with MORE bullshit you cant prove????
AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Bush put a case of whoop ass on the Democratic party not once, but twice, it still irks them. ^^
He put a case of whoop ass on the NATION dummy! We're still recovering.

I got wealthy under Bush, and became even more wealthy under Obama. Sucks that you are still recovering.
Oh okay internet stranger. I'm typing this from my yacht in the mediterranean.

poor moron; its a FACT that under Obama the richest got richr and the very poorest got poorer FASTER than was happening under Bush

ddnt you know???
for the life of me I cant figure out what good are the monitors here? why do they let idiots start whole threads on false narratives?
the difference between attacks on embassies when bush was president and Benghazi is that Obama SENT OUT HIS PEOPLE TO LIE TO THE WHOLE NATION WHILE BUSH DIDNT.
big difference, HUGE

Yeah, Bush just never mentioned them. Neither did other Republicans in Congress. Why no investigations?
I'm sure if someone had held 8 congressional hearings for each attack on our embassies and consulates during the Bush Administration, they could have found all kinds of things to pretend to be angry about.

"Where was Bush before, during, and after each and every attack? Why?"

He wasn't blaming it on a you tube video and they had Marine Corps Embassy guards to defend them.
The CIA still thinks the video triggered the (semi)planned attack, like all the others in the ME, dupe.

I have the transcripts from Leon Pannetta. Stop this bullshit.

Look Ham, Dempsey, Pannetta all swore under oath that it was a terrorist attack.

More as well.

Can't we stop the lie now?
i'm sure you get the point leftard.

Sorry, I've never owned a "point leftard." You'll have to explain what that is. Congratulations on acquiring an apostrophe, though you seem to have sacrificed upper case in the exchange.
for the life of me I cant figure out what good are the monitors here? why do they let idiots start whole threads on false narratives?
the difference between attacks on embassies when bush was president and Benghazi is that Obama SENT OUT HIS PEOPLE TO LIE TO THE WHOLE NATION WHILE BUSH DIDNT.
big difference, HUGE

Yeah, Bush just never mentioned them. Neither did other Republicans in Congress. Why no investigations?

what part of nobody lies about those is still escaping you??
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Bush put a case of whoop ass on the Democratic party not once, but twice, it still irks them. ^^
He put a case of whoop ass on the NATION dummy! We're still recovering.

I got wealthy under Bush, and became even more wealthy under Obama. Sucks that you are still recovering.
Oh okay internet stranger. I'm typing this from my yacht in the mediterranean.

poor moron; its a FACT that under Obama the richest got richr and the very poorest got poorer FASTER than was happening under Bush

ddnt you know???
I'd say we weathered the global meltdown pretty well :thup:

Now if he wakes up tomorrow, and decides there's absolutely zero fucking reason to be involved in the middle east, we can go ahead and call his a successful Presidency. Though I worry the warmongering forces in this country are finally getting to him.
Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Actually he's been honored for his artwork. W is pretty good.

You need to get up to speed and read the news a bit more.
Oh okay. Now when will a candidate ask him to stump for them? Maybe by 2030 his name won't be poison anymore.
Lol @ Bush not lying to the whole nation :rofl:

AWWWWW I know nutjob; you morons have your narrative YOU couldn't prove; but it's still the gospel truth you left-wing nutjobs
Have you seen Dubya lately? No? Because he's in exile for shaming the entire nation? :rofl:

Actually he's been honored for his artwork. W is pretty good.

You need to get up to speed and read the news a bit more.

At this point he's "honored" for doing anything that doesn't involve invading other countries that didn't attack us for no other articulated reason than "he tried to kill my dad".

Hell, I gave him props for his drumming and baseball pitching, and that was while he was still ruining the country.
"Bin Ladin dead of diabetes". "Bin Ladin hiding in a cave "

"We'll be welcomed as Heros "

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